
The Beers & Beans Starter Kit – Our 7 Links.

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We are a bit late to the game on our Tripbase My 7 Links post but here it is! We want to thank Christine from Christine in Spain for nominating us. I hope everyone finds something new or random that they missed before. Have fun browsing some of our most popular posts along with some of our lesser known travel bits. 🙂


Our Most Beautiful Post:

The Flames of Florence & Six Month Somewhere In Time Retrospective

Personally this was one of my favorite posts and the Flames of Florence is one photo that I am still in *Love* with. That photo along with the six month Somewhere In Time photo retrospective make me consider it our most beautiful post.

Our Most Popular Post:

Scenes From a Paris Market

I think hands down this was our most popular post. I’m really proud of the photos and this one logged the most comments to date for us on any single post. It was also Tweeted, Stumbled and Facebooked all over the place so I gather that a lot of other people also enjoyed these photos of Paris. If you missed it be sure to take a look.

Our Most Controversial Post:

Sh*ts on a Plane – What Would You Do If The Passenger Next To You Soils Their Pants?

I don’t know if this one was necessarily controversial but I felt a little edgy when we put it up. It was a funny post but I didn’t want to offend anyone that might have had this unfortunate experience themselves.

Our Most Helpful Post:

The Essential WWOOFing Pack List

A lot of our readers are interested in volunteer travel and in WWOOFing around the world. This WWOOF pack list was helpful for a lot of those readers.

A post that didn’t get the success it deserve:

Traveler Interview with RoadMonkey’s Paul von Zielbauer

Randy did a great interview with Paul about his company RoadMonkey. RoadMonkey is a travel company with a twist – a big twist. They combine adventure travel with helping those in need. He’s a bit of a visionary and we could see the potential in this type of travel so we were surprised when this post didn’t get much love from readers.

A post whose success surprised me:

Traveling Long Term – 8 Things I Learned on the Road

We liked this post when we wrote it but didn’t expect it to be so popular. I guess what they say is true – posts that include lists are always a favorite!

The Post We Are Most Proud Of:

My Arrival to Italy – Scenes From An Italian Train

This was a tough post to write but it came straight from the heart. I almost didn’t put it up for fear that I would look like an emotional head case. I had some very strong family emotions arise on the train from Paris to Italy that took me completely by surprise and turned me into a bawling mess in front of everyone on the train.


There you have it! As part of the 7 links love we are nominating the following bloggers because they put out excellent information and they definitely deserve a read. Be sure to check them out today and then after they post their 7 links.

Our Three Nominations:

Where’s My Toothbrush?

Ten Times One

Hidden Travel Treasures

Have you been nominated? Be sure to check the 7 Links list to make sure the bloggers you nominate haven’t already participated.

*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

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(8) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Sarah -

    at 5:59 am

    I seriously love every single one of your posts so the fact that you were able to choose only 7 (!!!) is pretty commendable.

    • Bethany -

      at 1:37 pm

      Thank you Sarah! I’m so glad you like all the posts. 🙂 @Sarah,

  • charu -

    at 6:18 am

    Not surprised about the Paris posts…the pictures are very nostalgic. It’s romantic city and the most visited in 2010. Good roundup!

    • Bethany -

      at 2:01 pm

      Thanks Charu – wow! The move visited? Not surprised – it’s so beautiful there. 🙂


  • Nomadic Samuel -

    at 6:16 pm

    I checked out your 8 things I learned on the road post. I love & agree with your concept of slow travel. It took me such a long time to figure this out but I think it’s been the necessary shift that I needed to make in order to rekindle my passion for being on the road long-term.

    • Bethany -

      at 9:30 pm

      It didn’t take me long to figure it out. After about 2 weeks on the road I realized I like the slower route but in the years it took to plan the trip I had planned on it being the opposite so it was a shock to me when I discovered I was happier going slower. Going too fast quickly turns into burnout for me. @Nomadic Samuel,

  • Turkey’s For Life -

    at 11:57 am

    I remember your ‘most beautiful post.’ In fact, I think it was one of the first ones I read on Beers and Beans. Guess I should go through your other links now for the posts I’ve missed. 🙂