4 Essential Attractions in Marrakech.

Marrakech is like an onion, peel back one layer and the next is more intense than the last.
You could easily spend days people watching in the Medina or exploring the souks. However, in our opinion, no trip to Marrakech would be complete without checking out these four must-see locations.
Koutoubia Mosque
Like a landlocked lighthouse, the Koutoubia Mosque stands tall over the one and two story red-washed buildings of the Medina. Its light glows in the form of five daily prayers that are projected live through the Minaret’s speakers.
The mosque and minaret are closed to non-muslims but the gardens are open to the public. But even so, standing outside in the courtyard as the call to prayer expands out over the Medina is a free and simple joy.
Djemaa el-Fna
Djemma El-Fna is like a vaudeville show that never got canceled. Instead, it thrived, drawing more and more people every year, building on generations and growing more aggressive and fun with every new wide-eyed tourist who descends on the square.
Just remember: You will get hassled. You will end up with a creature on you. And you will smile. Of all the things to do in Marrakech, Djemma El-Fna is at the top of the list.
The Badi Palace
Beth and I work hard to get the most out of our cheap holidays and the Badi Palace’s cost to value made it one of our favorite sights in Marrakech.
Built in the 16th century, the Badi Palace stands a bit naked these days. Stripped and looted 75 years after it was built, the palace, despite its starkness, still reeks of the awe it once commanded. Plan on spending an hour strolling the grounds and exploring the terrace and underground portions of the palace. Cost: 10 dirham ($1.20)
Jardin Majorelle
Aside from our Riad, entering into the gardens of Jardin Majorelle was the most tranquil place we visited in Marrakech. The lush setting explodes with vibrant colors and contains more than 300 plant species, including palms and cacti of all sizes.
Strolling through the paths reveals large fountains, ponds, statutes and clothing designer/former owner Yves Saint Laurent’s memorial site. His ashes were spread here and the area is also frequented by African Songbirds. It took us about 40 minutes to tour the garden, but we could’ve easily spent longer in the gardens, just relaxing. The cost to enter the gardens was 40 dirham ($5).
In addition to the garden, you can also visit the Majorelle’s art-deco villa for an additional 15 dirham ($2). Now a museum, Laurent’s former residence houses his collection of Moroccan art, art work from the villa’s original owner, artist Jacques Majorelle, as well as rotating exhibits.
These four essentials sights are perfect to see during quick Marrakech city breaks, do you have any that you would add? If so, we would love to hear about them below!
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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(18) awesome folk have had something to say...
Bridgette -
at 5:41 pm
All of these places sound awesome! The photos are gorgeous, as usual!!!
Bethany -
at 10:05 am
Well thank you bridgette
Christy @ Technosyncratic -
at 12:12 am
Djemma El-Fna sounds great…. except for the tiny fact that you might end up with a creature on you!
Bethany -
at 10:06 am
Yup – there is a good chance of that happening
@Christy @ Technosyncratic,
Stephanie – The Travel Chica -
at 5:06 am
A place I have always wanted to visit. Will keep this in mind for when that day arrives!
Bethany -
at 10:03 am
I hope it helps when you get there.
@Stephanie – The Travel Chica,
Roy Marvelous -
at 2:13 pm
wow, cobras??? I thought that was just in the movies…
Bethany -
at 9:54 am
Yup real cobras! But we found out later that they might have had their fangs removed which is much safer but makes me feel pretty bad…
@Roy Marvelous,
Cheap Van Rental UK -
at 1:15 am
Marrakech is a nice place in North Africa. marrakech is the third largest city in Morrocco after Rabat and Casablanca. nice photos..
Bethany -
at 9:56 am
Thanks – glad you like them
@Cheap Van Rental UK,
Bohemian Trails -
at 6:38 am
Marrakech looks like an amazing destination spot. I also love visiting souks (went to many in Egypt) These pictures are beautiful by the way!
Bethany -
at 9:58 am
Marrakech is pretty crazy. I would love to see Egypt so I could compare! @Bohemian Trails,
Nic Freeman -
at 2:48 pm
Thanks for sharing! I’m looking forward to exploring Marrakech next year and it’s great to see such stunning images! After exporing Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey last year, I have an intensifyed love for souqs, mosques and leather sandals, so I’m sure I’ll also love Morocco. Also, I just wanted to say thanks in general for your great site. I’ve listed you as a versatile blogger in my recent post and look forward to more great content.
Bethany -
at 9:59 am
Oh Thank you so much Nic! I think you would probably love Morocco as well.
@Nic Freeman,
Andrea -
at 11:32 pm
Looks like such a multi-faceted place!
Bethany -
at 10:01 am
oh it is. I really don’t have the correct words to describe it! @Andrea,
Raymond @ Man On The Lam -
at 12:44 am
Cobras! Awesome!!
Bethany -
at 10:02 am