
Travel Scholarship!!.

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This seems really awesome and I wish I was still a student so I could try out for it!

Podcast Documentary Scholarship, 2008

Do you dream about being an intrepid journalist seeking out stories from remote parts of the world? Then here is the opportunity for you!

WorldNomads.com will send one exceptional student on assignment to visit a Fred Hollows eye camp in remote, Cambodia. You will receive training from ABC Radio Journalist and Executive Producer, Tim Latham. Staying at the eye camp for three days witnessing sight restoring cataract surgery to local villagers and gaining special access to interview The Fred Hollows team and local villagers, you will seek out your own unique story to be recorded on your new mobile digital recorder.

Post assignmnet you will enjoy a 6 day Intrepid Tour of Cambodia’ to delve deeper into their rich history and culture. The Scholarship covers airfares from your nearest international airport to Phnom Penh, mobile digital recorder, travel vaccinations, visa costs and per diems.

Once you have returned home, you’ll create a 10 – 15 minute Podcast Documentary which World Nomads will submit to a number of international radio programs, podcast channels and partner sites such as Intrepid Travel, The Fred Hollows Foundation and Lonely Planet, giving you the chance to have your story heard by thousands of travellers.

What you’ll be doing

  • We’ll fly you in from your country of residence and you’ll have to be available to be in Cambodia between February 16th and February 28th 2008.
  • Prior to leaving you will be mentored by journalist Tim Latham to guide you in how to approach finding your story.
  • In Cambodia, you will be given unique access to interview members of The Fred Hollows team and be assisted by a translator to interview patients and local community members.
  • Post assignment you will enjoy a 6 day Intrepid Independant tour.
  • You will keep a daily diary about your time on the trip and upload this plus pictures you’ve taken to your World Nomads travel journal.
  • On your return you will receive further mentoring from Tim Latham to assist in editing together your story. You will then upload the 10 – 15 minute documentary podcast to the World Nomads web site within 2 months of your return.
  • Most of all, you’ll be experiencing what it’s like to be journalist in a remote location in one the most beautiful and friendly countries in the world.

Where you’ll be going

  • You will fly to Phnom Penh in Cambodia and travel by 4WD to the Kampong Thom Province. This is the real deal! Travelling to a remote area involves a full day’s journey on dirt roads, not for the faint hearted!
  • You will stay in a basic hotel in Kampong Thom Province and travel daily to and from the remote eye camp in the Baray District. (approximately 2 hours each way, so you must be prepared for some rustic travel!).
  • Your Intrepid tour travels from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap taking in all the sights including the magnificent temples of the Angkor Complex.

Who can apply

  • To be eligible you have to be a journalism, media, radio, arts/communications student at a recognised educational institution and speak fluent english.
  • Minimum age 18.
  • You should be a mad-keen auteur with a lust for adventure and a desire to enhance your journalism skills.
  • You must be prepared for lots of overland travel in rustic conditions!


(4) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Travel Scholarship!! -

    at 8:52 am

    […] IT wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptOnce you have returned home, you’ll create a 10 – 15 minute Podcast Documentary which World Nomads will submit to a number of international radio programs, podcast channels and partner sites such as Intrepid Travel, The Fred Hollows … […]

  • bridgette -

    at 2:22 pm

    that is very cool…

  • Lake Of The Ozarks -

    at 10:43 pm

    Lake Of The Ozarks…

    Having a connection to limitless websites dealing with this is great….

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