
Discovering the World with Pinterest – Our Newest Addiction (Part 1 of 2).

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Editor’s Note: We’ve become hopelessly addicted to two social media sites. Today we’re highlighting Pinterest and on Thursday we’ll be featuring the next one!

I joined Pinterest last summer and immediately fell in love.

It’s fantastic – visual stimulation to the 100th degree and a place to discover new hidden gems – be it travel, photography or to fuel my love for tiny houses. Since then I’ve been decorating houses I don’t have, discovering new photographers, compiling work that inspires me and creating endless bucket lists. Don’t even get me started on the food!

Pinterest has now caught on in a big bad way but I never could have imagined a year later the impact it would have on my life and on our blog. Here’s the funny thing – the Beers & Beans has the largest & most highly followed travel specific boards than any other travel company on Pinterest – bigger than Expedia, the Travel Channel & Nat Geo. I have yet to find another travel company that has anywhere close to the reach we have. Our 5 travel boards have over 3 Million followers and each board grows by 5k – 10k new followers every day. Our Beers & Beans Travel Photo board is set to top 950,000 followers in the next few days – holy cow!

As travel bloggers, it’s beyond our wildest dreams to be at the top of such an amazing social network and it’s been great not only for Beers & Beans but also for the sponsors that we work with because we can leverage this travel specific audience to help them as well.

As a photographer it’s a dream come true to see my photos being consistently repinned and commented on! It’s unbelievable and I have to be honest, it’s a great confirmation that helps me realize that we are good at what we do and that people like my work. Plus, I really love logging on and seeing random pins from Beers & Beans that other people put up. That’s a pretty fantastic feeling and it never gets old.

It actually took me a while to realize that our travel boards were so popular but I have to say it feels pretty great! We are going to continue to grow our boards and implement the pin button on all of our posts. You are more than welcomed to pin any of our photos to your boards. You may have a hard time pinning some of our recent posts and this is an issue we are working to resolve asap, however any of older posts will work fine.

Most importantly, we would love to ‘meet’ you on Pinterest!

If you are on Pinterest please stop by to follow us. Our username is BeersandBeans and you can find us here:  Follow Me on Pinterest

Our most popular travel boards are Beers & Beans Travel Porn, Travel Fun Finds, Wander Wall, Hotel Heaven, Instatog, New Worlds & Vintage Vagabond. We pin a lot of travel related goodies (tips, advice, photos, gear, vintage travel photos) and a lot of great photographs (fine art, documentary, street, weddings) from all around the web. We also have boards for all the Pinterest standards – Food, DIY, Exercises, Amazing & Funny Finds. We’re always creating new boards and we add new pins daily so you’ll be sure to find something unique and interesting from us when you log in.

Likewise we are always on the lookout for new people to follow on Pinterest so please feel free to share your username or a link to your account in the comments so we can follow you!

We’re also going to start a new feature on Beers & Beans – we want to feature your travel Pinterest boards on our blog!

We thought it would be a fun way for other Pinterest users to share their travel boards and it will be a great way to discover new travel ideas!

So if you have a travel board on Pinterest and you would like it to be featured on our site please contact us and let us know. We’re thinking it will be a brief guest post highlighting your travel board and then if you have a couple pins you would like to talk about (places you’ve been, photos you’ve taken, DIY travel tips, etc) you could pick out 3 of your pins and write about them in the post! We’re hoping this is a fun way to spread the Pinterest travel love around!

Also, if you need an invite to join just let me know in the comments and I will send you one. It’s really fun and quite addictive (don’t say I didn’t warn you)!

*Get the first glimpse of our new travel photos & posts! Subscribe by email and get new travel articles delivered straight to your inbox:

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You can also hang out with us online on Twitter, Facebook & Stumble Upon.

*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(18) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • I’m resisting getting on there. I can’t handle one more social media site, but I’ve heard nothing but the most amazing things about it!!!

    • Pinterest became such a lovely mental escape for me last year when I was frantically working to tie up loose ends at work and get travel plans off the ground. I have a series of favorites on my RTW 2012 board and love collecting food and landscape shots, too.
      P.S. I know what you mean, Andi, about not wanting one more social media site….but it’s so fun. Hope to bump into you over there sometime soon! 😉

  • Laurel -

    at 2:16 pm

    I’ve slowly warmed up to Pinterest, but I love seeing everyone elses photos.I love your idea of featuring other travel boards on your site and would love to take part. Just let me know what I need to do.

    • Bethany -

      at 7:16 am

      Hi Laurel – We’d love to feature your Pinterest boards! Please email us on our contact page to get in touch and we can set it up. 🙂

  • Ayngelina -

    at 5:08 pm

    I love following your boards on Pinterest, you always have fantastic pins.

  • Bobbi Lee Hitchon -

    at 1:42 am

    Totally agree. I’m absolutely addicted to Pinterest and I think it’s a great match for travel plans. I’ve learned about places on Pinterest that I never knew existed! PS I love your boards!!

  • Vicky -

    at 10:17 am

    You weren’t kidding when you said you fell in love with pinterest — I just saw you’ve got 6200 pins!! I recently started using pinterest and it really can get addicting. I run a food blog (as well as the travel blog which my boyfriend and I just started) and I love pinning recipes that I want to make!

  • Ruth (Tanama Tales) -

    at 11:00 am

    Made sure I am following your most popular boards. Pinterest is dangerous. You can spend hours there without having a notion of how fast time is passing.

  • Baja By Bus (@BajaByBus) -

    at 11:29 am

    Nice article – you have a new follower 🙂

  • Sofia @ As We Travel -

    at 5:37 pm

    Just signed up yesterday, I’ll see you there!

    • Bethany -

      at 7:19 am

      Thanks Sofia – I’ll look for you on there so I can follow you.

  • Victoria -

    at 8:04 pm

    Your idea of featuring other travel boards on your site is excellent and I will take part in it, infact many. I really addicted to Pinterest and I think it’s a great match for travel plans. Nice it gonna be fun, good post, thanks for sharing.

  • Roderick Coleman -

    at 9:31 pm

    Featuring other travel boards on your site is the excellent idea and I would love to take part. I recently started using pinterest and I am badly addicted. I have learned about many places on Pinterest an these places are so cool which I never listened before. Excellent article, you have a new follower, that is me LOL!

  • Turkey’s For Life -

    at 12:05 am

    Absolutely amazing that you are top of a tree that has so many famous names on it! Good for you two!! And like you said – always great to get confirmation that you are good at what you do. This is a real success story – we’re happy followers. 🙂

    • Bethany -

      at 7:18 am

      Thanks Julia! It is very exciting. We follow your boards too – let me know if you want to feature them on here. 🙂

  • Joseph -

    at 2:02 am

    I’m absolutely addicted to Pinterest and I think it’s a great match for travel plans. I love seeing everyone else’s photos, great idea of featuring other travel boards on your site and would love to take part. Good blog, thanks for sharing.

  • […] a few days after finding and following her on Pinterest, she wrote about the new social network. In Discovering the World with Pinterest, Beth writes about her addiction to the website, how it’s good for bloggers and photographers […]

  • Steve -

    at 2:48 am

    Excellent idea of featuring other travel boards on your site. I’m absolutely addicted to Pinterest and I think it’s a great match for travel plans. I’ve learned about places on Pinterest that I never knew only. Good post, thanks for sharing.