Sponsored Video: MONACO AND CULTURE – 2013.

The closest I’ve ever come to seeing a live ballet performance was this past spring in Florence, Italy. We were walking back to our apartment through Piazza della Signoria around midnight and found ourselves immersed in a looping 10-minute ballet video performance against the back wall of the Loggia dei Lanzi. The bigger than life dancers coupled with the film’s techno soundtrack mesmerized us. The whole scene was just so cool. Everyone just sat around in the storied square, among the replica David and renaissance statues, which already give the piazza an open air museum feel. We’re so enamored with the film, I think we actually sat there for two full performances.
When I saw this new video from Principality of Monaco, I was immediately taken back to that evening…the night I gained a new found respect for the aesthetics of ballet. This short four minute film takes viewers to São Paulo for a behind the scenes look at a performance of Romeo and Juliet by the highly acclaimed Monte-Carol Ballet company. The video tales the story of renowned prima ballerina Bernice Coppieters as she passes on her knowledge to Yi Sun, a 19-year-old dancing hopeful, whose talent is captured by head choreographer Jean-Christophe Maillot. It’s really a brilliant piece and a performance I’d love to see in person, especially in São Paulo–a city that Beth and I haven’t been to yet.
After you check out the video, be sure to let us know what you think about it!
Are you a fan of seeing films or performances when you travel?
*This video is sponsored by Principality of Monaco
(2) awesome folk have had something to say...
Arianwen -
at 6:20 pm
I’ve only seen ballet once, but it was incredibly impressive. I wouldn’t have thought it was that big in Brazil, but agree Sao Paulo would be a cool place to see it!
Kenin Bassart -
at 5:39 am
I’ve seen ballet live several times while growing up in Miami, but it’s really neat to see the behind the scenes stuff too.