Double Helix|Changing Woman – Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA – Somewhere In Time Weekly Travel Photo.

Somewhere In Time is a weekly travel photo from around the world. Enjoy!
Last March I was lucky enough to visit both Bryce Canyon N.P. & Zion National Park in Utah. It was a girls trip with two of my best friends, my cousin Sarah (in the photo) and my eternal roommate Lauren. It was amazing – we had a fantastic time!
We camped in Zion and then went to Bryce for a night. I was blown away by the beauty of both places but there was something about Bryce that made it much more beautiful and special in my eyes. Sometimes when you visit a place, you feel something. You can’t put your finger on it but it’s there and it changes everything, even who you are. I felt that at Bryce and I have felt this only in a couple of other places – another one in the U.S. being Taos, New Mexico. Certain parts of the west have such a hold on me and I don’t know why. Whenever I happen upon one it reaches out, slaps me in the face and surrounds me like a warm blanket. I always have to leave before I am ready, before I figure out what it was I was supposed to learn there.
We were pitifully unprepared when we decided to do this hike which is called Navajo Trail Loop. We had one glove between all of us and 1 bottle of water. We intended to just peek around the corner (it was freezing) and then hop back in the car. The problem was that it was so beautiful we kept going around one corner, then the next corner and on and on until we were so deep in we had to complete the entire thing. The hike was probably the most beautiful I have been on in my life. We slipped, slid and shimmied our way down – sometimes actually going down the snowy trails on our butts. In fact at one point Sarah couldn’t stop her slide down and plowed into a German family on vacation. They all thought it was hysterical, especially the father who, much to Sarah’s dismay, had filmed the entire thing.
I had always wanted to hike inside a canyon and this hike delivered. If you ever have the chance to visit Bryce Canyon N.P. you should go and definitely put this hike on your must see list. Try to do the hike in the late afternoon when the light just bounces off all the hoodoos and canyon walls. I believe this particular section of the hike is called Wall Street and it is absolutely stunning. The photo doesn’t even come close to doing it justice . After Wall Street the trail opens up to a large expanse with green pine trees, adobe colored hoodoos, blue skies and the brilliant sun shining down. You can literally hear the cowboys and Indians coming over the ridge.
*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of, & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
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(21) awesome folk have had something to say...
Dustin Main – Skinny Backpacker -
at 9:51 am
Great shot. I need to start trying to blow out highlights in the way that you do. I typically underexpose because I’m afraid of highlights and I dig the blacks, but you always do a good job with it.
ps: I love Zion and Bryce
Bethany -
at 9:58 am
I typically do the same. On this one though I shot more for the inside of the canyon so I could get the details, I had to actually darken the background up a bit. The snow I cleaned up a little because it was dirty and blah looking. Wish I had known about HDR then – it could’ve been cool! Glad you liek the picture though
@Dustin Main – Skinny Backpacker,
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures -
at 11:16 am
This is definitely a part of the States that I hope to explore one day soon. Gorgeous!
bethany -
at 5:18 pm
Hi Andi, You should def. go one day – it’s beautiful! @Andi of My Beautiful Adventures,
Andrea -
at 8:56 am
Great shot – you really captured how small one must feel walking through that passage. Like Andi, I really want to go explore this part of the States. The Grand Canyon is all I’ve really seen of it (and only on one day trip) and that was just magic.
bethany -
at 10:08 am
I’m glad you like it Andrea! You do feel really small there because you are just overwhelmed with such natural beauty. @Andrea,
Ken Kaminesky -
at 9:19 am
Utah looks like a dream come true for photography. One day I’m gonna do a road trip through Utah, Arizona and Nevada. Can’t wait. Sweet photo!
bethany -
at 10:10 am
Oh it is a great spot! I really need to go back. I was in Utah for only a few days but it is such an amazingly beautiful state, as are Nevada and Nevada. If you ever go let me know and I can give you some great places to stop.
@Ken Kaminesky,
Michael Hodson -
at 11:13 am
A spot I haven’t hit yet and that I really, really want to hit soon
Bethany -
at 9:09 pm
It’s gorgeous! Definitely go if you get the chance. @Michael Hodson,
Sophie -
at 1:52 pm
Oooh, great shot. Never heard of Bryce Canyon. Looks very cool – reminds me a bit of the entrance to Petra.
Bethany -
at 9:10 pm
Bryce is one of the National Parks and it’s beautiful. I’ve never been to Petra but it’s on my list! @Sophie,
Fresh From Twitter -
at 2:11 pm
[…] @pwcarey: RT @beersandbeans Travel photo -Wall Street, Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA | News: US officials urge BVI to prevent drifting smoke: US officials urge BVI to prevent drifting […]
Charu -
at 2:17 pm
Love this shot! It looks so tranquil: that lane of snow is paired and contrasted so beautifully with the amber/ sand colors of Bryce Canyon. One place I really would love to visit is the Painted Desert — the earthy colors remind me of Arizona.
Bethany -
at 9:11 pm
Hi Charu! I’m glad you like it! I haven’t been to the Painted Desert either but it’s a place I def. want to visit. @Charu,
Connie -
at 7:25 pm
I love the composition of the photo! Makes it seem so empty and as if you’re the last person on earth.
Bethany -
at 11:57 pm
Thank you Connie. I wish I had a real wide angel – it was so huge! @Connie,
Cailin -
at 6:23 pm
wicked photo! It kind of look likes Petra too
Bethany -
at 10:33 am
Thanks Cailin – I can’t wait to see Petra! @Cailin,
Donna Hull -
at 9:00 pm
I didn’t know that Bryce Canyon had a Wall Street. Did you know that Arches National Park has a Park Avenue?
Bethany -
at 10:34 am
No, I never knew that Arches had a Park Ave. I’ll have to go check it out. I haven’t been to Arches in 15 years anyway – I am due! @Donna Hull,