
Pin Up Live! The Good, The Great and The Winner.

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With the first ever Pin Up Live! in the books, I’m happy to report that by all accounts it was a HUGE success!

When Beth placed the first question on to the Pin Up Live! Board on Pinterest, we weren’t really sure what kind of response we were going to get, but then just as quickly as the question went live the comments started rolling in. In fact, that first question ended up receiving 118 comments and overall we had a total of 474 comments on the seven questions we asked during the hour long event.

The hour flew by and when everything settled we were AMAZED about the response we received as well as all the incredible conversations that took place. Seriously, you guys killed it on Pinterest and made the debut of Pin Up Live! something we will never forget. Thank you!!!!!

I’d also like to give a shout out to G Adventures for being our first guest sponsor and contributing their expertise to the chat as well as helping out with the prize. (We’ll be announcing the winner at the end of this post.) We have been big fans of G Adventures for a while now, so it was an honor to have them on our first Pin Up Live!

One of the coolest things about chatting on Pinterest, as opposed to other social media sites, is that the visual conversation we had Wednesday night will stay up on the board as a resource for people interested in adventure travel. Looking back at the Pinterest chat today, Beth and I were blown away by the depth of so many of the answers, so we decided to showcase a few of our favorites (clicking on the comment will take you to the participants Pinterest page).

Q2: What was your favorite adventure travel experience?

Q3: What is a lesser known adventure destination you think people should know about?

Excerpt from comment on Pinterest form Pin Up Live!

Q7: What has been your most challenging adventure activity?

Excerpt from Pin Up Live on Pinterst.

Beth and I are really psyched about the future of Pin Up Live! and can’t wait to chat with you guys again next week. Now, without further ado, here’s the winner of last night’s chat:

Congrats, Julia Toadere!  You just got yourself that G Adventure’s shirt you wanted as well as a $100 Amazon gift card. 🙂

Wanna hang out and talk travel? Connect with us on Pinterest, Twitter & Facebook!

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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first. Thanks!

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