
Across the pond? Take a look see and save a life….

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If anyone reading this blog is from the U.K. (and google tells me you are) I greatly urge you to sign a petition going around in your neck of the woods. This is extremely important and gives all the regular Joes & Janes in the world the chance to save a life.

Are you familiar with Baldy?

If not, you should be. A quick read on his blog will tell you of his campaign to save lives, a deeper read (which you will do when you get hooked) will tell you the story of his past couple of years. The ups, the downs, his leukemia battle and the lessons on life we can all learn a bit from.

If your still wondering what I’m talking about, the petition is about Bone Marrow donation. Signing up to be a donor is the best thing to do but if you can’t donate, sign the petition so teenagers can become informed (thru the school system) about donating and learn how to make their own decisions on the matter. It’s simple – the more people on the bone marrow register, the more people who have a chance to win the battle against leukemia. Easy, right?

So step up to the plate and save someone’s life.

I know most people cringe when they think about donating bone marrow but things are different now. About 10 years ago there was a 7 year old girl living in Texas, USA, that was dying of leukemia. My friend Karyn, who has a rare blood type (and is a ridiculously caring & funny person – see pic) was asked to donate when she was at our college blood drive.

She didn’t think twice about it.

Karyn putting on her party boobs.

She knew she could help someone else live and that was all she needed to know. Back then it was different, a tough process. I remember how she told me about her experience and how the doctors had to repeatedly thrust huge needles into the back of her hips over and over again to pull out the marrow. Even though her entire back was black and blue and she was in pain for quite some time she never regretted her decision. A couple years later, she met the little girl whose life she saved and by some strange instance Oprah got word of this donation and had them all the show! It was crazy!

Lucky for us donation is different now. Watch the video.

The medical community has taken great strides to make bone marrow donation an easy process. It’s so easy now, you can do it in your street clothes sitting in a chair. It’s basically like giving blood – no jabbing needles or hospital stays. Bring your Ipod! It’s so easy there is no excuse why we all can’t do it.

Baldy’s quest is an important one and one that needs to continue. Not only do I love reading his blog and think he is completely awesome, I am also totally in awe of him. If one person can do so much in the last bit of time they have left, isn’t there something that we can all do as well?

I was diagnosed with cancer this past December and his mission has extra meaning to me. I was lucky though, I had the 2nd best type of cancer you can get. I’m still struggling with pills, weight gain and fatigue but every day I’m getting better & healthier. 

I wish Adrian was too because the world cannot afford to lose someone like him.

Every day has new meaning to me now and every 24 hours we all get the chance to start again. If you can’t do it for yourself then do it for someone else. Make a change, make a difference – save a LIFE.

It only takes a few seconds. Sign your name.

Learn more at the Anthony Nolan Trust (U.K.) and at Marrow.org (U.S.).

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