
Sponsored Video: Welcome to the North Face.

By Posted in - U.S.A. & Unruly on A man sitting in his North Face tent at sunrise.

Ugh…it snowed yesterday! I’m sure some of you already know that, but for those of you who live in the sunshine states–California and Florida–well, I just figured I’d let you know that it’s not quite spring yet, so stop with all of those sunny Facebook updates already (I’m looking at you mom!).

Honestly, I’ve always hated this interim period on the East Coast, when the weather just can’t seem to make up its mind, and we get jostled weekly (sometimes daily) between the high and lows of the spring season. Even our dogs get confused…for god sakes, doesn’t old man winter know that they’ve already started shedding their winter coats.

I think the worst part, though, is the waiting. Instinctively you know warmer days are coming. Everything’s in place–the days are getting longer, buds are sprouting and baseball has started–but, yet, there is nothing you can do about the weather. Nope. You just have to wait. The only good thing about this forced seasonal transition is that it fuels my fire for exploration. This is the time that I do my planning. I scour the library stacks and internet searching for new trails, skateparks and surf breaks, and do my best to stay active. I’m like a boxer waiting for fight night, ready to explode on the world as soon as that warm weather bell rings.

Apparently, The North Face shares my desire for long, warm days. They recently launched a spring campaign around the #LongerDays hashtag, releasing this short adventure teaser below along with the Explorer app. For those who like to track your running, climbing and hiking, and earn achievements and prizes while doing it, then you’re going to want to check out this free app. Additionally, the Explorer app also enables users to take geo located photos, giving you instant proof of your dazzling exploration finds.

So, on that note, I think the only thing left to say is THINK. WARM. SPRING!

Are you ready for warmer days? Let us know in the comments!

*This video was sponsored by The North Face.

(2) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Pauline -

    at 8:51 am

    I am SO READY for spring and warmer weather. I’ll even take the rain, but no more snow, please! GAH. Today seems to be nice in Toronto, so hopefully the trend continues and doesn’t end until much later this year.

    I’m going to check that Explorer App after work tonight and see if I can incorporate it to my runs! Thanks for sharing this, Randy!

  • Erin -

    at 3:06 pm

    Spring is almost here! It’s so exciting, we’re getting a lot of teaser days with cold days in between. But I’m just happy to get as much sunshine on my face as possible.