
Temecula to Denver: An InstaTog Session.

By Posted in - California & Colorado & San Diego & U.S.A. & Utah on A vintage California highway motel in Baker, California.


A couple of weeks ago I completed my first solo journey from Temecula to Denver by car. Of course, in the 21st century that isn’t a really hard or amazing feat (its no Lindbergh Flight), but that doesn’t take away from the beauty of the journey.

The road trip itself is really simple: Interstate 15 to Interstate 70. At 65 mph the trip took about 17 hours, and I spread out the drive over a two day period, spending the night in Richfield, Utah, a small town off of I-70 in Utah. Like Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit, I had to make a delivery in set a time, in this case it was Beth’s 1999 Hyundai Elantra and the recipient was her younger sister, Kate.

It was a fun drive, but I would be lying if I didn’t miss having my two co-pilots, Beth and Chachy (our dog). Prior to leaving on the trip, I got the new iPhone 4s so everything I shot came from the Hipstamatic App with the exception of the photos that I’m featured in, which I used Instagram because it can utilize the iPhone’s front facing camera.

A California schoolbus in the SoCal high desert near Apple Valley.An antique billboard for a California truck stop near Calico ghost town.A sign for Calico Ghost Town in California.A hyundai parked in the southern California desert.The world's largest themometer in Baker, California.A vintage California highway motel in Baker, California.A California David statue in Baker, California.The vintage Circus Circus Casino sign in Las Vegas, Nevada.A vintage Las Vegas wedding chappel and motel in downtown near The Strip in Nevada.A cactus along Interstate 15 in Nevada.The Utah highway at dusk with a Fed Ex truck passing by.A snowy morning in Richfield, Utah off the Interstate 70.A dawn plain along Interstate 70 in Utah.A Utah road sign detailing the distance to Denver, Colorado.Interstate 70 going through Colorado.The Vail city limits sign in Eagle, Colorado.A Colorado ski town in Eagle near Vail.The Johnson Tunnel on Interstate 70 near Denver, Colorado.An apartment building in Denver, Colorado.

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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(26) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Kim -

    at 10:05 am

    Love the visual capture of your road trip! Being from Colorado, I’ve done similar road trips along that route over the years. Some parts are dead boring while others quite captivating.

    Did you take some of those images as you were driving…? 😉

    • Randy -

      at 8:32 am

      @Kim, Thanks Kim! Yes, a few of those were taking while I was driving. 🙂 Yeah, luckily the captivating parts (at least for a first timer) easily outweigh the boring spaces on the trip. I was taken back by the beauty of that stretch of I-70. I grew up in western PA and that part of 70 is abysmal.

      • Kim -

        at 8:40 am

        @Randy, Agreed, it’s fun to do maybe once. And while I haven’t seen the PA part, I think the I-70 portion through Kansas (and I-80 through Nebraska) tops the list of the most uninspiring. Lucky you missed that stretch! 🙂

  • Emily McManus -

    at 10:21 am

    Love the photos – so cool!

  • Brooke vs. the World -

    at 2:25 pm

    Love this. So many great colors and mix of shots here. Cool.

    • Randy -

      at 8:38 am

      @Brooke vs. the World, The American West is truly a colorful place. It’s amazing how the light changes from state to state, sometimes even within in the same state.

  • Andrea -

    at 8:55 pm

    These are great – exactly the type of images I get in my head when I think ‘road trip’ – such awesome and interesting scenery in this part of the US

    • Randy -

      at 12:30 pm

      @Andrea, Thanks Andrea! Couldn’t agree more. The scenery and sheer vastness of the American west is amazing.

  • Sophie -

    at 1:55 pm

    Cool vintage feel to this road trip.

    • Randy -

      at 12:55 pm

      @Sophie, Thanks Sophie! Glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂

  • Tanaris -

    at 11:48 pm

    This post gave me the urge to go off for a road trip 🙂 Those are amazing shots from an iphone.

  • Jessica Rawlins -

    at 11:30 am

    I love the Iphone for this reason. It allows us to not bring around clunky machinery to capture great trips. Great invention. Love your pictures.

    • Randy -

      at 12:58 pm

      @Jessica Rawlins, Thanks Jessica, it is a pretty sweet invention. And I think it’s definitely changing instant photography for the better.

  • Kirsten -

    at 12:41 pm

    Some of the most interesting things I’ve ever photographed were on the sides of roads in the middle of nowhere America. Road trips are my favorite way to go when I am seeing my own country. Glad to see you had the same opportunity and some of these images are really cool!

    • Randy -

      at 1:02 pm

      @Kirsten, I couldn’t agree more Kirsten. There is just something special about an American road trip, in part because it usually takes you to those middle of nowhere places you normally wouldn’t travel to.
      Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by!

  • I remember the roads near Denver having some of the more interesting scenery I’ve seen, though it was sparse – I would go a long time between sights. Cool idea to use the phone apps to capture the journey.

    • Randy -

      at 1:12 pm

      @Scott – Quirky Travel Guy, Thanks Scott, it worked out pretty well. Up until this trip, I had an iPod Touch so we would use that to take pics and then upload them later, but it was really nice to be able to micro-blog on FB and Twitter before actually putting up the post.

  • I love the vintage look of the photos– it fits perfectly with this classic road trip!

  • Awesome photography. Yeah If someone really wana enjoy the tour traveling by road is best way.

  • After I return back to Canada, my boyfriend, an American, has mapped out a quirky America road trip for us. There is so much kitschy Americana to be seen and I want to see it all. Great shots!

  • Joe W -

    at 12:13 pm

    good stuff, you gave me some great ideas for my own trip i’ll be doing but in the opposite way, i’ll be doing a road trip from Denver to Las Vegas this summer…great pics, cheers!

  • San Diego Chiropractic -

    at 10:38 pm

    Wow! I love the photos. Its so cool that you get that photos even when you are inside the car. I also love getting pictures while traveling! 🙂 Do you have more amazing photos?

  • Pamela -

    at 8:36 pm

    I love the old time feel of these photos. Reminds me of the photos we used to take on our family road trips. I’m headed to Alaska via a road trip through Canada next month. Mine will include me and my two dogs. It should be very adventurous.