How to Choose Your Next Holiday.

Everyone loves a holiday. That time of the year when people pack up their bags and head off to a week or two of something different to the daily chores. Some people opt for days lazing by a pool sipping cocktails, while others grab their boots and hike over mountainous terrain. Where will you go on your next holiday?
There are several ways of choosing a holiday:
- Grab a load of brochures from the travel agent in town, spend hours ogling at the photos and rush
back the next day to book.
- Scour the Internet for the best online holiday deals and made a quick decision there and then.
- Forget looking around, you go to the same place that your parents took you as a child and never consider anywhere else.
- Planning? Not for you. A quick last minute search for which flights are on offer and leaving within the next day.
- Buy travel guides to the area you fancy and take a few days off work to research the country before changing your mind anyway and starting all over again.
If your method of choosing your holidays and travel arrangements is similar to any of the above, why not try something different?
Life is for living and with some careful planning and a little encouragement you can find the holiday destination of your dreams, hopefully at a reasonable price. When choosing your next holiday, consider the following before making a decision:
- Think back to your childhood dreams. Did you have a particular place you wanted to visit? Time to
look it up and make that dream a reality. Just ensure the place still exists. Nostalgia is a great thing
so if you’ve got a favourite place you haven’t visited for years, plan a return trip, get out your finest
rose tinted glasses and feel the happy memory vibes.
- What career did you long for as a child? A mountaineer? Airline pilot? Astronaut? Look up trekking across the Himalayas on an alpaca, intensive pilot training holidays over the Bermuda Triangle or space camps run by former members of NASA. Whatever you fancied doing, it is still possible with holidays and travel companies specialising in all sorts of exhilarating activities.
- What hobbies do you have? If you like swimming then perhaps opt for a week of specialist training
to swim the English Channel. If pottery is your thing then a weekend break at a craft studio might
be in order. There seems to be an activity holiday for everyone with the exception of an underwater
knitting holiday for beginners. It’s only a matter of time until it happens, though.
These tips should get you thinking about ideas for somewhere a little different to your usual short break or holiday destination. Get the best holiday deals by searching around and being open to new ideas. Push your boundaries, raise your expectations of a holiday and feel the sense of achievement and satisfaction after the event. Don’t forget to pack your camera, a waterproof one perhaps in the event that you do find that underwater knitting class!
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(1) awesome folk have had something to say...
Alouise -
at 2:45 pm
My problem is there are so many places I want to see, but there’s not enough time or money for me to go to them right now. And as cheesy as it sounds I’ve always wanted to spin a globe, close my eyes and put my finger down and see where it stops. Assuming it’s not in the middle of the ocean, just head there.