
Volunteering On The Road | We’re the new WWOOF ambassadors to SERBIA!!.

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I have some good news! Randy and I are planning the next leg of our journey. We’ve been putting together tentative itineraries and it looks like we’ll be headed back to Europe!

We were planning on going directly to Thailand but a couple of really cool projects popped up in Europe that we simple can’t ignore. We are still in the planning phases but as soon as they are finalized (hopefully in the next week or so) we’ll have some pretty major and exciting updates for everyone! We’ll still be headed to Southeast Asia but at this point we haven’t decided if we will head there directly after a month or so in Europe or if we’ll just wait for the new year.

The Tractor on the Farm in Tuscany.

Given our love for volunteering abroad, I can tell you one thing we are doing for sure is WWOOF’ing. In fact, we have one big announcement regarding our WWOOF adventures:

We’ve been asked to be the official WWOOF Ambassadors to Serbia!

Yes, Serbia! How cool is that??!! Serbia is just entering the WWOOF’ing world and the organizers are very passionate about organics, permaculture and establishing a great WWOOF program in their country.

I have to say we are REALLY excited about this and we were flattered and honored that they asked us to be their WWOOF Ambassadors! As soon as we nail down our itinerary we’ll be headed over there for a couple weeks where we’ll be staying at different farms, learning plenty of new things (one thing it looks like we’ll be doing is making jam – fun!), working our butts off for the local farm owners and then writing & taking photos. We’re both very excited about heading to Serbia and we can’t wait to tell all of our readers what Serbia is like, what to expect wwoofing there and hopefully how awesome the nightlife is in Belgrade!

Trying to understand instruction in a foreign language can be pretty funny!

We plan on being connected the entire time and we’ll be doing live updates with plenty of tweets, FB updates and Instagram photos of us busting our butts in Serbia! I’m hoping I can do more WWOOF portraits in Serbia as well of the farmers and other people we meet. On top of the live updates we’ll have plenty of articles about it on the blog as well.  I’m really intrigued about Serbia and can’t wait to explore the country and the WWOOF farms!

As we continue our travels I’m sure we’ll be looking for even more volunteering opportunities abroad. We had such a great time in Tuscany and we have great expectations for Serbia as well. I’m hoping we can WWOOF in Asia and maybe even do some volunteering in Africa in the next year or so.

On another note, our articles about WWOOF’ing at the Cerreto Libri vineyard in Italy have inspired several other people to volunteer there, including Ayngelina from Bacon Is Magic. She’s headed there in a few weeks to help with the grape harvest and we both really wish we were going with her!

If you’re on a budget, be sure to consider volunteering on the road to extend your travels. Not only can it help you save money but you also get to help out the local community on a grassroots level while getting a great dose of local culture.

Dinner on the WWOOF farm in Tuscany.


If you’re interested in volunteering, be sure to check out more of our stories and photos from our time WWOOF’ing in Italy for more information and inspiration.

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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(12) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Tony -

    at 8:23 am

    Easily one of the best ways to spend a day or two on vacation to meet new people and learn the real ways of life where you are visiting! Love it!

    • Bethany -

      at 12:39 pm

      I couldn’t agree more! Beautiful hotel you have there! @Tony,

  • You guys rock! I really want to do some WWOOFing when we get back on the road long term. Serbia sounds amazing. What a great opportunity. I’m happy for you guys!

  • Wow, congrats on being chosen as the new WWOOF ambassadors to Serbia! Yay! I loved reading about your experiences in Italy so I will def be following your updates in Serbia. ^_^

  • Ayngelina -

    at 7:52 am

    Amazing that you are going to Serbia! I am counting down the days to my own adventure.

    • Bethany -

      at 12:41 pm

      I can’t wait to read about your adventure too Ayngelina! 🙂 @Ayngelina,

  • Tours of the Vatican -

    at 10:23 am

    Can’t wait to hear/see what Serbia is like, this is awesome!! Congratulations, I am sure you will have an amazing time 🙂


  • […] to write a couple reviews. A day or two after that we’ll be flying out to Europe to start our WWOOFing in Serbia gig and another really exciting European project that we are going to announce shortly. […]

  • Electric Toothbrush -

    at 7:47 am

    Serbia isn’t a country i really have any preconception of. I suppose these are the countries you should visit.

  • Vicky -

    at 10:31 am

    Congratulations! How exciting! I’ve never woofed anywhere but am very interested in trying it when I start my backpacking trip. I am interested to see how your experience in Serbia is going!