
Emilia-Romagna in 10 Snaps: An Instagram Session.

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onsistently in the Top 5 most in demand tourist spots in the world, Italy gets more than 40 million visitors a year. Legacy cities, like Rome, Venice and Florence, get most of the action, leaving some of the best regions seemingly tourist free.

One such place is Emilia-Romagna in Northern Italy. Set between Milan, Cinque Terre, Venice and Florence, Emilia-Romagna jumps with local flavors, customs and pride, doing so many things well that it is hard to comprehend how its nine provinces have been consistently overlooked by travelers for so long.

Emilia-Romagna is anchored firmly by its capital city, Bologna, but each city in this region brings something to the table, often times literally–tortellini, Parmigiano-Reggiano (Parmesan) and the world’s best balsamic vinegar are all staples of this eclectic environment. Let’s just say that after spending a week eating my way through the region, I split my pants 24 hours later while straddling a bench near the Colosseum in Rome.

Related: Under the Porticos of Bologna

I know what you are thinking: Why the heck would I pull a Rick Steves (think: Cinque Terre) and go blabbing all about Emilia-Romagna? Well, because we love you guys and we do what we do to share our discoveries with you. Plus, I’m no Rick Steves, so I’m confident that no matter how much I share our love for Emilia-Romagna logic dictates that the masses, when traveling to Italy, will still always choose the country’s famed cities for their one or two week vacations, ensuring that this little piece of foodie heaven will remain off the proverbial beaten path for years to come.

We spent a week in the region with Emilia-Romagna Tourism as part of its Blog Ville project, using Bologna as our home base. So, we have a lot of great stories and photos to share with you over the coming weeks and months. In an ode, though, to old travel days when postcards and snapshots were how many of us got our first glimpses of foreign lands, we decided to showcase a handful of our favorite iPhone photos from our journey as an introduction to this amazing region.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram Photos of Bologna's canal.

One of several ancient canals that runs through and under the city of Bologna.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram Photos of food following a rafting trip.

Homemade lunch by Sports In Open Spaces who guided us on our white water adventure down the Trebbia River.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of Piccolo and Sublime in Bologna.

Piccolo and Sublime, a local hangout in the university section of Bologna.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium in Parma, Italy.

The sacred halls of the Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium in Parma, Italy.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of a medieval crest.

The medieval colors of Grazzano Visconti, a village in northern Emilia-Romagna.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of Piacenza, Italy.

Piacenza, Italy

Emilia-Romagna Instagram Photos of Black Gold from Acetaia di Giorgio in Modena.

Black Gold from Acetaia di Giorgio in Modena.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of Chef Ivan Polatti making the region's signature dish, tagliatelle al ragu.

Chef Ivan Polatti of Cantina Bentivoglio making Emilia-Romagna’s signature dish, tagliatelle al ragu.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of Tigella.

Selection of breads, including the local favorite, Tigella.

Emilia-Romagna Instagram photos of Bobbio, Italy.

Bobbio, Italy

Do you have a favorite destination that is off the tourist path?


*This is story is part of Blog Ville, a campaign created and managed by iambassador in partnership with the Emilia-Romagna Tourism Board. As always, our thoughts and opinions are entirely our own.

(16) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Kate -

    at 9:03 am

    These are such great shots. I am just starting to try out instagram! I like that you have a mix of exteriors and close ups.

    • Bethany -

      at 6:21 am

      Thank you so much Kate – you will love Instagram! It is so fun! 🙂

  • Travel Musts -

    at 10:37 am

    I was lucky enough to spend 2 years in Bologna and all I can say it’s that is a truly amazing place! The shots you took are really representative of the spirit of the region. Keep up the wonderful work!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:22 am

      Thank you so much! That is such a compliment coming from someone that really knows the region well. It is a fantastic place – we really fell in love with it!

  • Susan -

    at 4:20 pm

    Your photos are excellent, I especially like the parma one! What a job you two have…

    • Bethany -

      at 6:23 am

      Every day we are so thankful about our job! It is a dream. 🙂

      Thank you for your comment and for liking our photos. We have a lot more stories to tell about this region. 🙂

  • Great photos! I think I might park myself right in that cheese hall and go to town 😉

    • Bethany -

      at 6:24 am

      HAHAAHA – well that was just one row – there was about 20 other rows too! And yes, the cheese was unreal!!! We’ll have a whole post coming out about how it’s made – very interesting! 🙂

  • Vicki -

    at 11:28 pm

    your photos are so evocative, I’m now drooling for some fantastic italian food and drink 🙂

    • Bethany -

      at 6:30 am

      Thank you so much Vicki! Honestly we were completely surprised by this region – this is definitely the GO-TO food region of Italy! Can’t wait to put up more photos from our time there. All the food was unreal!

  • Peter Parkorr -

    at 7:22 am

    I think that parmesan fish-eye one is so good, it’s really effective! And the red/white shot from Grazzano Visconti is satisfying too. I ate the second ‘pane’ on the left from that bowl. Great pics! (And good idea for a post… 😛 )

  • Erin -

    at 6:23 am

    Sigh…got me missing Emilia Romagna already! Some good memories in your photos — couldn’t have asked for better housemates this year! 🙂 I’m ready to hopefully make a return visit to Emilia Romagna in the fall for the food festivals as I just can’t stay away!

  • Melisa -

    at 1:38 am

    This seem’s like it would be a very interesting tour. to be honest, I’d rather take this tour than the old boring walk and talk tours that I’ve seen around Rome.

  • Such amazing shots, I especially love the last one!

  • Jennifer -

    at 3:41 am

    Fantastic photos! I love visiting this region, so good thing it is just a short ride away. Some of my favorite food festivals take place over the summer in the region.

  • Nice shots, especially the one of all the cheese