
TBEX – I’m on Spanish TV! Plus wander with us in Costa Brava!.

By Posted in - Europe & Spain on

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The past few days have been crazy! TBEX was so much more fun and informative then I thought it would be. I will be posting more about Girona & the TBEX weekend when I edit the photos but for now I wanted to put up a fun video because it turns out I ended up on Spanish TV!

A local TV channel came out to interview Dave & Deb from The Planet D and J.D. from EarthXplorer and happened to catch me taking a photo. Actually they had a nice light shining from the camera and I decided to take advantage of it to take a photo of these amazing Campari Bon Bons. I was hoping I wasn’t ruining their shot but it turns out that they were actually filming me as I was shooting! The whole video is in Catalan so it might be hard to understand (I can’t understand a word of it) but it’s short and has a few seconds of yours truly lining up and taking a photo. So if you’d like to see what it looks like when I work this will give you a brief glimpse.

I couldn’t find a way to embed the video so if you just click on the screen shot below it will bring you right to the video and you can watch it there.


Here is the photo I was taking during the video and by the way, these were absolutely amazing! They simply melted in your mouth. This was my favorite foodie item from TBEX and they were created by the famous restaurant (3 Michelin Stars) El Cellar de Can Roca.

Also I just want to remind everyone that we will be embarking on a press trip tomorrow through Costa Brava. We’ll be seeing some beautiful areas of the coastline, sailing on clipper ships and visiting medieval villages so please follow us along on the next few days as we provide live updates on our Facebook, Instagram & Twitter accounts.

We’ll be using the hashtag #InCostaBrava so you can search Twitter & Instagram to follow along with us and all the other bloggers on the trip.

This is a beautiful region of Spain and we really look forward to providing you with some photos that will fuel your wanderlust!

Please wander with us as we travel through the region. See you in Costa Brava!





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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(8) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Anthony -

    at 12:32 pm

    Wow so exciting!! There you were, right at the end.

  • Raymond @ Man On The Lam -

    at 11:18 pm

    The shot you took is amazing! 🙂

  • Christy -

    at 8:23 am

    Ohh.. I like that photo! Looks like a good time!

  • Fame for you! Love the photo too.

    Hope you enjoyed TBEX as much as I did. Was my 1st and met a lot of people, though did not get to meet you! Next time I hope – meantime have signed up for your newsletter and look forward to following your travels and blog…

  • Linda -

    at 2:26 am

    Great stuff! It was also fun “celebrity spotting” – seeing other faces so familiar from their blogs in “real time”! I think anyone who speaks reasonable Spanish can probably understand most of that, knowing the subject matter in the first place.

    Have a wonderful time Costa Brava. It’s just beautiful, and an amazingly creative part of Spain.

  • Your many seconds of fame! Yaayy! Hope you’re having tons of fun in Costa Brava!

  • […] I’m on Spanish TV […]

  • Justin @ True Nomads -

    at 9:56 am

    I wish I had attended TBEX this year, but maybe I’ll join you in Bangkok for the next one!