American Spirit – Somewhere In Time Weekly Travel Photo.

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Somewhere In Time is a weekly travel photo from around the world. Enjoy!

American Spirit

It just so happens that my sister Bridgette lives in America’s Hometown – Plymouth, MA.

Home of the Plymouth Rock, the first Thanksgiving & America’s oldest grocery store. Home to Squanto and the Pilgrims.

The prelude to the shores of Cape Cod, the older sister to Salem & the witches trials, the girl next door compared to Boston. The town that started it all for good and bad.

Plymouth is an easy going town that happens to maintain a mind boggling seat in the history of America. Could there be a better place to watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July?

As it turns out the answer to that question is NO.

I was spoiled in San Diego where fireworks are aplenty – every night at 9 p.m. in the summer – as a matter of fact. To top it off, San Diego has a kickin’ fireworks display over the San Diego Bay every year. I didn’t think the 4th could get better than San Diego. But then again, I had never spent the 4th in Plymouth.

Sure I grew up in Massachusetts and had spent the vacations of my youth bouncing around Cape Cod, but I had never experienced a Plymouth fireworks display. My sister lives in this little beach community called Manomet, and every year the residents have a big to-do for the Fourth of July.

Like American renegades, they break the Massachusetts ‘no firework’ law in Plymouth and they bring it hard. Here’s the tip – they bring it on the THIRD of July. Yup, all night long the colors fly. And I mean ALL night. For hours on end. This isn’t your neighborhood 20 minute display. This is the full on rebel yell of firework displays.

On July 3rd in Manomet beach, hundreds gather with their own firework arsenal. Bonfire’s are lit, drinking goes on through the day and night and everyone has a great time.

We went to the beach for about an hour, and it was by far the best fireworks display I have ever seen in the U.S., and it’s completely independent. If you want to light your own – feel free. Although you’ll have to make the run to New Hampshire to buy them, all you’ll need to do in Plymouth is just pick a spot on the beach and light ’em up…

So if you want to see the best Fourth of July fireworks in the U.S., your best bet is to come to Plymouth a day early and have your mind blown on the shores of America’s Hometown.

*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

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(20) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • This sounds really fun! I love the way you wrote about Plymouth. Scott and I went to a wedding in Plymouth a couple of years ago, otherwise I probably never would have thought to visit this place. We liked the little town and we did a few of the touristy things. The craziest fireworks display I have ever seen is when I lived in Santa Cruz, CA. It’s like a war zone on the beach. Fireworks would go off everywhere! I’m not sure if it’s still like that though.

    I really like this photo! I love how you showed the people celebrating on the beach. The fireworks are pretty too! Scott and I didn’t watch any fireworks this year in San Diego, can you believe that?! We thought about going to the fair to see the fireworks, but when it comes down to it, I get annoyed with all the traffic and crowds here. 🙂

    • Bethany -

      at 9:23 am

      oh I understand. the crowds are out of control. When I lived on the beaches I always had the best time (of course this was before they banned drinking too – ah the good ‘ole days) but if I had to drive in to see them – I wouldn’t go either. It would take hours. @Christy @ Ordinary Traveler,

  • Turkey’s For Life -

    at 6:54 am

    Now I want to go to Plymouth. Great photo and how lovely that the 4th July firework celebrations have managed to stay independent there. There must be a lot of temptation (and approaches) to ‘go corporate’.

    • Bethany -

      at 9:23 am

      Well technically fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts but the cops turn a blind eye to this which is great! @Turkey’s For Life,

  • Bridgette -

    at 7:30 am

    Love this! Glad you had fun 🙂

  • Caroline in the City -

    at 4:49 pm

    Love this photo! I went to Plymouth Rock last summer and was expecting something more like a boulder, not a tiny little rock with numbers stamped into it. Sad to say that I was not impressed with where our forefathers landed. But loved the rest of Massachusetts.

    • Bethany -

      at 9:24 am

      haha… Yeah, the rock itself is a little underwhelming but I love Plymouth in general. It’s an interesting little town between boston & cape cod. Glad you liked the rest of MA. 🙂@Caroline in the City,

  • Andrea -

    at 5:35 am

    Totally made me homesick! Amazing shot!!

    • Bethany -

      at 9:32 am

      Are you from MA? There are a ton of bloggers from here it seems! 🙂 @Andrea,

  • Nick Laborde -

    at 6:50 am

    What an awesome spot to to see some fireworks… great capture. I love how you can see the action on the ground as well as the sky.

  • Bluegreen Kirk -

    at 5:02 am

    Love the photo and sounds like a great time. I’ve gotten bored with the fireworks though since the 4th is my bday I try to escape them but never can.

    • Bethany -

      at 9:26 am

      Well happy belated birthday Kirk!
      Plymouth is a great spot, you can relax all day on the beach and drink if you want and then just watch the fireworks. It’s a small beach community in this section so there isn’t any traffic. I hope you had good birthday this year! @Bluegreen Kirk,

  • Nomadic Samuel -

    at 3:01 pm

    You definitely captured the moment with this shot! Did you shoot with a dSLR in bulb mode?

    • Bethany -

      at 7:13 am

      Thanks Samuel! I did use a dSLR and this particular photo was taken at f/22 with a 20 second exposure. I never needed to go higher than 30 secs so I didn’t use the Bulb setting. 🙂 @Nomadic Samuel,

  • Bluegreen Kirk -

    at 6:04 am

    Thanks for the belated bday wishes! Plymouth sounds like a different experience than what I am used too and I believe in trying everything at least once so I may try to visit there some time in the near future for my birthday. And yes I had a very good bday this year!

  • Ville Toscana -

    at 9:56 pm

    Yes fireworks on 4th July seems to be amazing at Plymouth.Everyone breaks the law and get together on that day on the beach with their own fire works,Bethany its seems that you had a great experience at Plymouth. Is it so?

    • Bethany -

      at 5:44 pm

      Thanks for commenting – yes it was fantastic! Took a look at your site as well – Villas look beautiful! @Ville Toscana,