A Review of The Visa Book (US Citizen Edition).

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of the latest e-book written by Christine at AlmostFearless.
Not only do I respect Christine as a writer but I also definitely consider her an authority on travel. Throughout the years I have peppered her with all sorts of travel questions. She is approachable, down to earth and to top it off – she really knows what she’s talking about! An e-book written by her is guaranteed to be full of great information.
I also own two other e-books she has written:
- Twitter for Travelers
- 30 Ways in 30 Days to Redesign Your Life and Travel the World
Both of these books are fantastic and great online library additions for any travel junkie. Her writing is always witty, concise and full of great facts. This visa e-book is no exception. In fact, it’s a 253 page travel visa wonder.
Seriously this thing is amazing.
In accordance with my disdain for travel planning one part of traveling that I never look forward to is figuring out visas. Searching online to find out the latest facts and info about how much it’s going to cost, what I need to do ahead of time and what the time limit is for a visa is ANNOYING. A definite travel buzz kill.
So I’ll say it loud and proud here – this e-book is the BOMB! Go ahead – name a country, any country. Pick it off the list and quickly go to the countries page for all the visa requirements including cost and time limits. To top it off, she also provides links to authoritative websites so you can quickly do your own research and re-verify information.
The country by country breakdown is so simple to use–it’s foolproof. It has already saved me endless amounts of research time. Another aspect (and quite possibly my favorite) is the simple and quick seven page country by country guide. In an instant you can scan and compare each country to find out which might be the easiest and cheapest to visit–brilliant!
Buying this ebook is an investment you shouldn’t miss out on. In fact I would go as far to say it is a must have for any traveler planning a multi-country trip. At $10, it’s a downright steal and worth every penny! It is undeniably a fantastic resource, I use it personally and it has already become of my permanent travel go-to items.
I’ve uploaded a couple of screenshots to give you an idea of how the book is laid out and what you can expect if you purchase it. If you’re interested in buying a copy or want to learn more about it, then you can Click here to view more details.
Instead of spending endless hours toiling in front of a computer researching visa requirements, you can instantaneously save yourself a ton of headaches and start looking up the fun things you want to do instead.
Quick Country Breakdown:
Full Page Country Visa Info:
To learn more about Christine and her other travel e-books be sure to stop by her utterly addictive site – AlmostFearless.com
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
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(5) awesome folk have had something to say...
Mica -
at 8:24 am
This looks pretty sweet! I know its already a bargain, but are there any discount codes? I always ask. Hey, I’m counting pennies and I live abroad! I’ll probably get it anyway!
Bethany -
at 8:39 am
hmmm… I dunno. I have asked her and we’ll see what she says. @Mica,
Bethany -
at 2:43 pm
No, she doesn’t have a discount code but if you travel a lot this is well worth the $10.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy -
at 9:13 am
I read about this ebook and it sounds great. Once I start my next overseas journey I’m going to consider it.
Bethany -
at 2:44 pm
It’s definitely worth the money.@Scott – Quirky Travel Guy,