Photo Contest!!! – Takin’ It To The Streets – Show us your best street photos and win!!.

We’re excited!
It’s a well known fact that here at Beers & Beans we love photography but another thing we love is giving away free travel prizes to our readers!
What could be better than a photo contest??!
We’ve teamed up with our friends over at Sun Transfers to offer this fun contest. Sun Transfers provides airport transfer services all across Europe. If you need to get to and from the airport to your hotel (or to any other European destination) Sun Transfers will do the trick in style.
The Prize:
If you win this contest you’ll be able to snag 100 Euro in Sun Transfer airport vouchers for your travels! 100 Euro will go along way especially if you are traveling with a group or a family! In fact, depending on your travel itinerary you might just get a completely free ride!
What Do I Need To Enter The Contest?
Good question! One of our favorite types of photography is street photography so we’ve decided to use Take It To The Streets as the theme for this contest.
What exactly is street photography?
According to Wikipedia the definition is: “Street Photography is a type of documentary photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets, parks, beaches, malls, political conventions and other settings.”
We going to broaden the scope a bit for this contest – we not only want your street photos of people (which is typically the most common) we want anything you’ve captured on the streets of the world! Got photos from a market, a gathering, street food, a festival, cafes or just your random street wanderings? If you’ve shot an image on the street anywhere in the world – it’s applicable! In fact images from any public space will work (beaches, parks, subways, etc)!
The idea is to have fun and be imaginative. Black & White or color images will work so go ahead, be creative and send us your favorite street photos for a entry into the contest!
How Do I Enter?
We want to make sure that it’s easy for you to enter this contest so all you need to do is simply send us a link to your favorite street photo to enter the contest! All types of photos are allowed – digital, film or Iphone photographs will work!
Please leave the link to your photo in the comments below WITH a brief description of where you took it and why you took it.
Did someone or something catch your eye or was it completely random? We’d love to know how your photography mind works!
The link can be from anywhere: Flickr, Facebook, Pinterest, Your Blog, etc. Just make sure that you have complete, 100% ownership of the photo. We will update this article with the photo entries so you can get a good look at your competition so please be sure that the link you send us allows us to see the image, repost the link here or save and upload the image. Bookmark and check this page often if you want to see the other submissions!
How Do I Win?
We’re looking for great street images! At the end of this contest (Friday, June 22, 2012) we’ll choose the best street photo as the winner! This contest is open to all photographers from around the world – you don’t need to be a pro to enter! We simply want to see your favorite street photos.
At the end of the contest, we’ll chose the best photo that represents the theme as the winner of the great prize!
Please be sure to leave contact information so that we can notify you if you win. An email and/or website address would be perfect! Feel free to contact us privately if you don’t want to leave that info in the public comments below.
Hurry Up! The contest ends this Friday (June 22nd, 2012) at midnight! Since we’ll be in Hawaii this Friday we’ll end it at 11:59pm Hawaiian time (HST).
To help get your street photo gears grinding we’ve included some of our favorite street photos as examples:
Scenes About Town:
Food & Graffiti:
The sky is the limit and we can’t wait to see your entries!!! Good Luck!!!
Here are the entries:
Lions Crossing The Road by
I love back story of their photo and why it means so much to them. In Mike’s Words: “We took a “self guided” tour of Kruger National Park in South Africa. Everyone it seems that visits Africa wants to the the “Big 5? (Lion, African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, and Rhino). We were very lucky to see four out the five. We just lacked the Lion. We asked fellow adventurers, followed maps, and wandered some pretty daring back roads. Just when we were about to give up, we parked and made our plans to head back to Johannesburg…these two then walked across the road right ahead of us! We love Africa!”
Working The Streets by Nick Laborde of Locationless.
Nick tells us the background of this street photo: “This photo was shot from the hip on the streets of San Francisco. I titled it “Working the streets” because this kid was street performing by himself with no parent in sight.”
Kalin was happily surprised when this little kitty greeted her warmly on the streets so she took a quick photo of it!
Nicole tells us about this image: “This is a photo I took in a small pueblo near Segovia, Spain. Its not the clearest of photos, but the image is beautiful. A father dressed in traditional clothing showing his young daughter the dance moves that have been passed down for centuries. It was something very special to see.”
Gerard Tells us: “This photo was taken in one of our favorite towns in India: Pushkar.
The women of India fascinate us. Quiet and reserved, we rarely had opportunities to interact with them. Most go about their day with daily chores, some hardly even made eye contacts. But their stories need not words nor eye contact. Pictures really tell all.”
St. Mark’s Square by Pauline Susanto.
Pauline tells us what attracted her to this street photo: “I took this picture in front of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, Italy. It was the contrast of movements that intrigued me the most – the bustling tourists and the very-still beggar (she remained in that position for quite some time!). Very typical of popular cities!” I was also very happy when Pauline told me that she used the techniques she learned in Getting Out Of Auto to help her achieve the blur effect. Nice!
Streets of Chicago by Lauren Gillaspey.
I love impromptu wedding photos! Here Lauren explains how she caught this great iphone pic: “This picture was mostly an oops photo! I was out and about, exploring the streets of Chicago when I came across a street parade (it might have been Memorial Day a year ago) and a wedding party. I candidly snapped the photo with my iPhone while crossing the street, and later discovered how great of a picture it was (at least, in my opinion).”
Sara did a great job capturing emotion with this shot. She explains: “I took this photo in the summer of 2010 at the Mermaid Parade on Coney Island. I was snapping photos left and right, admiring the brilliant colors and sassy get-ups the participants had. I particularly liked this one because the woman’s expression in the foreground really embodied the overall atmosphere of celebration and fun of the parade!”
Turtle Crossing by Stacy Carpenter.
Stacy a wetland scientist tells us why she snapped this shot: “A middle aged snapping turtle contemplates moving across a busy road where a the main road bisects a large swamp. He came from one side of the swamp and wants to be on the other side. A colleague and I have seen high mortality in this little stretch of road during laying and hatching times. We are working to correct it this issue.”
Nic tells us about her photo: “This photo was taken in March 2012 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, while walking along the Peace Walls. The West Belfast area remains littered with markers of The Troubles, expressions of conflict and resolution, reminders of the past and hopeful messages from the present. It was rain-grey day and I was wet and cold as I wandered along the graffiti-lined Cupar Way, drawn in by the passion painted onto the walls. Drenched by the end of the street, I felt moved by the experience. Every time I look at this image of the art reflected in the street puddle, I’m taken back to that feeling.”
Stratford Upon Avon by Dave Clarkey.
This photo was taken by Dave from Pale Blue Dot in Stratford Upon Avon, England while on a month long road trip around the U.K. This is a great shot and the copy here does not do it justice. To view the full version visit Dave’s 500px account to see the original.
Photo by Jenna Francisco from This is My Happiness
Here is an entry from Brazil–it was taken on a small street in Sao Paulo (with an iPhone!). Brazil is such a vibrant place, and drinking coconut water is part of everyday life there. It gives people a chance to stop, chat, and hydrate, even when the weather is cool, as it was on this day
Photo by Tam Le of Love, Grow, Inspire
Tam says: “…I am currently living on a tiny island in the Caribbean called Dominica. My husband and I are over here volunteering for a year. I took this picture today actually, I was walking past a rum shack in town and noticed how colourful the window was. So I quickly snapped a picture. It wasn’t till I was on the computer did I noticed her hand poking out to see what was going on outside. To me that just made this picture.”
Photo by Kerry Dexter of Music Road
Kerry tells us about this photo: “Bagpipes and fiery torches are part of the opening moments of the Celtic Connections Festival in Glasgow, Scotand. This photo was made on the steps of the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on a cold January evening this year.”
Photo by Sabrina from Country Skipper.
Sabrina says: “I took this photo in Quimper, France about a year and a half ago. Whenever we are in the region over Christmas we stop by the cathedral and the little carousel they have right beside it. There are always families out enjoying it. Last time we even found some hot wine in a bar up the street.”
Photo by Sandra Douglas.
Sandra tells us the background of this photo: “I took this photo in July 2011 while i was on a walking tour. This is from Revolution Square in Bucharest, Romania. The tour guide was explaining the popular revolt in 1989 that led to the collapse of communism, showing pictures of the Square from that time – the tanks, soldiers, demonstrators etc. It was surreal to think about my life in 1989 compared to the people there , and also see the beauty around me now. This photo is a tree in the park, which has shed it’s flowers on pavers on the ground. the “pavers” are slices of tree trunks, which represent the lives cut short during the revolution by people fighting for freedom.”
*Get the first glimpse of our new travel photos & posts! Subscribe by email and get new travel articles delivered straight to your inbox:
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(41) awesome folk have had something to say...
mike -
at 5:57 pm
What a great contest! We really struggled to find the right pic. This “street” shot meant the most to us.
The back story on this picture. We took a “self guided” tour of Kruger National Park in South Africa. Everyone it seems that visits Africa wants to the the “Big 5? (Lion, African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, and Rhino). We were very lucky to see four out the five. We just lacked the Lion. We asked fellow adventurers, followed maps, and wandered some pretty daring back roads. Just when we were about to give up, we parked and made our plans to head back to Johannesburg…these two then walked across the road right ahead of us! We love Africa!
Bethany -
at 9:09 am
Thanks for entering the contest! Great photo you guys went for! I love the back story too.
Pauline -
at 6:55 am
I hope the link works…!/photo.php?fbid=10100627757236542&set=a.10100622258555942.2899462.28114743&type=3&theater
I took this picture in front of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, Italy. It was the contrast of movements that intrigued me the most – the bustling tourists and the very-still beggar (she remained in that position for quite some time!). Very typical of popular cities!
Nicole -
at 8:44 am
This is a photo I took in a small pueblo near Segovia, Spain. Its not the clearest of photos, but the image is beautiful. A father dressed in traditional clothing showing his young daughter the dance moves that have been passed down for centuries. It was something very special to see.
Bethany -
at 12:33 pm
I love your image Nicole however I can’t save it to my desktop so I can’t get it up on our site to be part of the contest. Do you have a link either from Flickr (that I can copy and paste into our post) or can you send me the image so I can upload it? Thanks!
Nicole -
at 10:42 pm
Sorry about that. I don’t have a flicker account, but you can see it in my picasa album here:
Let me know if that works, if not I can email you the image…
Bethany -
at 7:03 am
I got it! Thanks Nicole!
Nick Laborde -
at 9:20 am
I can’t resist a photo contest… I’ll throw one in the ring. This photo was shot from the hip on the streets of San Francisco. I titled it “Working the streets” becuase this kid was street performing by himself with no parent in sight.
Bethany -
at 1:00 pm
Yah! Nick so glad you decided to toss one in.
Your photo is up now.
Gerard ~ GQ trippin -
at 9:28 am
This photo was taken in one of our favorite towns in India: Pushkar.
The women of India fascinate us. Quiet and reserved, we rarely had opportunities to interact with them. Most go about their day with daily chores, some hardly even made eye contacts. But their stories need not words nor eye contact. Pictures really tell all.
Bethany -
at 1:01 pm
So glad you are entering the contest! However the link you sent me goes to food in Vietnam. It’s fine to enter it but it didn’t go with what you described in your comment so I figured I would check with you to make sure if it was the right photo. Let me know if you have a different one or if you want to submit this one.
Gerard ~ GQ trippin -
at 6:56 pm
Thanks for letting me know! Try this:
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures -
at 11:55 am
What a fun contest!
Bethany -
at 1:02 pm
Hi Andi! I know you love taking photos, we’d love to have an entry from you.
Lauren -
at 1:45 pm
This picture was mostly an oops photo! I was out and about, exploring the streets of Chicago when I came across a street parade (it might have been Memorial Day a year ago) and a wedding party.
I candidly snapped the photo with my iPhone while crossing the street, and later discovered how great of a picture it was (at least, in my opinion).
Bethany -
at 3:02 pm
Hi Lauren,
We’ll be drawing the winner of the photo contest this week so stay tuned.
Sara Button -
at 2:22 pm
My first photo contest entry! Let me know if you have trouble accessing it, it’s on my FB.
I took this photo in the summer of 2010 at the Mermaid Parade on Coney Island. I was snapping photos left and right, admiring the brilliant colors and sassy get-ups the participants had. I particularly liked this one because the woman’s expression in the foreground really embodied the overall atmosphere of celebration and fun of the parade!
Bethany -
at 3:04 pm
Hi Sara,
Your photo is up in the contest – we will be drawing a winner next week!
Sandra Douglas -
at 5:54 am
I took this photo in July 2011 while i was on a walking tour. This is from Revolution Square in Bucharest, Romania. The tour guide was explaining the popular revolt in 1989 that led to the collapse of communism, showing pictures of the Square from that time – the tanks, soldiers, demonstrators etc. It was surreal to think about my life in 1989 compared to the people there , and also see the beauty around me now. This photo is a tree in the park, which has shed it’s flowers on pavers on the ground. the “pavers” are slices of tree trunks, which represent the lives cut short during the revolution by people fighting for freedom. It’s not my “best” picture but one that meant the most from my trip to Eastern Europe. hope the FB link works!
Bethany -
at 3:05 pm
Hi Sandra,
Thank you so much for entering our “Take it to the streets” photo contest. If you can, please come back to our site and leave a new comment with the link to the photo – there is not link is this comment and I can’t enter you in the contest without a photo. Thanks! Beth
Sandra Douglas -
at 5:39 am
Sandra Douglas -
at 7:19 am
Hi Bethany, thanks for letting me know the link did not work. Let’s try this one!
Bethany -
at 5:52 pm
HI Sandra, Thanks for sending the new photo. It’s up on the blog now and we’ll be announcing the winner next week.
Nic Freeman -
at 11:50 am
Hi B&B, Great idea for a photo content. My entry is hosted on my travel blog, . Here is a direct link to the image.
This photo was taken in March 2012 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, while walking along the Peace Walls. The West Belfast area remains littered with markers of The Troubles, expressions of conflict and resolution, reminders of the past and hopeful messages from the present.
It was rain-grey day and I was wet and cold as I wandered along the graffiti-lined Cupar Way, drawn in by the passion painted onto the walls. Drenched by the end of the street, I felt moved by the experience. Every time I look at this image of the art reflected in the street puddle, I’m taken back to that feeling.
Thanks for hosting this comp. – Nic
Bethany -
at 5:44 pm
Hi Nic,
Thank you so much for entering your photo. I wanted to let you know that your photo is live on the site and we’ll be announcing a winner next week.
David Clarke -
at 12:14 pm
Taken in Stratford Upon Avon, England while on a month long road trip around the UK with Nicole Freeman from A heap of the photos from this cold and foggy morning are at but my favourite and the one I would like to submit for this competition can be found here:
Thanks, Dave.
Bethany -
at 5:39 pm
Hi Dave,
Thanks for entering the contest – your photo is live on our site and we’ll be picking a winner next week.
walkingon travels -
at 1:31 pm
Great idea! I’ll have to dig through my archives to see if I have anything to submit. I’m sure I do, just need to narrow it down during nap time
Sabrina -
at 3:40 pm
What a fun contest! I’d like to submit a picture Marco and I took in Quimper, France about a year and a half ago. Whenever we are in the region over Christmas we stop by the cathedral and the little carousel they have right beside it. There are always families out enjoying it. Last time we even found some hot wine in a bar up the street
Here’s the link to the picture:
Bethany -
at 5:15 pm
Thanks for entering our photo contest Sabrina! Your photo is live on our site now and we will be picking a winner next week. Good luck!
Kerry Dexter -
at 7:35 am
Bagpipes and fiery torches are part of the opening moments of the Celtic Connections Festival in Glasgow, Scotand. This photo was made on the steps of the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on a cold January evening this year
and here is the story that goes along, with more shots
Bethany -
at 5:17 pm
Hi Kerry,
Thank you for entering the contest. Your photo is live on the site and we will be picking a winner next week – thanks!
Tam Le -
at 11:33 am
Hi, I have been really impressed with everyone’s photos. What great shots.
My name is Tam, and I am currently living on a tiny island in the Caribbean called Dominica. My husband and I are over here volunteering for a year. I took this picture today actually, I was walking past a rum shack in town and noticed how colourful the window was. So I quickly snapped a picture. It wasn’t till I was on the computer did I noticed her hand poking out to see what was going on outside. To me that just made this picture.
Bethany -
at 5:22 pm
Hi Tam,
Thank you so much for participating in our contest. I love your photo! Your photo is live on the site now and we will be choosing a winner next week.
Jenna -
at 1:23 pm
Fun contest! Here is an entry from Brazil–it was taken on a small street in Sao Paulo (with an iPhone!). Brazil is such a vibrant place, and drinking coconut water is part of everyday life there. It gives people a chance to stop, chat, and hydrate, even when the weather is cool, as it was on this day.
Bethany -
at 5:27 pm
Hi Jenna,
Thank you so much for entering our photo contest. I just wanted to let you know that your photo is live on our site and we will be choosing a winner next week – good luck!
Vera Marie Badertscher -
at 6:20 am
I didn’t enter in time, but you inspired me to ask my readers which of my street photos they liked best, and to encourage them to enter your contest. You can see my street photos here:
I guess, I’d have to go with the majority and pick the little boy and the street musician in New Orleans. It was a very quick shot, in order to catch the right moment. No time to set up.
But as far as streets go, you can’t get more streetish than the Mansfield Ohio neon line-up.
Bethany -
at 5:36 pm
Thanks for commenting and leaving me your link! You have some great photos there.