9 Reasons Why You Should Enter To Win A Free Cruise For Every Year of Your Life.

We’re having quite a week here in New England! A massive storm graced us with more than two feet of snow; the Patriots are in the Super Bowl; and Beth and I are in Provincetown for a couple of days in a self imposed writers retreat. With so much going on this week, we wanted to make sure to remind you guys about the incredible contests Carnival is currently running, because the prizes are terrific and it would make our year if one of you won.
The Prizes:
- A Free Cruise Every Year For The Rest Of Your Life
- 100 Days of Free Cruising
- An Ocean View Cabin On a 3, 4, 7 or 10 Day Cruise
Pretty sweet, right?! What’s even better is that each is super easy to join. Trust me when I say it’s easier, and cheaper, than playing the lottery.
1. The first contest is called Take the Marketing Challenge
Carnival wants you to vote on which TV commercial you like best. There are four commercials to choose from and the winning commercial will dictate the direction they take their marketing in next year. Our favorite is the tongue in cheek Cruise Virgin commercial.
Prize: A free cruise for every year of your life! View and vote on the commercials, and you’ll be automatically entered to win. Vote here: http://www.carnivalmarketingchallenge.com This contest ends on February 1, 2015 and the winner will be selected on February 5.
2. Carnival’s second contest is called Tweet Why You Love Cruising
This one couldn’t be easier. Simply tweet why you love cruising and be sure to include @CarnivalPLC and the hashtag: #LoveCruising in your tweet. Our tweet would read something like: “I #LoveCruising for the fresh daily salad bar on board and the can’t miss hairy chest contest! @CarnivalPLC”
Prize: There will be several free cruises given away, plus one lucky participant will be selected at random to receive 100 days of free cruising to be used at their discretion. Go limber up your thumbs and get ready for some tweeting! This contest ends on February 2, 2015.
3. The third contest is called Discover Your CRUISE-A-NALITY
The cool thing about this one is that not only can you win an awesome prize, but you’ll also find out what type of cruise would best suit your personality. It’s a fun interactive cruising game rather than just a contest, which is a win, win in my book. To play, visit WorldsLeadingCruiseLines.com to take the Cruise-A-Nality quiz and enter the sweepstake at the end of the quiz. Beth got the Cruise-A-Nality called Free Spirit when she took the quiz, which was definitely accurate!
Prize: An ocean view cabin on a 3, 4, 7 or 10 day cruise. This contest ends on February 28, 2015.
Just in case you’re on the fence about joining any of these, we thought we’d give you our 9 reasons why you should. Since, we love imagery here at Beers and Beans, we picked 9 of our favorite photos from our recent Caribbean cruise to help make our case.
What’s your favorite photo(s)? Let us know in the comments below!
Want more cruising stories, check out our recent posts:
The Great Caribbean Cocktail Trail Challenge
5 Awesome Tips to Help You Travel Better
5 Easy Ways to Stay Fit on a Cruise
What 7 Days on a Caribbean Cruise Looks Like
Win a Free Cruise for Every Year of Your Life
Disclosure: This story was created as part of our collaboration with Carnival Carnival. As always, all of the opinions, thoughts, and ideas in this post are our own.
(8) awesome folk have had something to say...
Chanel | Cultural Xplorer -
at 9:30 pm
I have not been on a cruise yet, but I am looking to do one either this year or next for the first time!
Hans -
at 7:04 pm
I love them all … cruising is definitely a great escape from this hellish winter!
Mike Winner -
at 10:04 am
Drat! Got to this competition too late to enter. Oh how we dream of an extended cruise holiday.
Alex Travel -
at 5:41 am
I have never even been on a cruise but will for sure enter the contest, why the hell not right!
Chad -
at 1:53 pm
I hope you are seeing some of that snow start to melt. The Midwest didn’t get it nearly as bad as you guys in New England. Stay safe! I think I missed most of these contests but I think I still could use a vacation from this awful Winter!
Beauty Follower -
at 7:18 am
My fave… The one with the red pedi toes in the blue sea lol!
Justin @ True Nomads -
at 11:22 am
I’m starting to wonder why I’ve never been on a cruise.
Michael -
at 1:00 pm
Would love some consistent weather here in the UK, instead its just cold and miserable (lol)