
Results from the Sh!ts on the Plane Poll.

By Posted in - Budget Travel & Travel Resources on

So what would you do, if the passenger next to you pooped their pants on the flight? (See the full story here: Sh!ts on a Plane.)  The people have spoken, and while it was a close call, 30 percent of the people who took the poll said they would yell, “Who sh!t on the mother lovin’ plane?” (Personally, my favorite too.) We have listed the full results of the poll below.

30.3%–Yell, “Who sh!t on the mother lovin’ plane?”

27.27%–Cover your face and ride it out?

21.21%–Find a new seat?

18.18%–Start drinking?

3.03%–Other answer…

0%–Wait patiently for the plane to land?

A big thank you to everyone for the great comments and for participating in the poll. We hope that none of you will ever face this smelly moment, but if you do, at least now you’ll be prepared.

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