
Looking for that great Viennese apartment with @Roomorama.

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We’re on the hunt for the perfect apartment again! This time in Vienna.

We’re going back to Vienna for 2 nights because we are leaving out of Vienna on a very cool press trip. It’s one of our most unique trips to date and we’ll be making the official announcement in the next week or two. Think you know where we are headed? Leave a guess in the comments!

We are both pretty happy to head back to Vienna because it is such a chill, laid back city that also happens to be drop dead gorgeous. More importantly (at least to us right now) it is known for it’s cafe culture and the last time we were there we felt pretty rushed and we didn’t get any real time to just cafe hop. This time around we will be all about 2 things while in Vienna: Cafes and Wifi. Getting caught up on work in a Viennese cafe sounds absolutely ideal to me!

So I’ve been doing a bit of searching on Roomorama (I think I might be getting good at finally planning our travel in advance now!) and there are plenty of apartments in Vienna. I’ve found several places that will work. I decided to highlight 3 of the best here. You can view them all (and more) by searching on Roomorama’s website or you can just click the title of each property in this post to see the full listing for it.

Please let us know which one is your favorite!

Elegant Apartment in Center

There’s something about this place that I like – I think it’s windows and the green trees outside. At $104/night, the price is a little higher than what we go for but when I look at the photos of this place I get a warm, fuzzy feeling about it. It reminds me of a place I lived at in Boston so I am drawn to it. Isn’t it funny how much of a feeling you can get just from looking at a photo of a place? Sometimes you might see an apartment, hostel or even a hotel online and immediately think ‘Yes!’ or “Hmmm..maybe” or “Not A Snowball Chance..” This place is simple, clean and has everything we need – wifi and a kitchen. To top it off the host looks really nice (again there I am basing everything off photos) and the cleaning fee is optional – yah! It also looks like it has enough space so that I can do some yoga in the morning. This could be a winner, winner chicken dinner right here.


Smart In The City

This is a cute apartment (although all the photos but this one are low quality) and it seems like it is in a great neighborhood. I’ve discovered that when we travel I really like to be in the thick of things. This is because I hate being stuck in our apartment every day working. If we’re in an area with a few cafes I can bring the laptop down to edit photos or work on the site. At only $89/night it’s right in our magic price point the only down side to this one is that the owner is charging a 25 Euro cleaning fee – ouch. If we were staying a week it wouldn’t bother me to pay it but for only 2 nights it is starting to hike the price up. On the plus side there is an organic market right nearby which would be great to hit up for a change from our standard bread/cheese routine. I can really see myself getting a lot of work done at this little desk right here too!


Up In The Air

Wow. This place is so COOL! At $300 a night it is quite out of our price range but if price weren’t an issue this is definitely where I would stay. Where do I start? It’s right in the center of Vienna, making it the perfect location for cafe hopping. It also comes with a free bar and welcome basket – that’s really a nice touch. In addition to the standard living room, bathroom & bedroom it also has a reading nook – how dignified! Did I mention the bathroom is a gorgeous tiled green? Beyond that I am a complete sucker for small details and the owner of this apartment did a great job shooting the photos. I love the image of the mirrors in the shape of  European countries that are holding up postcards. This room also has a coat rack that is used to hang a vintage stewardess airline outfit. In fact the entire apartment is decked out in vintage airline accessories – luggage, a plane door (hanging on the wall) and various other super unique travel items. In the kitchen there are several clocks that tell time for cities around the world. Yeah, I’m a fan of this place for sure and I would love to stay here because I have a feeling I would really get along great with the owner!


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