Portraits of Wwoofers in Tuscany, Italy – Part 1 of 3.
So I know we’ve had a few posts up here about wwoofing and the amazing experience we had on the vineyard. One of the best things about our time on the farm was all the great friends that we made. I think we really got lucky because we all had such a good time with one another – we laughed ALL day long. It was one of the most relaxing times I have had in a really long time and in the end when everyone parted ways there were a lot of tears. I really feel like I made great friends in the two weeks we were there and that even though I only knew everyone for a short time – I feel like we could easily all meet up again at another corner of the world and pick up just where we left off. It was kismet the way everyone came together. I know not everyone was as lucky as we were and I won’t lie, although I can’t wait to wwoof again, I am nervous to because I simply can’t imagine that it could be that good again.
I took portraits of most of the people on the farm and it happened a bit by accident. It all started with Todd & Benita. Todd and Benita were a really cool couple from California and immediately we got along great with them. In fact, I remember the day Todd and I bonded while plucking grapes – it was such a relief to see that we were totally on the same page about so many things on the farm! Then Benita mentioned to me that they needed photos for a Brazilian magazine that was doing a story on them because she was 7 months pregnant and wwoofing (yes she is that bad ass)! She asked if I would take some photos of them and I was psyched! The portrait session started in the vineyard and as the days went on it grew to include other wwoofers as well.
The story gets even stranger because although Todd & Benita live in California they did not grow up there. In fact, Benita is German & Brazilian and Todd spent his childhood in Sub-Saharan Africa because his parents were international teachers. Now the interesting part is that I took a group photo of all the wwoofers one day and I put it on the BeersandBeans Facebook page. Imagine my surprise when one day I got an email from Lorna at The Roamantics telling me she saw two of her friends in the photo. Her friends were none other than Todd & Benita! Since then Lorna and I have been chatting online and are becoming quick friends. If you haven’t checked out her website you definitely should – it’s awesome! You can also find her on twitter – @theroamantics
It goes to show you that it really is a small world. Even in the middle of a vineyard in Italy, you can meet someone that knows someone that you know (even if it only is online). The friendships and random connections you make on the road never cease to blow my mind!
So with that story in mind, I am starting off my portrait series with the photos I took of Todd & Benita for their magazine spread. Todd and Benita – if you guys are reading this – we miss you and can’t wait to see you again! Also, I should mention Todd & Benita make some really AWESOME videos and they made one of our time on the farm. If you want to watch it just click here. You can even see a cameo from Randy! You really should watch it, it’s only about 2 mins long and it gives a really great idea of what life was like on the farm – the awesome food, the endless wine, i could go on and on…..
Portraits of Wwoofers
This is part 1 of what will probably be a 3 part series. I hope you like them!
Benita eating grapes in the sun. Definitely one of my favorites from the farm! The light on the farm was always so radiant.
We felt it was necessary to show some grapes and the forbici’s we used to cut them day in and day out on the farm. We came up with this pose because it looked strange to have the forbici’s (scissors) anywhere near Benita’s baby belly!
Amazing light, a setting sun, rows and rows of vines and one of the cutest couples on earth.
I love this picture from the end of the day.
Todd came up with his own solution for the rain. I LOVED this wall of the farmhouse and how perfect his whole get up is next to it! I think this portrait is awesome and I smile every time I see it.
In the hills of Tuscany. Rows of olive trees and grape vines. I really miss this place, the people and the amazing views!
Another favorite of mine. They had no idea I took this picture until after when they saw the photos. These two were really made for each other.
If you want to read more about our time volunteering on an organic winery, visit these stories about wwoofing in Italy.
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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me to ask first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(28) awesome folk have had something to say...
Tweets that mention WWoofing on a farm in Italy – Portraits of Wwoofers in Tuscany | beersandbeans.com — Topsy.com -
at 5:36 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Erica Kuschel. Erica Kuschel said: RT @BeersandBeans Portraits of Wwoofers in Tuscany, Italy – Part 1 of 3 http://j.mp/h7u7RN ::These are so lovely!:: […]
Dave and Deb -
at 6:49 am
Okay, so I missed the previous posts about Wwoofing, but now I am totally intrigued. That looks like an amazing way to spend some time in Tuscany. And your photos are heavenly. I use that word because it looks like a slice of heaven. Now I am going to go back in your archives and check this out.
Sorry I missed some of your posts. The last couple months have been super travel busy in places with poor internet, namely China. Cheers.
Bethany -
at 10:42 am
Hi guys! Thanks for leaving your awesome comment. I completely understand about the lack of internet too – plus you’re traveling you’re supposed to be having fun.
The wwoofing was awesome though.@Dave and Deb,
Greg -
at 9:50 am
Looks awesome… I can’t wait to hear the next two parts and see the pictures… Very cool opportunity!
Bethany -
at 8:08 am
Thanks Greg, it was great. We had a blast
Annie -
at 11:10 am
I’m so bummed I missed you guys when you were so close! Wwoofing is definitely on my bucket list, just haven’t decided where… maybe NZ…
How cute is she with her baby belly! You paint a great picture as always!
Bethany -
at 5:29 pm
Oh that would’ve been so fun! Where were you? @Annie,
Annie -
at 11:54 pm
@Bethany, I’m living in Florence at the moment
Bethany -
at 7:48 am
Oh my god- You are so lucky! I loved Florence! We went there twice it is such a bummer we missed you! @Annie,
Tweets that mention WWoofing on a farm in Italy – Portraits of Wwoofers in Tuscany | beersandbeans.com — Topsy.com -
at 11:33 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Annie Bettis, inka piegsa, Christy Boyce and others. Christy Boyce said: RT @BeersandBeans: Portraits of Wwoofers in Tuscany, Italy – Part 1 of 3 http://goo.gl/fb/aaMx2 […]
Sarah Wu -
at 8:36 pm
Such a warming love pictures. So sweet! Loving the flare from the sun. Adds a special feeling to the shots. It reminded me of a shot I had in Tuscany when the sun is shinning on us. http://su.pr/2NJs2x
bethany -
at 5:30 pm
sarah that is such a cute photo! I love it! It looks just like an engagement photo.
@Sarah Wu,
Sarah Wu -
at 7:15 pm
aww thank you!
Zablon Mukuba -
at 9:51 pm
she is 7 months pregnant!?? and is still WOOFing, she is really something
bethany -
at 5:31 pm
I know – it’s incredible huh? But if you think about it – it’s great – she’s outside in the fresh air, getting some exercise and eating amazing organic food! Don’t worry, her hubby carried all the heavy grape boxes.
@Zablon Mukuba,
Ayngelina -
at 5:04 am
Great photos yet again Bethany. This reminds me I really need to look into WWOOFING in Chile.
bethany -
at 5:32 pm
Hi Ayngelina – you totally should. I think you would love it! How long are you going to be there for? There is a chance we might be coming to SA instead of SEA – would be great to meet up! @Ayngelina,
David -
at 10:20 am
Great photos…I felt like I was taking a walk right there with you!
Bethany -
at 7:40 am
Thanks David
Lorna – the roamantics -
at 5:23 pm
these photos are beautiful beth!!! todd & benita look so beautiful too. still can’t believe how we met. thanks so much for including me here. it truly IS a small world… and i’m grateful for it!
Bethany -
at 10:22 am
Thanks Lorna – You have some beautiful friends
@Lorna – the roamantics,
Portraits of Wwoofers in Tuscany, Italy | beersandbeans.com -
at 12:18 pm
[…] is Part 2 of a 3 part series. To see more pictures please visit Portraits of Wwoofers In Tuscany (Todd & Benita) Part […]
Julie Bradley -
at 8:22 am
Beautiful pictures Bethany. Love the idea of Tuscany. Your pictures only cemented my visions of what it must be like there. Someday I hope to do pottery in a little studio there.
Bethany -
at 10:23 am
Oh that sounds lovely Julie – I’m sure you could make a lot of beautiful pieces there – it’s a very atmospheric place.
@Julie Bradley,
How to WWOOF on an organic farm | NetScoops -
at 4:40 pm
[…] more about the WWOOFing program. Or, stop by Randy Kalp’s site where you can find out all about WWOOFing at a winery in […]
Marg Wetzell -
at 12:40 pm
Hello! I just would like to give a large thumbs up for the great info you’ve here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for much more soon.
Kelsey -
at 5:45 am
What wonderful portraits!
Bethany -
at 6:43 pm
Just catching this comment now – thanks Kelsey
It was such a beautiful place filled with wonderful people.