
Win a free cruise for every year of your life!.

By Posted in - cruise & Featured Post & Travel Giveaway on

Most of you know we partnered up with Carnival Cruise Line in late 2014 and took a really fun cruise through the Western Caribbean. We had an awesome time on our trip and one of our favorite parts was just the feeling of being away from it all. With limited access to wifi and the constant company of the waves you get plenty of time to just be in the moment and relax. Something that is drastically lacking in most of our every day lives.

So when Carnival asked if we wanted to share some of their current contests with our readers and told us what the prizes were we couldn’t wait, because the prizes are awesome and we would love it if you won!

The Prizes:

  • A Free Cruise Every Year For The Rest Of Your Life
  • 100 Days of Free Cruising
  • An Ocean View Cabin On a 3, 4, 7 or 10 Day Cruise


So as you can see – three really amazing prizes! Even better is that entering the contests is also extremely easy.

1. The first contest is called Take the Marketing Challenge

In this contest, Carnival is simply looking for your vote on which TV commercial you like best. There’s four commercials to choose from and the winning commercial will dictate the direction they take their marketing in next year. My personal favorite is the tongue in cheek Cruise Virgin commercial.

Prize: A free cruise for every year of your life!!! View and vote on the commercials and be automatically entered to win here: http://www.carnivalmarketingchallenge.com

Now go and get on that treadmill to burn off the holiday calories, stay healthy and thus get a lot of  free cruises! This contest ends on February 1, 2015 and the winner will be selected on February 5.

2. The second contest is called Tweet Why You Love Cruising

This contest couldn’t be easier. Simply tweet why you love cruising and be sure to include @CarnivalPLC and the hashtag: #LoveCruising in your tweet.

My tweet would read something like: “I #LoveCruising for the fresh daily salad bar on board and the can’t miss hairy chest contest! @CarnivalPLC”

Prize: There will be several free cruises given away and on top of that one lucky participant will be selected at random to receive 100 days of free cruising to be used at their discretion. Go limber up your thumbs and get ready for some tweeting! This contest ends on February 2, 2015.

3. The third contest is a fun one called Discover Your CRUISE-A-NALITY

This is really more of a fun interactive cruising game rather than a contest. Basically what you do is take a fun quiz and find out what type of cruise would best suit your personality.

Visit WorldsLeadingCruiseLines.com to take the Cruise-A-Nality quiz and enter the sweepstake at the end of the quiz. I got the Cruise-A-Nality called Free Spirit when I took my quiz which was pretty accurate!

Prize: An ocean view cabin on a 3, 4, 7 or 10 day cruise. This contest ends on February 28, 2015.

 Good Luck and happy cruising! If you win, please let us know so we can follow along on your journey!

Disclosure: This story was created as part of our collaboration with Carnival. As always, all of the opinions, thoughts, and ideas in this post are our own.

(7) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • De’Jav -

    at 2:54 pm

    Great contest let me win. .

  • Linda Bibb -

    at 3:01 pm

    Love cruising. We had a fabulous time last year cruising the Adriatic with Holland America. That Cruise-A-Nality quiz was fun.

  • Rhonda Albom -

    at 2:06 am

    Fantastic contests and I really do love cruising. Thanks for sharing all of this info. Have a good holiday season.

  • Elaine -

    at 8:17 pm

    Man, wouldn’t that be a dream! Entered, hope I win!

  • robert liput -

    at 2:18 am

    I have never been on a cruise–would love to try one

  • Doris Bradley -

    at 5:46 am

    Thanks for opportunity to enter contest. Love to cruise on Carnival Cruise Line. Facilities are numerous and cruise staff is cordial, courteous, and helpful. Looking forward to cruising with them in the future. Stay safe and choose carefully your activities on ship and off.

  • Linda Fitzpatrick -

    at 11:29 am

    I love cruising! My friends call me a Cruise-a-holic! Boy would I love to win a cruise every year , from now on…