
Hartmann Luggage Video Review.

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After posting our story about my Kelty backpack strap failing on our travels through Europe, Hartmann Luggage contacted us and stated simply that its luggage would not have failed us in our time of need. Smelling a challenge, we offered to put one of the company’s wheeled suitcases to the test. They agreed. And several weeks later, we got a turquoise Hartmann Packcloth 21″ Expandable Mobile Traveler in the mail.

The arrival of the luggage coincided with an upcoming trip to Boston, so we decided to document our time scouring the streets of the city with the Hartmann suitcase in tow. I even got a picture with former Boston Mayor Kevin White, who, I must say, has one heck of a stiff handshake.

(After you hit play, I recommend cranking that 360p tab (near the bottom right corner) up to glorious 720p also known as Hi-Def. )

In addition to this short film, we will also be posting a full written review of the suitcase in the coming weeks.

*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

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(8) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • John -

    at 3:26 am

    I’ve always loved Hartmann luggage, and this video is real fun too. Loved the visuals you put in that video. I’ll be getting some new luggage soon! And hey, just in case you didn’t know, there is this awesome resource that has helped me a lot in making my travel blog professional and has helped me in making money from it too. Hope you like it. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ZZM6YO

    • Bethany -

      at 4:02 pm

      Thanks John. Glad you liked it. We had a lot of fun putting it together. Yeah, we are big fans of Hartmann too, and can’t wait to take the suitcase around the world. Thanks for sharing the information about the travel blog ebook too.

  • Kelsey -

    at 9:04 am

    What a cute little video! Nice to hear your voice!

  • Randy -

    at 4:06 pm

    Glad you liked it! My first voice over for the video wasn’t so nice. I completed the video around 2 a.m. and when Beth heard it she said my voice sound too creepy. So, I woke up the next day and reworked it. Looking back at the original, Beth was right; it was a bit creepy 🙂

  • Seattle Dredge -

    at 4:51 pm

    hehe, great video. I think the mayor liked the luggage too ;]

  • Bluegreen Kirk -

    at 7:42 am

    Nice vid! I think the creepy voice would have worked well never actually had any Hartmann luggage seems like it would do the trick.

    • Bethany -

      at 8:34 am

      No, I can safely say the creepy voice did not work well. He wasn’t a happy camper when I first told him but It was BAD! hahaha The luggage was fabulous all the way though! 🙂@Bluegreen Kirk,