My Magical Tip For Washing Your Travel Underwear.
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Look at you, standing in front of the bathtub holding your travel briefs, which are all lathered up and ready to be rinsed.
It’s a proud moment for you (trust me I know), you’ve heard about travelers washing on the go, but you were never quite sure if you could do it.
Just as you wring the final sud from your underwear, you immediately make one of the biggest rookie mistakes in the business, hanging your draws willy nilly to dry. Well guess what, unless you’ve got a heater, they will still be wet in the morning.
So then, what is my magical tip for underwear washing?
Wring the sucker out in a towel. Yes, that’s it. Lay your towel out and then place your underwear flat on the towel. Next, roll up the towel and twist the life out of it. If you follow this step, I can guarantee your underwear will be ready to go in approximately four hours.
Don’t believe me, then check out this video we did during a visit to New York City for the New Times Travel Show, which features ExOffico’s boxer brief.
Do you have any tips for washing your underwear on the road?
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(16) awesome folk have had something to say...
Lane -
at 7:10 am
OMG, I am so trying this next time! Thanks for the advice. Hugs, Soggy Bottoms
Randy -
at 1:17 pm
@Lane, No problem. Nothing worse than a soggy bottom,especially on a long bus ride.
Pointsandtravel -
at 7:35 am
Hey Randy! thanks for the tip!!
I will try it while in Italy in two weeks!
Randy -
at 1:16 pm
@Pointsandtravel, No problem. It’s amazing how much it helps out. Where are you going in Italy? If you come by Florence, let us know.
Juliann | Browsing the Atlas -
at 9:45 am
Okay, I’m game (not gamey, though). Next time I need to wash my underwear in the sink I’ll try this.
Randy -
at 1:07 pm
@Juliann | Browsing the Atlas, Your derriere with thank you. Just like you, it doesn’t want to be “gamey” either.
Cassie -
at 11:30 am
I don’t travel without my EO underwear! Good reminder about wringing them through a towel–I always do this, my husband never does and mine are always dry the next morning
Love the video 
Randy -
at 1:10 pm
@Cassie, I hear ya! I love my Exoffico’s too. I made the mistake of not squeezing them dry the other day and was surprised to find them still wet the next day. Hence, this post.
Sheila -
at 2:01 pm
Thanks for the tip! Will try it next time. I love the video.
Randy -
at 3:00 am
@Sheila, Thanks Sheila! But why wait until your next trip, when you can try it from home.
Kieu ~ GQ trippin -
at 6:49 am
Hand wringing my ExOfficio’s as I read this post.. I am definitely going to try this with Gerard’s boxer briefs. I find my Ex undies dries just fine overnight, but maybe it’s because it’s a lot less material.
Randy -
at 2:57 am
@Kieu ~ GQ trippin, I think Gerard will be forever in your debt if you can present him dry underwear in the morning.
My ExOfficio’s usually dry just fine overnight too; however, on a recent washing they didn’t, which prompted me to reincorporate the wringing step.
Matt -
at 2:18 pm
Just turn them inside out :). I bought these little clamps at Home Depot. They are like clothespins on steroids. They are spring loaded and will hold any article of clothing. They open wide enough to grab onto lots of stuff. I use them a lot on boats, and your stuff’ll be dry real quick. Oh yeah, and don’t wear cotton…
Randy -
at 2:59 am
@Matt, Oh nice! Thanks for the tip about those clothespins. Wish I had known about those when we lived on our sailboat.
Brendon of Nerd Travels -
at 11:18 pm
Great advice, Ill have to keep that in mind next time
Randy -
at 3:02 am
@Brendon of Nerd Travels, Thanks Brendon! Keep us posted how the tips works out for you.