We’re On Island Time…In Ohio.

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We have some really exciting news!
As you are reading this, we are on a plane to Ohio for an eco-based press trip!
You might be thinking: Ohio? Eco? What the…?
Well as it turns out, not only were we lucky enough to be invited to the Great Lake region of Ohio for a press trip but we were also able to work with Green Door Mediaworks (PR firm putting this trip together) and create a custom press trip based around ecology!
You may not know it but Ohio has plenty of ecological surprises in store for us. Check out a few of the places we’ll be visiting:
Old Woman Creek Research Reserve
Perry’s Victory & International Peace Monument
Randy and I are really into green living so we’re excited that we get to share a very unique side of Ohio with our readers. It’s pretty darn cool that we’ll be the first travel bloggers to focus on an eco tour of Ohio and we’re elated that we were able to work out a custom trip that’s going to showcase the lake region in a new light and provide an itneresting eco perspective on the Buckeye state.
We also have another surprise lined up for this trip!
As much as we love the green movement we’re far from experts on environmental topics. We love to recyle and reuse but when it comes to identifying plants, trees & tracks we have a lot to learn. So to make sure this press trip is a smashing success we are actually going to be traveling to Ohio with an environmental scientist!
We’ll be exploring the environmental side of Ohio with Stacy Carpenter, the owner of Blue Lion Training.

Stacy at the Swampwalk she created for the town of Danvers, MA.
Blue Lion is a well known environmental company that is committed to providing educational opportunities for natural resources professionals that are starting their career, transitioning from another career, currently completing traditional education or wish to learn new skills. They know all about environmental science and their job is to teach it to others. We couldn’t ask for a better partner to travel with!
Stacy will be with us on this trip, guiding us and helping us unnderstand the ecological diversity on the shores and islands of Ohio. She’ll also be blogging about it on her site and providing live updates on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.
Be sure to check out Blue Lion online and sign up for Blue Lion newsletter updates so you can see an even more in-depth view of eco Ohio! During this trip, she will also be making informative eco videos to help showcase the diversity of the region. Her videos are always interesting, like this one about a Moss animal. Moss animals are over 500 million years and until her video, I didn’t even know they existed!
In addition to the eco slant we’ll also be covering other fun activities of the Put-In-Bay region – boat trips to the different islands, wine tasting, foodie fun, local nightlife, two area hotels, a merry go round museum & Toft’s Ice Cream (local & hormone free!)
We’ll be sure to have plenty of excellent tips & ideas for planning your own trip to the Ohio Shores & Islands and a lot of knowledge to share on the reasons why Ohio makes such a fantastic ecological destination!
Along with Blue Lion, we’ll be updating live the entire time we are in Ohio so be on the lookout for our updates – we’ll be using the hashtag: #shoresandislands
If you’re not already following us, now would be a great time to start. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter.
You can also find Blue Lion on their social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.
I’ve never spent much time in Ohio and I’m quite excited to check this region out. I’ve been told it’s very laid back and that once we arrive we will be on island time – sounds fun!
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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(4) awesome folk have had something to say...
Juliann | Browsing the Atlas -
at 9:50 am
Very cool! I can’t wait to read about your discoveries since I’m a Buckeye and am very involved with the green movement in southwestern Ohio. I haven’t yet been to Kelley’s Island but usually think about going in the summer. I’m sure you’ll convince me I should.
Hope you love Ohio! I do.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica -
at 9:26 am
Even though I’m from Ohio, I don’t know much about these places. Looking forward to learning more.
Travel Junkette -
at 12:19 pm
Wow, I never would’ve thought those ecotourism and Ohio went hand in hand! As a University of Michigan fan, I’m not normally a fan of Ohio, but this sounds cool. I’ll be visiting Ohio in October, so I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys find there!
Sam -
at 11:54 pm
Environmental trips are kind of peaceful because one gets to stay close to nature and learn a lot of important stuff about the surrounding they dwell in. I prefer being surrounded by greenery on all sides, it gives me a feeling of freshness and helps me rejuvenate. Hope you enjoyed your trip.