
European Airports By The Numbers – A Useful Travel Infographic.

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The fine folks at Expedia have put together a fantastic infographic about some of the major European airports. This infographic is actually very useful and a great resource if you’re planning a trip. After reading it I discovered some very interesting facts about the different European airports – facts that will make my air travel decisions a lot easier. I’m sure I will use this infographic when we book our flights to Europe this fall because having all of this info in a concise and easy to read travel infographic will save me hours of research time!

Here are just a few of the interesting airport facts I learned:


  • Want More Destination Options? Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris covers more destinations than any other airport in this list. This knowledge could be very useful when you are trying to book a flight into or around Europe because now you know that more airlines fly to that into that airport than any of the other major airports in Europe. For example, you might get a cheaper flight or better flight times if you look into flights heading to Paris instead of Rome.
  • Wondering Which European Airports Have Free Wifi? I do too and it’s one of the reasons I love the Wifi line up on this infographic. I can see at a glance that Brussels, Copenhagen & Madrid charge the most for access while Amsterdam, Oslo & Vienna give it away for free. If you have to choose a flight with a long layover, it might be best to choose a flight with a layover in Vienna instead of Copenhagen because you’ll be able to work or stream a couple movies without incurring a fee.
  • How Will You Get From The Airport To The City AND What Will It Cost You? This is a big one because I have learned this expensive lesson myself. Instead of renting a car from the aiport in Reykjavik, Iceland we took the airport bus into town. However we didn’t realize it was a long ride and cost us each $25 for a o/w trip. We should’ve rented a car on the first day and rolled the $50 into that instead. It always takes a bit of research to show you the best way to get to the city and this infographic shows you quickly which cities are the furthest away (aka, the most expensive to get to from the airport). For instance if you’re headed to Oslo, you might want to pick a rental car up at the airport to avoid a long (and expensive) taxi ride into the center of the city. This could also be particularly useful if your flight arrives late  – you won’t have to wait for a bus instead you can just get in your car and go!
  • Like To Shop Duty Free? I’ve never shopped at duty free kiosks but I know a lot of travelers love to. I had no idea the prices could vary so drastically. For instance, at London Heathrow a bottle of Armani fragrance will run you 31 GPB while the same bottle will run you over 60 GPB in Vienna. In London you could get 2 for the price of 1!


*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(12) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • What a cool graphic! Not only is it really handy, but it’s pretty to look at too! 😉

    • Bethany -

      at 11:08 am

      I agree! I’m sure it took a long time to create!

  • Very interesting infographic indeed! That’s one thing I love about Montreal’s airport – free wifi throughout. But getting in/out is an absolute hell!

    I do love Heathrow too, despite the prices. I actually love the tube ride to get there, it allows me to get excited about my trip or reminisce the souvenirs.

  • Alexandra -

    at 10:47 pm

    Pined this graph! Such a handy tool for planning trips around Europe! I hope they make one for the states!

    • Bethany -

      at 11:12 am

      Thanks for pinning it Alexandra! I agree it would be great to have one for the States too. 🙂 @Alexandra,

  • Steve (back-packer) -

    at 5:42 am

    I love those infographics – they make statistics much more entertaining. It is incredible how much you have to pay for wifi access at airports in europe. i thought we live in an area where internet is not that expensive 😉

    Moreover: very useful personal airport facts!

    • Bethany -

      at 11:14 am

      I agree Steve – they’re so easy and fun to look at – a lot better than doing research online! It’s a shame that more airports don’t offer free WiFi but at least there’s a couple of them. @Steve (back-packer),

  • Carol -

    at 1:07 pm

    This is pretty cool. I love the infographic trend – this is actually the first one I’ve seen put out by a travel company! Expedia knows what they’re talkig aboiut. Very interesting to see the parking and wifi comparisons! Thanks for posting 🙂

  • Roy Marvelous -

    at 5:13 pm

    I’m surprised the Oslo airport is more popular than Berlins!

  • Sab -

    at 8:03 am

    Now this makes traveling around Europe a lot easier! Nice tips on traveling comfortably too. 🙂

  • Chris Courtis -

    at 9:18 pm

    Infographic is nice, I cant believe this much we have to pay this much for wifi access at airports in europe, Internet has become so cheap and mandatory kind of a thing the that the charges should go downhill. Its good to see the difference between Taxi and wifi, thanks for sharing.