Headed to Utah’s COLD wonderland!.

By Posted in - Travel Gear & U.S.A. & Utah on March 23rd, 2010

Tomorrow at 5:30 am I leave for Utah. It’s 9:30 pm now and I haven’t packed a thing!

I am a serious procrastinator. My friends were packed days ago.

We are going to stay at Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park and it is going to be cold. I just checked the weather and it’s 20 degrees there!

So I am going with my cousin Sarah and my friend Lauren and they want to camp & hike.

I love camping – just not when it’s 20 degrees out.

This is what I have so far:

1 Marmot sleeping bag (to 15 degrees) & a silk sleep sheet

1 Big Agnus sleeping mat

1 Backpack full of warm clothes – 2 hoodies, 3 yoga pants (for layering under clothes), 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of wool pants, 2 t shirts, 2 long sleeve shirts

My awesome folding toothbrush

1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of fuzzy warm slippers (for the campfire), my trustee ole’ flip flops just in case it warms up (you never know!)

Randy’s REI jacket and fleece (Just found out today my winter coat is missing – oops!)

Then as I was picking up some last minute items at Target I remembered that I have also misplaced my P.J.’s and I definitely am not wearing shorts to bed in 30 degree weather. So I went through the bargain bin to see if I could find some warm fleecy pants to wear.

I did.

They are pale pink with a kitten painted on one leg. I started laughing hysterically because they are SO ugly. It’s hard to imagine that anyone even allowed these to be made. But I had to buy them because well they are pink, with a painted kitten on them, they were $6 and my friends will laugh uncontrollably when they see me put them on for the first time! I can’t wait! Oh yeah they have butterflies and embroidered flowers that go all the way up the leg – sweet!

You didn't think I could make this up did you?

I got my camera gear all lined up, my kickin’ Camelbak daypack, my laptop & my wifi hotspot just in case I can get a signal.

What else do I need? I feel like I am really missing something and it’s going to be really hard to get it out there.

If you have any last minute pointers for me – please let me know!

I will get some pics up when I get back next weekend and I will get some Vegas pics up too. I haven’t even been able to edit them yet but we had a great time. I made up a new in-camera technique and got some cool shots that I am really excited about! Of course I’m gonna try it out at Bryce & Zion too!

See you next week with some good gear reviews – hopefully!

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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me to ask first because I love to share. Thanks!
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