
Tom’s Wish Is To Collect Postcards From Around The World & We Can Help! #tomswish.

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As our loyal readers know, we are always on the lookout to highlight inspirational stories & people from around the world. Today we’re getting the chance to do just that with the fine folks over at Wish Of A Lifetime!

It’s Tom! He’s waiting for your postcards!

I’m not really sure how I stumbled upon Tom’s story but I’m so glad I did!


Tom is a 70 yr. old man who, due to illness, can no longer travel but he still wants to. His wish? To collect as many postcards as possible from around the world!


This is not only a really unique wish but it’s also one that we can all help with!

I contacted Wish Of A Lifetime and asked if I could republish Tom’s story online in an effort to get him more postcards from around the world. They were really excited about the prospect that all of OUR AWESOME READERS (That’s you!) could learn about Tom’s wish, help share his story and send him a postcard from around the world!


I’m trying to help get this story to go viral – so let’s join forces, fulfill a wish and see how many postcards we can send to Tom!


Because so many of our readers are based all around the globe I’m betting we can flood Tom’s living room with hundreds of unique destinations! And remember you don’t have to be traveling to send a postcard – you can send one from your hometown!

If you are on Instagram or Twitter try to take a picture of the postcard before you mail it and upload it with the hashtag #tomswish.  That will help keep Tom’s wish moving through the social media channels.


Here is all of the info you need to learn about Tom, his wish & where you should send your postcards (reprinted from Wish Of A Lifetime):


Wish of a Lifetime needs your help to fulfill the Wish of a caring and compassionate 70 year old who is in the end stages of COPD, and all you need to do is send a postcard.  Tom Burgett of Alabama has been fascinated by the vast diversity of cultures throughout our World.  Unfortunately, Tom’s ability to travel has become unfeasible given his current medical ailments.  Spending most days at home, besides the occasional doctor’s visit – Tom is worried that the outside world will pass him by.

We’re determined to prevent that from happening and with your help we can expose Tom not only to the many fascinating cultures of the world but also its love and respect.  All Tom wants are postcards. By visually visiting the locations on your postcards, Tom knows they will bring joy to his heart through his imagination.  We have fallen head over heels for Tom’s story and have vowed to make his Wish a reality.  Help us show this amazing senior that we still care and that old passions never die, even when you are no longer able to fulfill these passions on your own.

We will deliver all your postcards directly to Tom, so send a postcard highlighting the culture, landscape or people of our world, better yet send two or three and ask your friends to send them too!


Address postcards to:

Wish of a Lifetime
Attn: Tom Burgett
1821 Blake St. Suite 200
Denver, CO 80202

Before you send your postcard, take a picture and upload it to Twitter or Instagram with hashtag #tomswish. We would love to get this trending and have thousands of people hear Tom’s story!

So far Tom has received 785 Postcards From 65 countries and 47 states! Yah Tom!

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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(15) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Pamela -

    at 8:59 am

    What a great story and opportunity to help someone making their dream come true! What are some places he is missing?

  • Catherine Jones -

    at 9:33 am

    A lovely story. Where can we see which countries he has and doesnt have?

  • Callie -

    at 11:16 am

    What a great idea. I’m writing down his address for my upcoming Asia trip!

  • Andi -

    at 3:10 pm

    This is so awesome, definitely sending him a postcard!!!!!

  • Gerard ~ GQ trippin -

    at 9:55 pm

    We’re game to help!

  • Kieu -

    at 11:56 pm

    Love this!

  • Wish of a Lifetime -

    at 12:44 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing Tom’s story with your followers! We are absolutely ecstatic with the response of this Wish – we are well over 1,000 cards…we want to double that in the coming weeks!

    Thanks again!

    Wish of a Lifetime

  • HoboTia -

    at 8:10 pm

    Excited to help! Have a postcard sitting on my desk, waiting for a decision on who to send it to. Now I know!

  • payje -

    at 9:09 am

    This is so awesome, thanks for sharing this you guys! I just sent two from the company I work for here in Homer of our float planes. I’ll be sending them all the way back through Alaska, Canada and the US in the next month!

  • Rebecca -

    at 3:45 pm

    This is so awesome! Am definitely going to send him a couple. I live in Papua New Guinea so hoping he doesn’t have one from here… fingers crossed! 🙂

  • Linda -

    at 4:10 pm

    Wonderful story. I will definitely send a couple from the Canary Islands! Co-incidentally, I have to get some tomorrow in response to a small town school teacher in Texas who wants her kids to learn more about the world. It’s such a simple way to share the places we love & help others understand other people and places!

  • Cassie -

    at 7:59 pm

    What a great project! Do the post cards need to be mailed from the country of origin or can they be mailed from our home in the US (I always bring postcards home as souvenirs).

  • Jordan -

    at 8:09 am

    Thanks for sharing this story, sending a postcard is such a great way for travelers to make an impact on this man’s life. I see on the site that he is missing Bolivia… I am dropping mine in the mail from La Paz today! I was sure to date it… It’s always amusing to see how long these things take to reach their destination!

  • Sabrina -

    at 10:40 am

    I’ll send one from my next trip (Belize) for sure and repost this on my Facebook page as well. Great project!

  • wendy -

    at 8:04 am

    Tom might enjoy checking out http://www.postcrossing.com you can receive postcards from around the world!