South Africa+Adventure+Campervan=Gravity Adventure Festival.

Imagine if Yellowstone National Park held an adventure festival. Three summer days centered around competitions involving kayaking, mountain biking and river swimming. Sure, we have the ESPN X Games, but this is would be a completely different beast, pinning competitors against the wilderness as opposed to man-made obstacles like at the X Games. And there would be camping too! Campervans from all over the Americas would descend on the park. Oh, what a joyous occasion this would be. If you don’t believe me, just look to South Africa.
For seven years now, the country has hosted the Gravity Adventure Festival. Initially, started as a kayaking event, South Africa’s Gravity Adventure Festival has ballooned into a three day adventure jamboree. The festival, which takes place in August, now features seven adventure disciplines spanning kayaking, mountain biking and swimming; its held in the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (approximately one hour from Cape Town).
I wish I could say we were booking our flights to Cape Town right now, but I can’t. I found this while researching another story, and I think there’s a strong possibility we will be in South East Asia in August (maybe we’ll make Cape Town in 2012). Regardless, I think the Gravity Adventure Festival sounds pretty rad, so I figured I’d give it a Sunday shout out (ahh, the joys of self publishing).
If you happen to be going to the Gravity Adventure Festival or something similar, we’d love to hear from you. While we have been to the X Games and music festivals, neither Beth nor I have been to an adventure festival, so we are both curious to find out more about it.
*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of, & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
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(2) awesome folk have had something to say...
Sarah Wu -
at 6:17 pm
I have never done it, but seems like it’s full of activities and adventures.
Bethany -
at 7:58 pm
Yeah, it seems cool! I would love to go one day. @Sarah Wu,