Graveyard Musicians – Oaxaca, Mexico.
Somewhere In Time is a weekly post featuring a photo from around the world. Enjoy!
Walking around the Mexican cemeteries during El Día de los Muertos is a mind boggling experience. The cemeteries in Mexico are beautiful and lush – filled with trees and flowers. The sights, the sounds and the smells are almost overwhelming as you wander around from grave to grave watching the families tending to the loved ones eternal resting spots. While the tone is somber at some graves for the most part it is a happy, joyous time filled with food, music and alcohol. There were quite a few bands in the graveyard but this one was one of the most dedicated and emotional that we stumbled upon. It was quite apparent as more players & singers joined the group that this person was loved deeply and missed even more.
Photographers Tip:
If you visit Day of the Dead do yourself a favor and BRING A TRIPOD. I did not think of this and ended up buying a cheap one after the first night. I like to use a lot of blur in my shots anyway but without a tripod a lot of the shots from the first night were a total wash and it was frustrating. Although the cemeteries are very crowded and it is hard to set one up without it being tripped on you still need it to capture the excitement in the dark cemeteries. If you forget to bring one like I did there are a couple camera shops around town that you can buy one at.
To see the rest of the Somewhere In Time pictures click here.
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(5) awesome folk have had something to say...
Dave and Deb -
at 7:28 am
Beautiful picture and the blurb about it even made it more meaningful. You captured the moment beautifully, I really do feel that everyone in the picture is missing the person.
Thanks for the advice on the tripod, good to note.
Dave and Deb -
at 7:30 am
OH, I forgot to thank you for the blogroll addition, we put you up on our link love as well, I thought that we had you up also. We must have talked about it and because both of us were busy planning,it never happened, because I thought that we had exchanged links already also:)
.-= Dave and Deb´s last blog ..Shilpgram Arts Festival in Rajasthan =-.
Sarah G -
at 1:45 pm
I am loving reading through all your posts about Oaxaca! I’m thinking of going there for Dia de los Muertos, and it looks like you had a great time. There are a few choices of places to go for DDLM and I’m wondering if you think Oaxaca is the best bet. Was it chaotic and crazy, or more mournful (as it appears in some of your pics like this one)? Gracias in advance!
.-= Sarah G´s last blog ..Earth- Wind- and Flyers- Hot Air Balloons Unite =-.
beersandbeans -
at 4:59 pm
Hi Sarah, Thanks for commenting! I can’t say whether I liked Oaxaca better than others because honestly I haven’t visited anywhere else for DDLM. I can say though that 100%, it was awesome! We had a great time from the minute we arrived. The graveyards were a mixture of chaos and mourning. It took me by surprise and I cried for about 10 mins at the first one I visited. All in all I would highly recommend going to Oaxaca. The people were so friendly, the food was amazing, the prices were great and the experience was unforgettable. Probably one of my favorite trips ever. I have a ton more photos and we have video which we still need to put up on this site – It was truly amazing. Let me know if you go and I can give you some more tips.
@Sarah G,
Getting Out of Auto — A Beginner’s Guide to Taking Better Travel Photos | Go Mexico Guide -
at 10:39 am
[…] that her photographs are excellent. Her Somewhere In Time photo series is stunning. This image of Graveyard Musicians captured during Day of the Dead in Oaxaca, Mexico is one of my […]