
Pirates and Passion in Colombia’s Beautiful Harbour..

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We’ve got a great week coming up here at BeersandBeans. We’re doing our first ever guest blogging week! I will still be putting up at least one post written by yours truly but the bulk of the week is going to be a series of great stories from travel bloggers you either know and love or ones that you will love to discover!

Today’s guest post is from Ayngelina. You might know her from her fantastic blog, Bacon Is Magic. You can learn more about her at the end of this awesome photo post she put together for BeersandBeans.

One of the most popular cities in Colombia, Cartagena has an adventurous history. The beautiful harbour is not just another pretty face but has a rich romantic history from being a pirate haven to becoming one of the first sanctuaries for liberated African slaves.

The Old City known as Ciudad Antigua features some of the world’s best-preserved colonial architecture and has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site. These city walls are a reminder of the strong civil and military architecture of the Spanish colonial times and protected the city during numerous attacks, earning Cartagena the nickname ìLa Heroicaî.

Many consider Cartagena to be the most beautiful city in South America and is perfect for photographers and travelers who want to spend the day wandering the streets admiring the vibrant colored buildings.

I arrived during the rainy season and was disappointed to be awoken by a torrential storm my first morning but a few hours later the rain stopped and the beauty of the city unveiled itself.

Cartagena’s beauty makes it a natural destination for budget travelers but Cartagena attracts a lot of wealthy tourists which means it can be a bit expensive when on a backpacker budget.

When visiting make lunch your main meal and choose an almuerzo, which is a set lunch and a great deal. Restaurants outside the walled city are on a ten minute walk away but considerably less expensive.

Regardless of your budget, it’s impossible not to fall in love with this jewel of South America.

Ayngelina left a great boyfriend, job and friends to find inspiration in Latin America. She writes about the people, places and food she discovers as she changes her life.

You can find her on her website, Bacon is Magic, as well as on Facebook and on Twitter.

* Photos in this post courtesy of Ayngelina.

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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me to ask first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(45) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Gisele -

    at 2:20 am

    Oh wow those pictures are absolutely stunning

  • Kristy -

    at 5:32 am

    Amazing photos!

    • Bethany -

      at 8:44 am

      Thanks for commenting Kristy – I love them too. @Kristy,

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael Lynch, Laurel and Ayngelina , BeersAndBeans. BeersAndBeans said: Pirates and Passion in Colombia’s Beautiful Harbour. http://goo.gl/fb/mnHcx […]

  • Zablon Mukuba -

    at 6:00 am

    Great post, i’d love to go there an learn about the sanctuary of african slaves

    • Bethany -

      at 8:44 am

      That would be an interesting trip. I didn’t know about that until I read this post. @Zablon Mukuba,

  • Tijmen -

    at 8:23 am

    I always love old cities, there is always so many interesting old buildings to see and photograph.

    • Bethany -

      at 8:46 am

      Thanks for commenting – I couldn’t agree more. I love the old cities in Mexico, I can’t wait to see them in Columbia. @Tijmen,

  • Great photos! Especially the first one. I’m a sucker for reflections.

  • Kyle -

    at 9:02 am

    I love Bacon Is Magic! She’s awesome. And so are these pictures.

  • Michael Hodson -

    at 9:06 am

    Ahhhh, one of my favorite cities in one of my favorite countries. Such a great place.

    • Bethany -

      at 10:26 am

      I can’t wait to go to Columbia. I’ve been dying to go for a while now and these photos just make me want to go more. 🙂@Michael Hodson,

  • Annie -

    at 11:09 am

    Such great photos! Ayngelina does such a great job portraying her travel in South America, I have a great appreciation for the countries even though I haven’t visited yet!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:41 pm

      I know, I was psyched when she wanted to submit a guest post. 🙂 @Annie,

  • Christine -

    at 11:14 am

    Amazing photos Ayngelina!!!

  • Pete -

    at 11:15 am

    Some awesome photos, my fave is the coastline with the motorcycle, well done.

    Although Cartagena was not our favorite in Colombia, it had some beautiful architecture and we did spend quite a bit of time taking photos here. We found the taxi drivers and store owners constantly harassing us a bit of a disappointment. The serenity of such of a beautiful place was taken away from these annoyances.

    • Bethany -

      at 6:46 pm

      Thanks for commenting Pete! I have had similar experiences in Mexico but it seems that Cartagena is really photogenic! @Pete,

  • Gareth L. -

    at 12:03 pm

    I just got back from Cartagena last week and I’m disappointed to say that none of my photos came out this nice. For some reason all of my pix were of women in white clothing! Weird!

    Awesome shots!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:47 pm

      That is strange Gareth, Thanks for commenting though. Ayngelina did a great job capturing the city. @Gareth L.,

  • Cailin -

    at 1:30 pm

    Beautiful photos!! I’m dying to go there now 🙂

    • Bethany -

      at 6:42 pm

      Thanks for commenting Cailin! I feel the same way! @Cailin,

  • Sophie -

    at 2:20 pm

    Spent a day in Cartagena about a month ago and absolutely adored it!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:47 pm

      Lucky you! I can’t wait to get down there myself! @Sophie,

  • Laura -

    at 4:21 pm

    Fantastic photos! I fell in love with Cartagena on my last visit there as well! 😉 One of my favorite memories is watching soccer and eating ceviche at a street stand just outside the walled city. I can’t wait to go back!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:42 pm

      Wow, Laura you are painting a really pretty picture in my mind as well! @Laura,

  • Ayngelina -

    at 5:11 am

    .Thanks so much for the kind comments everyone, I guess the good thing about rainy season is that once it stops raining everything is shiny and bright

    @Pete, Pete I hear ya there, it is definitely one of the more touristy places in Colombia.

    • Bethany -

      at 3:43 pm

      Thanks for contributing such a great guest post Ayngelina 🙂 @Ayngelina,

  • Margo -

    at 6:12 am

    Wow, what stunning photographs… I love all the color and angles and how much personality of Cartagena is conveyed. Serious wanderlust inspired!

    • Bethany -

      at 6:06 pm

      Thanks for commenting Margo – I think everyone is officially in love with her photos! @Margo,

  • Poi -

    at 8:09 am

    Once again… Amazing photos! had to be said….

    • Bethany -

      at 12:38 am

      Thans for commenting Poi! I know she did a great job! @Poi,

  • G dog… I didn’t know you were such a photographer! These are amazing. Start putting up more!

  • Sarah Wu -

    at 12:19 am

    Those wide angle shots are pretty impressive especially when it’s a old charm city like this.

    • Bethany -

      at 12:38 am

      The wide angles are beautiful and add so much to the photos! @Sarah Wu,

  • Federico -

    at 5:48 pm

    I agree with Ayngelina: Cartagena rocks. In fact it is my fav city in South America I think!

    • Bethany -

      at 10:32 am

      Thanks for commenting Federico – I can’t wait to visit it someday! @Federico,

  • Dina -

    at 12:49 am

    Great photos! We hope to reach Cartagena one day.

    • Bethany -

      at 10:32 am

      She did a great job, I agree. I can’t wait to visit one day as well. 🙂@Dina,

  • Federico -

    at 12:55 pm

    Cartagena is probably my favourite city in South America, hands down.

    • Bethany -

      at 5:40 pm

      I am dying to go. I have a feeling I will really like it too. 🙂@Federico,

  • Don -

    at 6:39 am

    Those are amazing pictures… i love the second one.