
Hello Marrakesh! Are You Ready To Rock?!.

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It is week 6.5 of the Hazy Shade of Autumn Tour and for the next 10 days (starting tomorrow) we will be visiting Morocco, in particular Marrakesh and Chefchaouen.

We have partnered with Low Cost Holidays for a five day adventure in Marrakesh, where we will be riding camels, comparing a resort hotel versus a traditional Riad and putting our bartering skills into action during a market charity challenge, in which we will be given a list of items needed by a local charity and we will see how much stuff we can get for $100. While I’m not much of a haggler (hopefully I can hone my skills a bit), I have a feeling that the vendors won’t know what hit them when Beth and Ben Franklin join forces.

When our “Tour Plane,” which goes by the name of Easy Jet, touches down tomorrow afternoon in Morocco, it will mark our third continent, not counting North America, on this trip. There have been a lot of first on this tour, but this may be the biggest yet.

Honestly, I have no idea what to expect, aside from the images I’ve conjured up from Crosby, Stills and Nash’s playful Marrakesh Express. I’ve drooled over the photos of our accommodations on Low Cost Holiday’s online site, but I still can’t wrap my head around what the scene will be like. I guess now might be a good time to open up our guide book we bought in Greece.

Following our days in Marrakesh, we will make our way to Chefchaouen, a walled city known for its blue color. Like Morocco itself, this is one of Beth’s dream destinations, and now, after hearing her talk about it, one of mine too. The photos coming out of the  town are striking and I can’t wait to get into the heart of it.

Our time in Morocco also marks the first time Beth and I will be on the road for major holiday. As America and our families celebrate Thanksgiving, we will be in Tangiers celebrating in our own way, what that entails, I have no idea, but it will surely be an adventure.

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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(19) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Andreas -

    at 4:51 pm

    Holidays on the road can be sad, lonely, and even depressing, but at the same time you have the opportunity to do something incredible that you will remember for years! I hope you guys enjoy the time away… It has been fun to follow this adventure.

    • Randy -

      at 12:07 pm

      @Andreas, Thanks Andreas glad you are enjoying! Yeah, luckily there is skype and facebook, which makes it easier to say connected over the holidays. We will be in Tangiers for Thanksgiving, which I am super excited about.

  • jenjenk -

    at 6:07 pm

    What an amazing opportunity!! Although I love my family and turkey with all the fixin’s i have to say that I’d love to be where you are even more!! Can’t wait to see all the pics!!

    • Randy -

      at 12:10 pm

      @jenjenk, It’s been fun and should be really interesting spending Thanksgiving in Tangiers. Though, I will definitely miss the big meal, but, hey there is always Christmas. 🙂

  • Alouise -

    at 8:04 pm

    Sounds like your going to have a very memorable Thanksgiving. Can’t wait to hear more about your time in Morocco.

    • Randy -

      at 12:12 pm

      @Alouise, It should be one for the books that’s for sure!

  • Sarah Wu -

    at 1:11 am

    You’ll have tons of fun! Enjoy.

  • Josh Aggars -

    at 3:40 am

    I am so happy for you guys, Morocco is ace. great surf spots as well. Have a great thanks giving Moroccan style in a souk with lamb casserole and dates! Yum, yum. Nice travel beard btw Randy! By the length of your whiskers you can tell you’ve been on the road for a while 😉

    • Randy -

      at 12:20 pm

      @Josh Aggars, I think the beard has reached a point of no return. I still can’t grow a proper one so its a bit spotty on the sides. Part of me would like to shave it, but I think it would be too much of pain in a hostel. Plus, I my razor is a cheap two blade thing, which couldn’t handle the magnitude of this thing.

      We didn’t get to coast this time, but next time I’m definitely going to make it down there.

      We thought of you in Cappadoica, Turkey, when we saw a huge rack of Havaianas. Got picture of it for you too. 🙂

      • Josh Aggars -

        at 9:36 am

        @Randy, Ah bless you guys. Havaianas rule! Can’t wait to see the pic. Happy on the road Thanksgiving!

  • Greg -

    at 9:26 am

    Looking forward to more amazng pictures soon!

    • Randy -

      at 12:21 pm

      @Greg, We’ve got some great stuff we will be putting up soon from Marrakech and Chefchaouen. Thanks for following along.

  • Penny -

    at 10:50 pm

    I bet this will be one of the greatest trip you’ll enjoy this year. Morocco is an amazing place to visit!

    • Randy -

      at 12:22 pm

      @Penny, It has been incredible. Our minds have been blown multiple times. Its hard to believe that we only have two more days left. 🙁

  • Chris -

    at 2:55 am

    Good luck for your trip to Morocco, for sure it will be fun , I am looking forward to read your posts about it.

    • Randy -

      at 12:24 pm

      @Chris, Thanks Chris! We’ve got some great stuff coming up in the future.

  • riitaa -

    at 11:11 pm

    good luck for your next holidays in Morocco its awesome place I wish to visit

    • Randy -

      at 12:25 pm

      @riitaa, Thanks Riita! I definitely recommend it. If you ever have any questions or need any suggestions about Morocco let us know. 🙂