WE HAVE A WINNER!!! And the lucky recipient of $100 from Fly Thomas Cook is—–>.

Last week we hosted our first ever contest on BeersandBeans in collaboration with Fly Thomas Cook. If you haven’t checked out their site for great flights in the U.K. you definitely should. We hope to work with them again in the future because honestly, I always loved reading their emails! I always had a giggle whenever I read one and that is just plain awesome. So check them out for great deals and check out the video below to see who won the $100 cash!!!! I could ruin the surprise and tell you who won but that would be a real spoiler so winner – please contact us with your paypal address so we can give it to Fly Thomas Cook – they will deposit the cash right into your account.
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the contest! We had a lot of fun hosting it.
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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me to ask first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(13) awesome folk have had something to say...
Tweets that mention And the winner of $100 from Fly Thomas Cook is… | beersandbeans.com — Topsy.com -
at 2:02 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christine Gilbert and brooke schoenman, BeersAndBeans. BeersAndBeans said: WE HAVE A WINNER!!! And the lucky recipient of $100 from Fly Thomas Cook is—–> http://goo.gl/fb/n2QC5 […]
Annie -
at 2:42 am
Congrats to Amanda! Great idea with the video, love it!
Bethany -
at 9:39 am
Thanks Annie! @Annie,
Amber DeGrace -
at 7:24 am
Hahaha – I LOVED how you chose the winner. So fun.
My daughter, Lotus, loved it too.
Bethany -
at 9:40 am
Thanks Amber! I’m glad you guys liked it
@Amber DeGrace,
Lawrence -
at 8:26 am
HA HA!! Congrats Amanda. Infinite sky high thanks to the boombastic Bethany & Randy the Super Bingo Host from Fly Thomas Cook. So much fun to work with you jokers! WOO HOO!!
Bethany -
at 11:46 am
Just found your comment in Spam! How’d it get there!? – It was a lot of fun to work with you too! @Lawrence,
Michael Hodson -
at 9:45 am
Whooo hooooo! Great winner.
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures -
at 9:49 am
Oh yay I love Amanda!!!
Brooke vs. the World -
at 6:15 pm
One of these days I’m going to win a blog giveaway myself. Loved that you chose 3 to find a winner 
Erica -
at 3:06 am
Loved the vid – great way to announce to winner!
Amanda -
at 2:11 pm
Whoo hoo! Thanks so much! I was really surprised to hear I’d won; I never win things! But the $100 will go straight into my “travel fund” for this summer.
Sunshine and Happiness: An Infographic for the Ages | beersandbeans.com -
at 2:32 am
[…] may remember the awesome travel contest we ran a couple weeks ago where we gave away $100 cold hard cash courtesy of FlyThomasCook.com? It […]