St. Kitts: First Impressions of the Island and the St. Kitts Marriott Resort.

As the American Eagle propeller plane set down in St. Kitts, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.
Prior to my landing at St. Kitts International Airport, the only islands I had ever visited were Coronado and Alcatraz–both in California, and the latter isn’t even inhabited. So, when I stepped onto the tamarack into the tropical breeze I was pretty much hooked. (For those in the Northeast think of those summer days when a storm is just around the corner.)
Maybe it was the warm air, maybe it was the island’s lushness, maybe it was experiencing the smallest and most friendliest international airport in the world or, just maybe, it was all these things combined. In other words, they had me at hello, and Lavern and the rest of the staff at my final destination, St. Kitts Marriott and The Royal Beach Casino, were only further proof of my new found epiphany.
By the time I was standing in the lobby of the St. Kitts Marriott sipping my welcome drink, a virgin rum punch, I was a believer in the fact that maybe, just maybe, St. Kitts is a necessity for the soul.
Here’s some snapshots from day! Stay tuned for more from the island of St. Kitts.
Do you have a favorite island? If so, we’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
*My stay in St. Kitts was sponsored by the Marriott Resort and The Royal Casino; though, as always, my thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(17) awesome folk have had something to say...
Roy Marvelous -
at 10:49 pm
Make sure to check out Monkey Bar!
Randy -
at 2:38 pm
@Roy Marvelous, Unfortunately, I missed it this time around, but I’ll be back. I just added it to my new must-do St. Kitts list! Thanks for the tip.
Nora – The Professional Hobo -
at 9:34 am
I’ve been bouncing around the Caribbean since October, and in a few weeks I’m headed back to my favourite Caribbean island: Grenada! Love it. (But don’t go. And don’t write about it. It’s our secret!)
Randy -
at 5:40 pm
@Nora – The Professional Hobo, Your secret is safe with us!;) I’m so jealous that you’ve been in the Caribbean that long. I really dig it down there and can’t wait to get back. But until then, at least I can follow along on your journey.
kittitian -
at 10:10 am
I believe you’re right, St. Kitts is a necessity for the soul. My soul loves St. Kitts!
Randy -
at 5:41 pm
@kittitian, Me too! Three days was not enough. I need at least a month!
Nat – A Cook Not Mad -
at 1:42 pm
For me it’s a tie between Maui and Manhattan, obviously for completely different reasons. Enjoy your time in the sun.
Randy -
at 5:45 pm
@Nat – A Cook Not Mad, Thanks Nat! I had a blast. Actually, I forgot I was in Manhattan last year around this time for about 24 hours and I did really dig it; though,the winds were a little more bitter.
San Diego Chiropractic -
at 11:25 pm
Did you enjoy your vacation there? I’ve never been to that place but I know St. Kitts is also a beautiful place to have vacation, am I right? Enjoy there!
Randy -
at 5:50 pm
@San Diego Chiropractic, Thanks, I had a great time! The island and Marriott were beyond my expectations. Thanks for stopping by!
Elle -
at 4:21 pm
I love the photos in this post!
Randy -
at 5:46 pm
@Elle, Thanks Elle!
Tash -
at 3:06 pm
Ohh, haven’t been to St Kitts….but Antigua is my favourite so far. But am checking out 2 news ones next month, so we’ll see!
Randy -
at 5:47 pm
@Tash, Lucky you! I can’t wait to explore more of the region. Where are you going next?
Tash -
at 5:52 pm
Am off to Barbados (which I have been to before), and then Trinidad and Dominica. For the cricket. Can’t wait – a beautiful part of the world!
Randy -
at 7:30 pm
@Tash, Oh man, I am jealous!
That sounds like a great trip! I haven’t been to any of those places, but now that I got a taste for the region I can’t wait to explore more of it.
Sophie -
at 11:47 pm
I was in St Kitts a long time ago with my then 7-year-old. Remember it as being very child-friendly, too