The Bicycles of Amsterdam | The Instagram Session.

Outside of Amsterdam Central, as our rosy cheeked “walking taxi” assured us in splintered English that he knew the location of our houseboat rental, I saw what at first appeared to be a junk yard for bikes. There were thousands upon thousands of bikes from every decade dating back to World War II. Upon further investigation, though, I realized these weren’t junked relics, all no, these bikes had a purpose; they are in fact the fabric that ties Amsterdam together.
In Amsterdam people peddle with a purpose (I stole that line from Beth), unlike in San Diego where cruising is the norm. And when the bikes aren’t in motion, they are tossed, tied, locked and flung on sidewalks, stoops, bike racks, trees and lamp posts near the edge of canals, waiting patiently, like the steel ponies they are, for their owners or some thief to take them out again.
I’d like to say thanks to Apartments-Houseboats-Amsterdam for helping us find such a great accommodation on short notice. Stay tuned for our review and photographs from our stay on this vintage dutch barge.
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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(26) awesome folk have had something to say...
Geo -
at 3:51 am
Great snaps, i like the sticker on the bike in the last photo, and a batman scooter next to it
Bethany -
at 10:37 am
@Geo, Thanks!Yeah, those two really made me smile. -Randy
Josh Aggars -
at 4:26 am
In short what you’re rightly trying to say Randy is they do EVERYTHING better in Amsterdam! I think it is by the main station but I remember looking at what appeared to be a multi storey car park which is exclusively for bikes. They’ve got their priorities right.
Canal barge living is the way to go. Do you have a main stove on board to heat the thing? I stayed on one like that. Otherwise it gets mighty cold I’m sure as the October cold starts seeping in.
Great city. How’s the herb this time of year
Bethany -
at 10:43 am
@Josh Aggars, The herb was nice my friend. Yes, I know exactly what multi-storey bike rack you are talking about; it’s really impressive!
The boat did have a main stove, but we lucked out and hit Amsterdam during its warmth 1st week of October ever, so it was like summer the whole time. -Randy
Thomas | Jus Getaway -
at 10:36 am
More bikes than cars, sounds like my kind of place. Riding a bike allows you to just simply take in more and enjoy it.
Bethany -
at 11:00 am
@Thomas | Jus Getaway, I couldn’t agree more. I wish we would have had a chance to rent a bike and cruise the city, especially around the back corridors. -Randy
Andreas -
at 4:32 pm
I love this idea… Great to see the creativity.
Bethany -
at 11:03 am
@Andreas, Thanks Andreas!
Denise -
at 10:55 am
Gosh I hated those damn bikes when I was theer! Their little bells are evil and the cyclists think they own the roads and pavements!
Bethany -
at 11:11 am
@Denise, I know what you mean. There were so many times where I felt like I was in the Frogger video game trying to time the bikes, cars and trams while crossing the street.
The bikers are definitely not into having their forward motion impeded. For example, I saw three bikers basically ride a bus’ ass that was making a four point turn in a double lane street. Once they saw the slightest opening they squeezed past before the bus finished its turn; they never stopped. -Randy
Stephanie – The Travel Chica -
at 6:09 pm
instagram works great for these types of photos.
Bethany -
at 11:14 am
@Stephanie – The Travel Chica, Yeah, its really a lot of fun for quick street photos. I’ve found that by using the iPod as opposed to the DSLR people pay less attention to you when you are taking photos. -Randy
Nomadic Samuel -
at 10:50 pm
I love the creativity with the instagram. I’ve got to try that out myself sometime!
Bethany -
at 11:17 am
@Nomadic Samuel, I highly recommended it Sam. Actually, another one of our favorite photo apps is Hipstamatic. It gives you even more creativity. -Randy
Greg -
at 1:17 pm
Love your instagram shots! I love instagram too!
Bethany -
at 11:18 am
@Greg, Thanks Greg! I’ve become a bit addicted to it.
Joe -
at 8:14 pm
I loved the abundance of cyclists in Amsterdam, every city should be that way. I even rented a bike there it was lots of fun. I still don’t really understand this instagram app though…
Bethany -
at 11:24 am
@Joe, Yeah, it is really impressive. I hope more cities take notice and catch on to what Amsterdam is doing.
I’m still new to the instagram app myself. I know that there is a social aspect to it, but I haven’t gone down that road yet. I just use it to take the picture and then use the filters to change the feel and look of the photo. If you have any questions about the app let me know, and I’ll try to answer them. -Randy
Michael -
at 12:40 pm
Instagram vs. Hipstamatic. Is it time for a review? Couple of nice bike shots.
Carol -
at 3:09 pm
The best things about Holland bikes is that there rack in the back is hefty! It can fit up to 2 people :). I’ve been on many adventures with my dutch friends where we sat on a rack in the back as the native peddled us around Amsterdam (and Maastricht!). Oh, I miss those days… one of those bikes might carry my memories.
Audrey -
at 6:59 am
Ooo! I like the instagram effect on these photo. Those dutch bikes are so hip!
Bethany -
at 1:56 am
@Audrey, Thanks Audrey! They are cool aren’t they?
Bethany -
at 2:01 am
@Carol, Ahh, that’s a wonderful thought. Yes, I bet one of those old vintage bikes does still carry your memories. I wish we knew someone in Amsterdam, so we could have experienced the thrill of zipping through the city on the back of a bike. -Randy
Bethany -
at 2:02 am
@Michael, Yes, I think it is high time for a review. I love both of them for different reasons.
Bethany -
at 2:04 am
@Greg, Thanks Greg! Its one of my favorite apps.
Jessica Green -
at 3:10 pm
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of bikes in Amsterdam. Here in US we could certainly use a lot more bikes and people who actually want to bike instead of driving a big car.