How to Feel Awesome When You Travel.

“We never failed to fail, it was just the easiest thing to do.” I love that line from Crosby, Stills and Nash, in part because it really rings true to me, especially when it comes to exercising.
See, I have always had a hard time establishing a long-term exercise routine. Sure, I’ve had some successful weeks, but those are few and far between. For nearly 20 years, I’ve repeated this cycle, and it drives me nuts. But if I’m being honest with myself I don’t fail at working out because it’s too hard or too tough, I fail, well, because failing is the easiest thing to do.
I turned 36 in February, and while I still feel like I’m 21, a quick look in the mirror reveals I’m not—my gut is rounder and my eyes heavier. I feel like if I don’t take action now, I’m doomed, as it’s only going to get harder the older I become. Plus, I want to feel awesome now! I’m ready to succeed, but there’s one problem, I’m going to be traveling for the next six weeks in support of Must Love Festivals, our latest blogging project. In the past, I’d use the trip as an excuse to indulge, but this time I’m using it as a launching point for a healthier lifestyle.

The Greek Islands are to me what Russia was to Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Several months ago, we featured a terrific story from Beth’s cousin-in-law, Scott Provost, a personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach. Scott laid out some great advice for how not to sabotage your workout routine on vacation. One of my favorite tips his suggestion to work out first before relaxing on travel days:
“After your travel day and everything that goes along with it—the flight, renting a car, getting to the hotel, finding a place to eat—your sympathetic nervous system (think adrenaline and stress hormones) should be running wild. Now is not the time to relax, though. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to relieve your stress. Go workout or run or do whatever it is you do.”
After brushing up on Scott’s tips, I turned to the internet and found a recent story on Yahoo Travel with lots of good advice for feeling awesome on the road. In the piece, Editor Jo Piazza shares seven healthy travel tips from super trainer Emily Cook Harris of EMPowered. Since summer vacations are now in full swing, I thought I’d pass on a few of the tips to you guys.
“Plan ahead. Know what is available to you in terms of exercise and nutrition. Is there a gym in your hotel? Do you need to pack running shoes or sign up in advance for a group class that interests you? What are some healthy restaurants to check out? Are there grocery stores nearby, a farmer’s market, do you need to pack dry snacks in your suitcase? Do your homework so you know what to pack! Preparedness is key.”
We’ve already started doing this. We’ll be packing our running shoes and snorkel gear for this trip, as we plan to spend our month in between festivals in the Greek Islands.
“Make exercise a priority and move everyday. Get creative! Go for a walk, run, hike, or rent bikes, and combine movement with sightseeing. You’ll experience the city in a whole new way. You’ll feel better being active — and actually enjoy your trip more. At the least, get in a quick 30-minute circuit in your hotel gym before or after your day. Find some outdoor space and knock out a bodyweight workout while soaking up the sunshine.”
One thing I love about European cities is all of the walking that takes place. Recently, Beth picked up a FitBit, and I’ll likely get one too before we leave, so we will be able to track our goals easier while we’re traveling. Normally, walking is the extent of my exercise in Europe, but this year I’m going to take my activity to the next level. In Amsterdam, I plan to a rent a bike, in Italy I want to run, in Greece I want to swim, and in Finland, well, I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do yet, but trust me there will be movement!
“Bring a water bottle with you everywhere. This will not only keep you hydrated and energized, but it will reduce the total number of calories you consume overall. We often eat when we are just thirsty, not hungry. Being hydrated prevents this!”
I love this tip because it actually does triple duty. In addition to keeping you hydrated, traveling with a water bottle will not only save you money, but it is also one of the easiest ways to make your travels more green.
I’m excited to make this change in my life. It has been a long time coming, but I know in my heart it is the right thing to do. I just have to take things one day at a time, knowing full well that the first days are the hardest days.
(6) awesome folk have had something to say...
Oliver -
at 11:47 am
The initial quotation is amazing, love it! I have to admit that my “exercise” efforts (no matter if at home or while travelling) are limited to the water bottle routine…
Empty Rucksack -
at 7:54 am
Great tips, we recently made a resolution to walk at least 10 kms during our travels. It took over 17 months of travelling to get this routine set in,.but the last 2 months we have been following it religiously.
Andrea Anastasiou -
at 4:19 am
My partner is gym crazy, so I’m really curious to see how he’ll cope once we hit the road. He’s convinced he’ll be able to replicate what he does in the gym with body weight exercises such as push ups and pull ups.
I’ll let you in on his secrets once he reveals them to me
Jenn at SoulMeetsBodyFitness -
at 4:30 pm
Great post! Being prepared ahead of time makes such a huge difference when trying to travel fit. I’m on the road right now and not succeeding all of the time, but even getting my workout in when I make poor meal decisions makes a huge difference! How’s it going for you Randy?
Jenn at SoulMeetsBodyFitness -
at 4:31 pm
Great post! Being prepared ahead of time makes such a huge difference when trying to travel fit. I’m on the road right now and not succeeding all of the time, but even getting my workout in when I make poor meal decisions makes a huge difference! How’s it going for you Randy?
Rebekah -
at 6:31 pm
I love running while travelling. You see things a lot differently that way and it makes me feel SO much calmer and relaxed