The Sun Deck – Waschau Valley, Austria | Somewhere In Time Travel Photo.

Somewhere In Time is a somewhat weekly photo from around the world. Enjoy!
Welcome to the Wachau Valley in Austria. Beautiful isn’t it?
This photo was taken on the top sun deck on the Sound Of Music river boat as we cruised down the Danube, as part of our tour with Gate 1. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip because the scenery was truly outstanding. One glance will have you humming “The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music” and you would be 100% accurate. Even though we took a day trip to Salzburg (of The Sound Of Music fame) on this trip, the views still did not compare to the couple of hours we spent rolling down this section of the Danube.
Being on the boat while cruising through the Wachau Valley ended up being a really reflective time for me. Something about the peaceful rhythm of being on a slow moving boat coasting on a mostly waveless river surrounded by stunning landscape can do that to a person. It was cold on the top deck (that will happen when you take a cruise in mid-November) but it was so serene and quiet. Even though I knew there was a hot wine beverage waiting for me inside, I just that I couldn’t pull myself from away.
I perched myself upon the long end of the deck, thinking my thoughts, listening to the waves as they gave way below the boat and glistened in the sun. I fell in love with the shadows – they appeared sharp and stoically, then disappeared just as quick when the sun dodged in and out of the clouds.
Other people kept to themselves mostly appreciating the views or each other. There was quite a bit of hand holding and romance rekindling on the sun deck.
Just as I was taking everything in, this couple walked by completely in their own world. They became the rock, the moving rock that anchors this photo yet makes me a bit envious. I am sometimes too tough on the outside, I don’t let moments like this happen to me. I see them all the time, yet I am never in them. I know it’s my own fault too, Randy and I have a fantastic relationship. I’m just a jaded, cynical grain of sand that’s afraid of becoming a moving rock.
This couple did not have that problem, or if they did the Wachau Valley solved them. In any case, I should thank them because I love this image. It’s my favorite from the entire trip and without them it just wouldn’t be the same.
Interested in taking your own Danube River Cruise?
Be sure to check out our other Gate 1 Travel Stories or visit to discover upcoming sailing dates.
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first. Thanks!
**Although Gate 1 hosted us on this trip, our views and opinions are always our own.
(19) awesome folk have had something to say...
Raj Sharma -
at 5:15 am
Hey so beautiful, eye pleasing view. Must be its a very beautiful valley. I wish to see it I have been visiting Valley of Flowers National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, India. It is also very beautiful.
Nice post..
Bethany -
at 9:26 am
Thank you Raj.
Christy -
at 8:14 am
Beautiful photo! I love what you wrote as well. I can be cynical too, which is very hard for me because I used to be the most annoyingly positive person in my twenties. I’m working on it.
Bethany -
at 9:27 am
hahaha – maybe it’s a 30’s thing???
Christy -
at 9:42 am
@Bethany, I was going to say that, but I didn’t want to sound cynical. haha!
Betsy -
at 8:20 am
Amazing pic. What a treat. So much storytelling in this shot– words aren’t even needed!
Bethany -
at 9:27 am
Oh Thank you so much Betsy! – What a beautiful compliment!!
Vicki -
at 10:22 pm
Beautiful shot and great composition, I love that you’ve gone for the black & white shot and still show such fantastic light
Bethany -
at 6:29 am
Thank you so much Vicki! I’m glad you like it. I’m going through a big BW phase right now so they’ll be a lot more coming.
I like it because it just gets down to basics – light, composition and story.
Kathryn -
at 8:53 pm
Very atmospheric with the haze (was it fog or sun haze?), and romantic with that couple walking with arms around each other, and their heads inclined down and toward each other. They were obviously in the moment and you captured that moment! Lovely photo.
Bethany -
at 2:38 pm
I’m glad you like the photo and to answer your questions, it was sun haze.
Mary Russell -
at 5:46 am
I am an artist so I appreciate great photo art. Wow. great stuff.
Bethany -
at 2:39 pm
Thank you so much! Always great to get a compliment from a fellow artist.
Pauline -
at 9:41 am
Beautiful picture! I’ve been waiting for a “Somewhere in Time” post and I finally got it – YAY! Lovely narrative too!
Bethany -
at 2:39 pm
Oh – that is so sweet! I’m glad I could finally deliver for you! My goal is once a week but we’ve been so busy that’s been next to impossible. Hopefully I’ll have a new one out shortly though.
James Shaw -
at 12:42 am
Amazing photo! And to top it all up, a beautiful story. I’m just passing by here but I guess I going to stay for good to watch out for another “somewhere in time” photo. Thanks for sharing it.
Bethany -
at 2:42 pm
Thanks James! So glad you like and are going to stick around for another. I have a huge amount of them already published on here if you get the hankering for others right now. I’m trying to do them weekly but lately we’ve been too busy. Hopefully I’ll have a new one up for you soon. If you want to check out the past Somewhere In Time images here you go:
Kori -
at 5:57 pm
Wow what an amazing picture. Words cannot describe how beautiful it is. This seems like one of those right place at the right time type of pictures. I plan to travel to Austria soon but, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t take a picture like yours. Great Post
Justin @ True Nomads -
at 4:52 am
Austria is so beautiful, year round. But your photography is insanely good as usual.