Getting Out of Auto Photo Ebook Launch Party! Available For Purchase – Yay!.

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It’s Monday, August 1st, which means that Getting Out of Auto is officially for sale! Yay!

Photography can change the world and photographers create that change. Why not learn the ins & outs of taking great photos today?

If you’ve always wanted to take better photos but were unsure of where to begin this book is a perfect fit for you. If you are already taking great photos but you want to up the ante and make them stand out among the crowd that this book is a perfect fit for you as well. I wrote this book with the intention of getting new photographers up and running quickly and with the intention of inspiring advanced photographers with creative techniques and simple fixes that will help make photos more unique. I strongly believe that better photography is something that should be accessible to anyone & everyone. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on gear to learn the ins & outs of great photos. There are so many tips & tricks in this ebook I guarantee, that regardless of your camera type or your level of photographic knowledge, you will learn a lot from it and continue using it for years to come. Getting Out of Auto is a photography ebook that covers the basics of photography along with a lot of creative extras, step by step instructions, composition tutorials, historical photography facts and inspirational quotes from world famous photographers. I promised last week that I would elaborate on what is included in the book. Below is a screenshot of the chapter page, but I’m also going to talk about each section in more depth so that you have a better idea of what you’re purchasing. Section 1 is dedicated to exposure. It’s 13 pages of double column text that talks in detail about Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO. I included example photos for each topic, and I also included examples that show how the three cornerstones of exposure work together to create the perfect photo. The following screenshots are examples of two of the pages in section 1. Section 2 talks about the next step in creating your photo – composition. I know this is an area that is tough for many people starting out, so this 20 page section explains the Rule of Thirds and how to use it. It also describes in detail what goes into creating a good composition beyond the Rule of Thirds. Photos are shown for each of the examples to help illustrate the points. One thing we elaborate on in this section is that it is the photographer’s job to guide the viewers eye through the photo. We discuss how to use composition to accomplish this and how paying attention to small details is what gives your photos impact and sets them apart from the crowd. This section is a big one – not only does it talk heavily about composition, but it also delves deep into creative ways to make your photos sing. Some of the additional topics include:

  • Depth of Field (Includes a simple explanation of what depth of field is, how and why you would use a large depth of  field & a small depth of field, how to create different effects with different depths of field, and what types of photos look best with a small or large depth of field.)

  • Using Blur (Includes several different ways to create and use different types of blur to achieve unique images.)

  • Putting It All Together – This is an in-depth example on using Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO together to create images that incorporate depth of field, blur and stopping motion. It elaborates on why you would use one over the other and how you would compensate with one to create the look you want.

  • The Power of the Self Timer – This covers four unique ways to use your self timer to help you shoot more complex photos – including night photography & street photos.

Below are two screenshots from section 2: Section 3 is all about light – finding light, seeing light, feeling light and creating light. This section is 14 pages long and talks about the basics of white balance and metering, but it also goes into detail regarding shooting in different types of light. It includes how to’s on shooting into the sun and capturing great sun flare, shooting silhouettes, and on using fill flash. It also includes tips for shooting on grey, overcast and rainy days. Instead of putting your gear away and calling it a day, I discuss several ways to make the most of bad weather and get shots that no one else will. This chapter also discusses becoming a light hunter and how you can use ordinary objects to create the light you need for your image. Section 4 will undoubtedly be popular – this section is all about tricks, cheats and tips! Here we talk about avoiding camera shake (without the use of a tripod) and the difference between shooting RAW files or JPEG files. This section also gives step by step instructions on how to shoot great photos of food – complete with examples for each step that shows how two dull looking Smore’s can become a stand out food shot. All the photos take place on a back porch, without the use of any special equipment – the type of situation you might run into on your travels. This 15 page section also gives step by step instructions for creating your own HDR photos from start to finish. To top it off, I’ve included composition extras – real life examples on how to find great composition in even the most mundane objects. Additionally, I talk about the power of cropping and how you can crop your photos during the editing process to make a strong composition. Also included in this section are some heavy hitter tools – an exposure cheat sheet you can print and take with you in the field and two cut out composition tools that will put you ahead of the curve. Two screenshots from this section are below:

If you learned anything at all in the few pages above, imagine what you might get out of the entire book!

This book is written with the beginner to advanced beginner DSLR user in mind. However, if you own a point and shoot that allows you to manually change the settings for aperture, shutter speed and ISO, then you will also get a lot out of this book. I also included program mode pointers that show how to use the program modes on your camera to achieve similar results in case you can’t manually change the exposure (by program modes I mean the sports mode, night modes, macro, etc.). Also, a large part of this book deals with composition and light–topics that users of any camera type can use to improve their photos.

What Are Other People Saying?

So far the ebook is opening to great reviews! Below is what some people have to say about the book.

Beth has created what might be the best introduction to photography guide I’ve read: Getting Out of Auto. If you have a camera, especially an SLR, and you are shooting in automatic mode (aka “P” for programmed), then this is the book for you.

It is a better reference than anything I’ve found browsing at Barnes & Noble and at $9.99 it is also cheaper than any other introductory book you can find. I keep a copy of the ebook on my iPad just so I can show others.

– Gary Arndt of

“This is the book I wish I had read when I first got serious about photography.”

– Wes Nations of

My favorite section would be two where Bethany gives the low-down on all the composition and artistic techniques she uses to make some of those unforgettable images pasted on her blog. With this ebook, you can actually be armed with the knowledge of how someone would take a normal shot and turn it into art.

– Brooke Schoenman of

“I just got a copy of your ebook and I must thank you for putting this together. It is just what a ‘constantly in auto mode’ person like me needs to get a handle on creative photography and making the most of my camera.”

– Mark Granelli – A Beers & Beans reader who recently purchased the book.

“I loved your ebook. It was amazeballs, super informative, and very well put together.”

– Matt Kepnes of

Get yourself a copy of Getting Out Of Auto today!

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If you’re interested in purchasing this book I have great news! It is reasonably priced at only $10!

That’s right – in a matter of just a few seconds and for the cost of a movie ticket, you could be on your way to learning a great deal about photography while getting access to a plethora of professional tips that you can use to improve your photos today and for the rest of your life.

This book was published in collaboration with Christine & Drew from, just click on the image below or the ADD TO CART button and it will bring you straight to the order form on their website!

With one simple PayPal payment the book is yours through instant download!

Buy this ebook now by clicking on the image below:

A Personal Note:

I love photography. It’s the one thing in life I feel the most passionate about. I want to help you enjoy your camera. I want you to go out, capture great moments in life and be thrilled with your results – and I want you to have fun while doing it. Writing this book has been a labor of love for me. I specifically wanted to make sure it was easy to read yet thorough and detailed. I spent several months writing it, my sister spent quite a while designing it, Randy edited it, my brother in law illustrated part of it, Christine & Drew from Almost Fearless have done a ton on their end getting it up and ready to roll for publication. Several people are in the process of reviewing it as we speak. This book has truly taken on a life of it’s own and I’m very excited about it. I guarantee it’s not only going improve your photography skills but it’s also going to inspire you & get your creative juices flowing.

Who Am I? Why Am I Qualified to Write A Photography Ebook?

My name is Bethany Salvon and I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Photography. I got my start in the darkrooms of UMass Dartmouth and I have been working in the field for 10+ years. I have worked in various photography positions including Commercial Photography, News Photography, Fine Art Photography, Documentary Photography, Wedding Photography & Travel Photography. I’ve shot everything from famous musicians to gang injunctions, corporate functions, hotels, spas, product promos, national events, studio shots, food, travel images & weddings. I’ve spoken on photography webinars and I’ve taught many people how to improve their photography. I am also the travel photographer for San Diego Uptown News – a southern California newspaper.

I’m currently traveling the world and doing my best to photograph the moments that take my breath away. Besides being the founder & photographer of Beers & Beans I have been shooting weddings for over 11 years and I also own and operate Nariko’s Nest, my wedding photography business.

*If you’ve read the book and you want to share a few words of your own, just email me and I will include it with a link back to your site.

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(7) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Brooke vs. the World -

    at 5:47 am

    Beth, I really loved having a read through your ebook! It’s tops!

  • Lash -

    at 6:56 am

    Congratulations Beth! It sounds absolutely fantastic! Yoiu’ve also done a thorough and excellent write up on the book here. Very well done. I hope you sell a milloion.. or millionS. Best regards, Lash

  • Petina/ pocketvillage -

    at 9:39 pm

    Ooh, what a cool idea! I am a total newbie to photography and this e-book sounds exactly what I need. Love the sneak peek!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:56 am

      Hi Petina!
      So nice that you commented!:) I know I’m a bit biased but the book is pretty awesome! – Beth

      @Petina/ pocketvillage,

  • […] Beers & Beans’ eBook Getting Out of Auto – tips on taking better travel photos [it looks […]

  • Mikeachim -

    at 2:43 am

    Bought it, read it, loved it…now using it.

    As someone newly SLR’d without much of a clue about what he’s doing, this is the introduction I’ve needed. It’s smart, gorgeous and just gets on with it where I’ve found larger books plod and meander and allow themselves to get distracted. You’ve been really specific about what you want readers to take away, and you’ve done a great job of communicating it. You’ll have a lot of happy readers. 🙂

    Nice one.

    • Bethany -

      at 12:15 pm

      Hi Mike,

      Thank you so much!! I’m so glad that you not only like the book but are using it and find it helpful. I tried really hard to make it easy, fun and inspiring so people would want to get out and shoot while learning. I’m so happy it’s helping you! Can’t wait to see some of your shots. 🙂 @Mikeachim,