Brothers of the Rock – Joshua Tree National Park – California, USA – Somewhere In Time Weekly Travel Photo.

Somewhere In Time is a weekly photo from around the world. Enjoy!
I love Joshua Tree National Park. If you ever get the chance to visit – go!
It’s a playground for adults and children alike and is one of my favorite spots in California. The landscape is unique – part barren desert, part larger than life boulders all dotted with snarled Joshua Trees that sprout up randomly. It’s a little bit unearthly and a little bit magical at the same time. If you go, try to camp at Jumbo Rocks. It’s one of the several campgrounds within the park and looks just like it sounds. Giant boulders make up the campground and embody the perfect background for tents, campfire stories and starry nights. They also make for great climbing material. You can climb on them for hours on end – literally spending full days exploring new heights and jumping between rocks. Last year Randy and I took Chachy (our dog) to Joshua Tree and we all ran around the rocks. Chachy loves climbing rocks and he took off like a rocket as soon as we got out of the car.
It was about sundown when I spotted these two boys in the distance. They appeared to be brothers and one was showing the other something he had found. They were standing on top of a very large boulder as the sun drifted off below them. I was able to snap a few photos before they jumped off to the next spot and this one became the clear winner when I saw the curiosity between them. I love this photo because even though I don’t know who they are and I only occupied the same boulder with them for a few minutes I can understand the sense of wonder they share in this photo.
If you visit Joshua Tree I guarantee you’ll feel the same way.
Want to see more Somewhere In Time images? Visit our Somewhere In Time Travel Photo Gallery!
*This photo is part of Travel Photo Thursday on Budget Travelers Sandbox.
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers & Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
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(34) awesome folk have had something to say...
Melvin -
at 3:56 am
Wow! Amazing picture! Any chance to share that one on Traveldudes as well? I would love to present it there! It’s really good!
Bethany -
at 6:26 am
Thanks Melvin! Sure I’d love to share it. I’ll email you now.
Allison -
at 4:28 am
This is a spectacular image! Can you believe I’ve been to Palm Springs / La Quinta at least once a year for the past 28 years and I have never been? So embarrassing. It was on my “for sure” list for February… but I ran out of time. It’s now on the “for sure” list for October… for sure…
Bethany -
at 6:29 am
October will be the perfect time to visit. Def. too hot now to head out there.
Sofia – As We Travel -
at 6:38 am
Beautiful photo, you got the shot right in time for him to show his brother what he’d found, awesome!
Bethany -
at 6:50 am
Thanks Sofia.
@Sofia – As We Travel,
Raymond @ Man On The Lam -
at 8:54 am
This is an amazing photo. You guys never cease to impress!
Bethany -
at 4:47 am
Thank you Raymond! @Raymond @ Man On The Lam,
Sabrina -
at 9:52 am
This looks amazing! I love how the blue changes from almost black to a lighter shade where the boys stand.
Bethany -
at 4:47 am
Thanks Sabrina. Honestly I really lucked out with the time of day. @Sabrina,
Sabrina -
at 6:50 am
@Bethany, it’s more than luck! It’s funny that you say this though. Most people would see this and just walk by. It’s the exact same response I got from Marco yesterday when I pointed out an amazing shot he took in Egypt last year where it looks like two people are walking on water
Laurel -
at 11:32 am
Love the colors in this photo. I keep hearing how wonderful Joshua Tree National Park is. It sounds like I really need to go.
Bethany -
at 4:48 am
Thanks Laurel and yes you should totally go – it’s a cool spot! @Laurel,
MIchael Figueiredo -
at 12:22 pm
This shot is amazing! I’ve lived in SoCal my entire life but still haven’t been to Joshua Tree…I definitely need to make it there soon!
Bethany -
at 4:49 am
It’s a great spot to visit. Glad you liked the shot.
@MIchael Figueiredo,
crazy sexy fun traveler -
at 12:24 pm
A cute one!
Bethany -
at 4:49 am
@crazy sexy fun traveler,
Leigh -
at 1:06 pm
Amazing, gorgeous, spectacular shot. I love Joshua Tree too – only spent a day but would like many more to get off the beaten trail. The rocks there blow me away – what an endless place of possibilities for a photographer.
Bethany -
at 5:00 am
I know the rocks there are awesome aren’t they? I need to go back too.@Leigh,
JenniferU -
at 3:35 pm
What I great photo and story. I’ve been in the area twice in the last two years, but have yet to make it to Joshua tree. Thanks for the reminder that it needs to go on the list!
Bethany -
at 5:03 am
Thanks Jennifer and def. try to go. It’s a cool National Park.@JenniferU,
Sensibletraveler -
at 5:02 pm
Great shot. It could be a movie cover!
Bethany -
at 5:01 am
Thanks! That’s a great compliment! @Sensibletraveler,
Fresh From Twitter -
at 6:02 pm
[…] Lord. good stuff RT @BeersandBeans Brothers of the Rock – Joshua Tree National Park – Menorca u0096 Villas and Vineyards, The Perfect Blend | Submit Articles: As the second largest […]
Average Traveller -
at 7:39 pm
Wow! That couldn’t have been done more perfectly even by a graphic designer!
Bethany -
at 5:01 am
Thank you! I was truly lucky when this moment popped up! @Average Traveller,
Italian Notes -
at 11:06 pm
Truly iconic
Bethany -
at 5:02 am
@Italian Notes,
Sophie -
at 3:02 am
Beautiful photo, just beautiful! Nature and art!
Bethany -
at 5:02 am
Thank you Sophie – glad you like it.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy -
at 1:46 pm
I still haven’t been there but posts like this make me want to schedule a visit. Plus, I have a friend who’s a huge U2 fan who wants to go.
Bethany -
at 10:10 am
Scott – you should totally go! Especially with your friend
@Scott – Quirky Travel Guy,
jak poderwac kobiete -
at 6:46 am
Amazing! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a entirely different topic but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Great choice of colors!
Nomadic Samuel -
at 3:25 pm
Beth, this is such an amazing photo! I’m really glad to have discovered it using SU today. The silhouette really makes it unique and it appears as though you used a polarizing filer – I love the subtle change of saturation in the sky as you move up to the top portion of the photo.