Somewhere In Time Photo|HDR of Apartments In Oakland, California.
Somewhere In Time is a weekly photo from around the world. Enjoy!
A few weeks ago I was visiting my cousin in Oakland while getting ready to shoot a wedding in the Bay area. I peeked out her kitchen window and found this amazing view of the Hill Castle Apartment complex. I loved the sign and the urban look of the entire scene so I took a few pictures and decided to run the HDR treatment on them. The noisy pattern on the photo (you can see it best in the sky) comes from her kitchen screen which I could not get out of the window for the picture. In the end, it actually turned out pretty cool and the noise from the screen added to the final product. Oakland is an interesting place. Known by most as crime ridden and grungy, it has a thriving indie scene and a large amount of community based activism. It also has a LOT of really cool, 20’s style art deco signs. I think my cousin said it had the 3rd largest amount of art deco in the entire U.S. Pretty cool and definitely unexpected.
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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of, & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me to ask first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(13) awesome folk have had something to say...
Erica -
at 12:44 am
Love the processing! Looks totally like a comic book!
Bethany -
at 10:09 pm
Thanks Erica! I love it too! @Erica,
Sarah Wu -
at 11:56 pm
Great hdr shot and that noise actually made it look even more cooler. It also has a sad feel to it since it’s in B&W. Like a lot history in the building.
Bethany -
at 10:10 pm
Yeah, it’s a little bit of a depressed area for sure. @Sarah Wu,
Tweets that mention HDR Photo of Apartments in Oakland, California | — -
at 9:59 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christine Amorose. Christine Amorose said: RT @OverYonderlust: RT @BeersandBeans HDR Photo of Apartments in Oakland, California | […]
Lorna – the roamantics -
at 10:28 pm
love this photo! and of course being an oaklander, i love what you say about oakland!
i’ve lived all over, traveled quite a bit, can afford to live elsewhere, and oakland is still where we chose to buy a home. oakland is so huge- 56 sq. miles and so incredibly diverse- racially, linguistically, culturally, economically- that unfortunately it’s assets can also be its undoing. they’re also what i love about it. that, and what you said about the awesome creative and community-minded folks. 
Bethany -
at 10:11 am
Oh I didn’t know you lived in Oakland! How cool! My cousin loves it there as well. It’s a really interesting place and I never spent a lot of time there when I lived in the bay area but now I really wish I did! @Lorna – the roamantics,
Shawn Brandow -
at 5:57 am
Love this photo! Reminds me of something you’d see in a dream, seen as only our mind would be able to. The pattern from the screen remind me of looking through a t-shirt as a kid. Thanks for this!
Bethany -
at 10:34 am
oh that’s such an interesting viewpoint but you’re right- it is like looking thru a t-shirt! @Shawn Brandow,
Sales and Rentals company Marbella -
at 2:54 pm
I love how you’ve captured this Hotel Apartment,Bethany! It looks more of a portrait. Though I’ve never been to Oakland,but reading your post,I wish I can visit the place!
Bethany -
at 7:39 am
Thanks! @Sales and Rentals company Marbella ,
Dina -
at 1:00 am
Black and white HDR, so cool! Your blog is a photography inspiration for me!
Bethany -
at 9:01 am
Oh Dina! That is one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever received – thank you! @Dina,