
Toronto Edge Walk: My First Time on a Ledge.

By Posted in - Canada & Travel Blog on A coulpe standing on the ledge of the Toronto CN Tower, which is part of the Edge Walk.

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A young man stands on a ledge above Toronto on the Edge Walk.

I hung over Toronto like a 135 pound Muhammad Ali.

Fifteen minutes prior, I was just a Yank journalist with a cute girlfriend and an amazing mutt, but now I was a ledge walking fool, balancing 1,000 feet above a city that I had been in less than eight hours.

I’ve never been afraid of heights, but as the glass-walled elevator shot vertical to the clouds, revealing glimpses of a tilt shift Toronto, I got queasy in my stomach—the first time since bungee jumping at the San Diego County Fair a few years back.

After a few minutes, Beth and I were locked into the edge walk’s overhead safety rail via a trolley and harness system and got acquainted quickly with the two lines that would be our best friends for the next 25 minutes. Following a few more minutes of safety checks—the CN Tower Edge Walk is by far the safest thrill experience that I’ve ever been part of—the door to the CN Tower’s ledge opened and our party of six (including the guide) moved out on to the five foot metal ledge, putting us 116 stories over Toronto.

A coulpe standing on the ledge of the Toronto CN Tower, which is part of the Edge Walk.

Since the Edge Walk opened in August 2011, more than 10,000 people have walked the ledge of the CN Tower, which according to Guinness Records is the world’s tallest tower. The first seven minutes were a bit heady for me. Looking straight, I was fine; however, looking down made my head spin slightly, which was my brain’s way of saying, “This is a fine mess you’ve gotten us into.” Soon, though, I (and my mind) became acclimated to the height and I started hanging over the ledge–first backwards and then forwards, like a twenty-something Michael Jackson.

Before I knew it, we had completely walked the circumference of the 36-year-old tower and were back inside the upper control center. Upon our return, I felt a mix of relief and sadness. On one hand I was I excited to get down to solid ground, and on the other, I felt for the first time that I got a glimpse into the thrill the great 20th century bridge and skyscraper workers must have felt as they re-shaped America one beam at a time, and I wasn’t ready to turn that off just yet.

What’s the last thrill you had?

*While we were hosted by the Canadian Tourism Board, our thoughts, opinions and even our choices in Canada, were entirely ours.

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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(7) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Andi -

    at 1:42 pm

    How much fun!!!!!!!

    • Randy -

      at 6:45 pm

      @Andi, Oh, it was! We lucked out with an amazingly clear day too, so we could see for miles.

  • Greg Pride -

    at 3:15 pm

    That’s what I call fun! I will definitely try that. But first, I have to experience the thrill of the longest zipline.

  • Peter -

    at 9:11 pm

    I have seen people on T.V try this. But I haven’t thought of trying it myself. Ledge walking and 1,000 feet above a city bring it on!

  • I absolutely need to do this! It looks like adventurous fun.

  • David -

    at 10:24 pm

    That must have been very adventurous and thrilling. I love water sports like jet skiing, para-sailing and the banana rides. They too are fun and super exciting. I would like to get there on that ledge and feel what you must have felt. Already getting butterflies in my stomach.