
Children Around The World – A Photo Essay.

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Editors Note: This is a guest post by fellow travel blogger Susan Shain. Please see her bio below to learn more about her.

Traveling to a new country is a journey into another world. The language is different. The food is different. The music is different. Even the smells are different. But one thing that stays the same? The kids.

I’ve worked with children in the United States, Tanzania, South Korea, and Nicaragua, and spent time with them in many other countries. I’ve come to the highly scientific conclusion that they’re the same everywhere. That’s what makes them so awesome. They laugh and cry at the same things. They’re maniacs at age 5 and too cool for school by age 13. Though one may be playing with a brand new soccer ball, and the other with one made out of old plastic bags, they’re still playing the same game.

The best part about kids, no matter where they’re from or how much money their family has, is their attitude: their energy, curiosity, and positivity. It’s the reason I enjoy working with them — and photographing them. In these photos, I’ve tried to capture some of that magic. I hope it’ll make you smile, or even better, inspire you to instill some child-like zeal and wonder into your own life.



Mongolian girl enjoying some candy   Mongolia



Masaii children in Kenya



Tanzania   Tanzania

Tanzanian girl with attitude   Siblings posing in rural Tanzania






Guatemala   Guatemala




Gang of friendly kids on Malapascua Island, Philippines




Alva making her pet squirrel and iguana share a Nicaraguan kiss

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug





Susan’s Bio:

Susan Shain has been working seasonal adventure jobs and traveling the world since 2008. Her favorite things ever are ice cream and baby anythings. If you’re sick of your 9-5 and are yearning for something different (or just like pretty pictures), check out her blog, Travel Junkette. You can also catch up with her on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.


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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first. Thanks!

(9) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Thanks so much for sharing my photos, Beth & Randy! It’s an honor to be up on your site 🙂

    • Bethany -

      at 7:16 am

      Thank you for sharing your wonderful images with us! 🙂

  • Naomi -

    at 2:08 pm

    Lovely photos from Susan – I love the first one especially! Totally agree with the statement about kids being the same worldwide, I’m volunteering with kids in Medellin atm and they are exactly the same as British kids in the way they behave!

  • OCDemon -

    at 10:06 pm

    What I take away from things like this is the fact that kids are the same all over the world. Hand them a digital camera and they’ll spend 16 hours playing with it. Probably some more profound things too, but meh. They all just wanna play.

  • Jenna -

    at 10:25 pm

    Just lovely. Their smiling faces are so pure. Children are the essence of life in my opinion.

  • Corinne -

    at 10:51 pm

    Gorgeous shots! My two faves are the one little girl goaherder and the one introducing her two friends…love it!

  • Jennifer -

    at 1:23 pm

    What an amazing collection of photos! I love seeing photos of people from around the world.