Photos of Paris at Night.

I’ve written of my love for Paris multiple times on Beers & Beans and I’m thankful that we were able to spend a week there due to the fact that our budget was so tight. The truth is we couldn’t have spent a week in Paris if we didn’t camp. Camping in Paris was a great experience and more importantly it fit our budget at about $20/night for the both of us. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to visit the city of lights and is low on money. All and all it was a perfect fit for us but there was one slight downside –
The Paris campground is in Bois de Boulogne Park which is on the outskirts of the city – about a 30 -40 minute ride by Metro and bus. It’s really not bad except that if you plan on taking the bus back to the campground each night you have to be back in the area by 10 pm to catch it. If you miss it, you’re stuck with a cab ride. Because the last bus pick up is at 10pm you have to leave Paris around 9:30pm by Metro to make sure you catch it. I wish I had the money to miss the bus every night but if that was the case we would have probably stayed in a more centralized hostel instead.
One night we missed the bus and decided to make the most of our night in Paris. We ended up in a dark, cozy bar that had a live band playing a mix of French and American songs. After the bar emptied out we walked around, mostly trying to figure out how we were going to get back to the campground because even the Metro stations were closed at that point. Randy being the public transport genius that he is was able to figure out what bus we needed to take while I wandered around snapping photos as we searched for the station. We took the bus as far as we could and then we shelled out money for the cab to take us to the campground.
So the moral to this story is if you’re headed to Paris and you’re going to stay at the campground either plan on spending a little extra money to take a cab back for a couple nights or better yet, plan on spending at least one night in a hostel/hotel in the center of the city so you can spend more time out at night. I have a serious lack of night photos in Paris because of this small detail and Paris, like pretty much every other time of the day, is beautiful at night.
I wish I had more but here are the ones I do have – hope you like them!
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers & Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
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(51) awesome folk have had something to say...
Patricia GW -
at 6:07 am
Wow, these photos of Paris are beautiful! I can’t wait to see the City of Lights for myself in a few days!!
Bethany -
at 10:03 am
Thank you – have fun on your big adventure! @Patricia GW,
Lisa -
at 9:52 am
Wow, that is an awesome idea – to camp just outside of Paris. Thanks for the info. Here is a direct link to their website –
Love the pictures too. I will keep this in mind when I get back to Europe. Thanks again!
Bethany -
at 10:04 am
Yeah, besides having to go home early each night we really liked it there!@Lisa,
Erin -
at 7:57 pm
I do love them, they are gorgeous! Makes me want to go back there NOW
Bethany -
at 10:04 am
Me too! Thanks Erin
Gregory Berg- Enso Photography -
at 9:54 pm
Great work!!! Just discovered you two via an RT from travelcanucks. I’m a fellow San Diegan and photographer, so just wanted to say hi and looking forward to seeing more. This piece REALLY makes me want to get back to Paris soon!
Bethany -
at 10:05 am
Thanks for stopping by and nice to meet you! When we are back in SD we should try to meet up.
@Gregory Berg- Enso Photography,
Brooke vs. the World -
at 12:19 am
Oh my god these photos are awesome! Beth, you rock! Gorgeous place that Paris…. never been but really thinking I should make the trek.
Bethany -
at 10:05 am
I think you would love it Brooke
@Brooke vs. the World, -
at 1:47 am
Those are gorgeous photos of Paris! I love the photos effect! I’ve never been to Paris and I love to take a visit soon!
Bethany -
at 6:00 pm
Thanks Kathy! Definitely go if you get the chance! You won’t regret it.,
Bluegreen Kirk -
at 6:57 am
Some of the best photos I’ve ever seen. great job wish you had more!
Bethany -
at 10:06 am
I do too! Just another reason to go back.
for the compliments Kirk! @Bluegreen Kirk,
Candice -
at 10:35 am
These are really the most beautiful photos. For anyone who loves Paris and even those who are dreaming of going there one day these show the city in her best light! ;o)
Bethany -
at 10:53 am
Thank you so much Candice for your comment – it really made me smile when I read it.
I looked at your site and that Villa looks amazing! Cabo has been on my must see list for a while now. Thanks again for commenting.
Candice -
at 11:05 am
You will LOVE Cabo – it really is a special place. I’m glad I could make you smile!
Candice -
at 11:08 am
Wait! Hold the phone! I just realized you are a San Diegan too! HOLA! In that case you definitely should get your little self off to Cabo – it’s sooo close!
bethany -
at 6:00 pm
I know! Can’t believe I’ve never been! Always been a dream trip to drive the whole length of baja and stay in cabo for a while!@Candice,
Turkey’s For Life -
at 9:47 pm
Great photos as usual. we see so many Paris photos but these are a little bit different!
Great idea to camp on the city outskirts when you’re on a budget. We have a small backpack tent and now the summer months are upon us, we’re pondering whether to make use of it again – it’s legal to just set up tent in Turkey. No campsite required.
Bethany -
at 6:01 pm
Thanks for the tip on camping in Turkey! That’s a place I really want to visit and I would love to camp there. I highly recommend camping in Paris – it’s cheap and convenient. The only bummer is going home early or you can just plan on the cab ride for one or two nights. @Turkey’s For Life,
Eurotrip Tips -
at 5:18 am
I love the dreamy effects you used! Good job, as always
Bethany -
at 6:02 pm
Thank you.
@Eurotrip Tips,
Tony -
at 10:42 am
Just looking at pictures it is obvious how Paris maintains its reputation as one of the most beautiful places in the world. Too bad our cameras cannot capture the smells of fresh pastries and the sounds of music!
Bethany -
at 6:03 pm
It is. I never understood the hype until I saw it for myself. You’re right on the smells of pastry, bread and the accordions in the subways – need to take those with me.
Erica -
at 9:02 pm
AGGHHHakdl! I still need to have an HDR discussion with you!
Bethany -
at 6:04 pm
hahaha… ok – just let me know.
The Eiffel Tower is the HDR of that group.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler -
at 9:12 pm
This makes me want to go back to Paris! I love the photos. Great job!
Bethany -
at 6:04 pm
Thanks Christy! @Christy @ Ordinary Traveler,
travel destinations -
at 6:12 am
Right now I’m in Paris, and I love every where I go!!! Specially Saint Michel area and Pigalle… old Paris!!!! ?
Bethany -
at 6:05 pm
Oh lucky you! I don’t think I made it to either of those sections. I really need to go back! @travel destinations,
Nomadic Samuel -
at 7:03 am
These are fantastic shots! My favorite is lamp post with the streaking pedestrian. The way the long exposure captured and streaking lights and person makes for a truly memorable photo.
Bethany -
at 6:06 pm
Thanks for commenting! I’m glad you like them – the one of the lamp post and the pedestrian is one of my faves too.
@Nomadic Samuel,
Allison -
at 5:07 am
I love Paris. I went back for the first time in 7 years this week; what a treat to get online again and have your Paris at night photos. Especially the 4th from the top / 3rd from the bottom… Wow.
Bethany -
at 6:08 pm
Oh wow Allison lucky you! I’m glad the photos brought you back.
Hogga -
at 10:52 am
Holy shit! Can you write a post on how I can tack pictures as awesome as this please?
Bethany -
at 6:07 pm
Thanks for the compliment Hogga!
I’ve got the e-book coming out in a week or so. 
Or if you ever have questions just ask away.
Zoe -
at 6:41 pm
I’m heading to Paris in 2 months and I couldn’t be more excited! These photos aren’t helping
Bethany -
at 6:10 pm
Lucky you! Have fun!! @Zoe,
Sarah Wu -
at 5:26 pm
Hey even though you missed the bus, but you captured the most beautiful night photos of Paris. These are really sunning shot you took and look how vivid and sharp they are. It’s also very interesting to hear that you able to camp outside the park. That’s a great way for peope who’s on budget
Bethany -
at 6:10 pm
Thanks Sarah.
@Sarah Wu,
4WD Rental Alice Springs -
at 1:01 am
Wow !!! Awesome pics !!
Andrea -
at 2:32 am
Paris at night is always beautiful. I’m going to have to get a tripod so I can take some photos of my own. The ones you posted are great.
Bethany -
at 6:11 pm
Thanks Andrea
These actually weren’t taken w/ a tripod but one would definitely help! I just balanced the camera on whatever stable surface I could find.
Andrea -
at 12:35 am
@Bethany, Oh ok, that’s good to know!
Kelsey -
at 10:18 am
Beautiful shots! You’ve inspired me to take some of my own when I’m there next month!
Natalie T. -
at 3:22 am
Oooh! Like that one of the Seine. The one major problem with my camera is taking night shots. I know I have to have a bigger lens to shoot; I just can’t get one right now.
Before the next trip to Paris, for sure!
Bethany -
at 12:07 pm
You don’t need a bigger lens but a quicker lens might help you. You could pick up a 50mm 1.8 for about $100 used and that would help. Also it’s nice and small. The other thing is using your self timer and keeping everything stable. If you bought the ebook, you’ll see there’s a bunch of tips in there for night photos, even if you have a point & shoot and don’t have a tripod. You can do it.
@Natalie T.,
Kerri – Economy Car Hire -
at 2:46 am
Just “stumbled” across your site and really enjoyed reading this post! I have visited Paris once before and was lucky enough to stay with a friend of a friend. I would definitely consider camping on a future visit though as we found it expensive during our time there so I can only imagine what the price of a hotel stay! Also, love the photos! Good job!
Karenmarybutterfly -
at 6:41 pm
Wow. You really capture the essence of Paris. Your picutres are just gorgeous. It almost makes me want to go back however, France means staying with the in-laws now and I am not as motivated. These pictures might do the trick though.
Monica Suma -
at 10:58 pm
These pictures are so beautiful, I cannot stop staring. And I thought I take pretty pictures .. this makes me want to take a few photography classes. Stunning, I went twice to Paris, for a few days, and two other times I lost my connection to Romania (home for Christmas) and unexpectedly ended up spending Xmas day in Paris. I want to go though and spend a few weeks, not just days. Love your blog, really a lot to learn from!