
Carlsbad State Beach Campground Review.

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(The ocean view from the campground.)

NOTE: To read more tips on getting a good site and saving 1/2 off of your rate, read our other post about saving $$ while camping at California state beach campgrounds.

Carlsbad State Beach campground is really a nice place to camp in California. As far as I can tell it’s pretty laid back, filled mainly with retiree’s and families. We’ve camped here a couple times now and I’ve yet to see any big parties going on.

The campground layout is a bit boring – it’s basically one straight road with spots on either side. It’s not a private campground by any means – you will be surrounded by other campers.

The Carlsbad campground is located on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the waves are really loud and will lull you to sleep which is quite nice. The sunsets are beautiful.

This campground has a store, an education area for kids and surfboard rentals! This is a pretty big surf spot so rent a board and try your luck. There are several staircases leading from the campground to the beach. The beach is also perfect for swimming & just walking along the shore.

This campground does not have electricity at any of the sites. If you need to plug in your computer you’ll have to bring a chair into one of the bathrooms or into the laundry room.

They do charge an extra $12 to keep an extra car at the site but there is a large residential area right outside the campground where you can park an extra car if you need to.

Is this the right campground for you?

Carlsbad campground is a great place to camp if you want to relax, read and sit on the beach for a few days. It’s great for families and retiree’s. If you’re looking for a place to camp and party you will be better off down the street at San Elijo State Beach (which I am writing a review up for next week). This campground feels a bit more private and it is definitely a lot quieter than San Elijo.

Know before you go:

This campground fills up fast! If you’re going to be here on the weekend make sure to make your reservation 48 hrs in advance. If you drive in, you will most likely not get a site.

Carlsbad Campground Fees:

$35/ inland site  $50/ocean site  $12/day for an additional car (yes a trailer is a car), showers $1 for 3 minutes

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  • […] This campground fills up fast! If you’re going to camp here in the summer make sure to make your reservation 48 hrs in advance. If you drive in, you will most likely not get a site. To read more tips on getting a good site read our other post about saving $$ on your camping site. To read our review of the Carlsbad campground please click here. […]