
Tradition and History in the Lakes.

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Editor’s Note: This post was written by one of our UK readers. 

Lake District

The Lake District by tejvanphotos via Flickr.

Throughout your trip to England, you will encounter traditions dating back hundreds of years.  Relics of the 11th century Norman Conquest and Roman civilisation are still visible on the streets of England today but nowhere are these influences more evident than in the Lake District.  Situated in the north east of the country, the area is dominated by a 2295 square kilometre national park full of glorious scenery not to mention several quaint, market towns and villages.

If you’re heading up north during your stay, some of the region’s traditions are well worth exploring and are a great way of getting to know the real Lake District. Here’s a few that you might not have heard of.

Liar, liar!

The World’s Biggest Liar competition is an annual event which takes place at the Santon Inn.  A 19th century publican, Will Ritson, convinced his patrons that he had cross bred a golden eagle and a foxhound to produce a winged dog able to fly over the area’s famous dry stone walls.  Those wishing to follow in Will’s footsteps have five minutes to spin the most convincing yarn as decided by a panel of judges.   A great way to spend an evening after a bracing autumn walk in the National Park is to head to the old Inn for a night full of laughs and debate.  Or perhaps have a go yourself if you think you are up to the challenge!

Go to the dogs

From your very own Lake District holiday cottage, make your way to watch the hound trailing.  The hounds follow the scent of aniseed in a test of speed and endurance as they reach speeds of up to 20mph.  Position yourself at the finish line and watch the trainers encourage their hound over the line in an exciting culmination of bells and whistles. Many self catering cottage companies offer dog friendly accommodation throughout the UK, so you won’t have to worry about leaving your best friend behind. Visit Sykes Cottages to find a Lake District cottage for you and Fido and put him to your own hound trailing test!

Local wrestling

Make sure to check out a Cumberland wrestling match during your visit to the Lakes.  This traditional sport is a relic of the Vikings with the first match recorded as taking place in 1785.  Competitors lock their hands behind their opponent’s neck and employ a variety of chips or techniques to get the other to the floor.  Traditional costume is worn which adds to the flavour of this great day out.  The ‘best-of-three’ competition can be watched at local country shows, such as the Shepherds Meet in Borrowdale or Cumberland Show.

Time to refuel

Just watching all that exertion is enough to make you reach for a tasty snack and there’s no excuse not to sample the local specialties.  Grasmere Gingerbread is a great choice for afternoon tea and is made from a secret recipe which is guarded in a bank vault.  Only available in Grasmere, this tasty treat is definitely worth stocking up on whilst you’re in the area.  Kendal Mint Cake is a high energy staple perfect to keep you going whilst you’re scaling the Lake District peaks.  Legend has it that this treat was first made by accident but today comes in many forms, including covered in chocolate for those with a really sweet tooth!  Rum, illegally smuggled through northern English fishing ports in the 18th and 19th centuries, gave rise to the ever popular rum butter.  A combination of rum, butter, nutmeg and brown sugar was traditionally used to celebrate the birth of baby and was considered a sign of prosperity.  Today, however, it is a fantastic accompaniment to Christmas Pudding and a real festive treat.

A historical tour through the Lakes is the perfect addition to an energetic walking holiday and will please both old and young alike.  Find your very own holiday rental with Sykes Cottages and plan a break tailored to you.

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