Find Your Australia on Pinterest Tonight @ Pin-Up Live! – 7pm.

Chat with Tourism Australia and award-winning blogger Michaela Guzy to discover the beauty and wonders of Australia, and earn a chance to win an incredible Australia gift set.
Australia. Have you ever been? Well, then, you’re going to love tonight’s all-new Pin-Up Live! with Tourism Australia. The theme for this week’s chat is Find Your Australia. Professional travel blogger Michaela Guzy of Oh The People You Meet, will also be joining us to share her tips and insights about traveling in Australia. Both Michaela and Tourism Australia will be on hand to answer any questions you guys have about the island continent. Following the chat, one lucky participant will take home an awesome Australia Gift Set.
So, please join us and AFAR tonight (Wednesday (3/09) at 7 p.m. EST) on the Pin-Up Live! board to have a real time chat about about your next Australian adventure! You can expect a lot of Pinspiration, tips and stories flying around on Wednesday night, and we would love to hear your stories too!
Fun Facts About Australia
- The Great Barrier Reef is the only living organic collective visible from Earth’s orbit.
- Australia’s oldest brewery, Cascade Brewery, is in Hobart. There are boutique and microbreweries all around Australia so look for local labels wherever you go.
- Approximately one million camels roam Australia’s deserts representing the largest herd of wild camels on earth.
- Nearly half of Australia’s total wine production comes from South Australia.
- With an area of 184,000 hectares, Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world.
How Do I Join In?
It’s simple to participate in the chat, just head on over to our Pinterest board, Pin-Up Live!, which is dedicated to the event. We will be pinning inspirational travel pins to the board, each one containing a question related to preparing for your next adventure. All you have to do is join in on the conversation!
We will pin a question pin every few minutes and if you read or see something you like, we’d love to hear from you in the comment section of the pin. This is a way for all of us to share our travel stories in a visual way. During the chat we’ll be checking out your boards and repinning some of your items to the board as well.
The theme for this week’s chat is going to be Find Your Australia! Feel free to chat away–we want to hear your travel questions, tips and travel tales! Important: Pinterest does not use hashtags (#) in a real time way so in order to follow the conversation, you’ll have to be on the Pin-Up Live! board at the dedicated time (Wed 03/09/16 at 7 p.m. EST) to participate. You will also need to refresh that page every couple of minutes to see the updates and new pins. Remember to refresh!
How can I win the Australia Gift Set?
All you have to do is comment on a pin during the chat. That is how we know that you were there and participated in the chat. Within 24 hours after Pin-Up Live! ends, we’ll announce the winners–so just by joining in the fun you’ll automatically have a chance to win this awesome gift pack.
Why Pinterest?
Ever since joining Pinterest in 2012, we’ve been hooked. And a lot of it has to do with the inspired ideas and photos we encounter on a daily basis.There’s a lot of incredible people on Pinterest, but no real good way to have a conversation–until now.
As avid travelers, we love sharing our travel tales and we believe the best tips and advice comes from your connections–family, friends and social networks. Pin-Up Live! brings the conversation to Pinterest, making it easy for people to connect and share stories, tips and beautiful images, while developing a comprehensive travel resource board that will continue to grow more robust as new topics are discussed.
Pin-Up Live! is the original real time chat held on Pinterest and we plan to keep bringing you unique travel themes to stoke your inspiration and wanderlust, so please let us know if you have anything in mind you’d love to chat about. Remember, joining in the conversation is easy, just come to our Pin-Up Live! Board on Wednesday (03/09/16) at 7 p.m. (EST). And remember, if you’d like to be entered in this week’s drawing, all you have to do is comment on one of the question pins during the session.
We can’t wait to chat live with you this Wed!
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first. Thanks!
**Image credit: Kangaroo Traffic Sign via Shutterstock
(1) awesome folk have had something to say...
Izy berry -
at 10:00 pm
Alot of people told me that Australia is the most dangerous country in the world