Blog Giveaway: Win a Windows 8 Intel Tablet!.

I recently wrote about putting a Windows 8 Atom tablet to the test as part of SocialChorus’ #TabletCrew, and now they have asked us to help promote it further by putting a brand new Intel tablet into one of our fan’s hands.
You can enter to win a Samsung ATIV Smart PC tablet valued at $649. The contest will run from today through 11:59 PDT on Saturday, March 23. We’ll randomly select a winner on Sunday, March 24, and put you in contact with SocialChorus to claim the grand prize. (Unfortunately, this giveaway is only for U.S. based fans.)
Seriously, you’re giving away a Windows 8 tablet?
Yep! We’re really excited to be able to offer this fantastic prize to one of our readers. I’ve been using my Acer tablet for nearly two months, and I am proud to say I am a PC again. What I dig about Intel’s new Atom tablets is that they can run Windows 8 store apps as well as legacy programs, like iTunes and Microsoft Office. Not only that, the new Atom processors offer outstanding battery life, which makes them ideal for travel. In fact, I recently coupled mine with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and will be taking it to the Galapagos Islands with us this week.
Here’s a few details about the Samsung ATIV Smart PC 500T you can win:
- Intel Atom Z2760 1.8GHz processor; experience seamless computing
- 2GB of DDR2L memory; delivers fast, consistent data throughput
- 64GB eMMC; saves all your files and other data
- 11.6″ LED HD Display; provides a smooth and intuitive touch navigation
- Windows 8 32-Bit OS; includes the latest Windows operating system
How do you enter?
It’s simple! You can earn up to 3 entries. We will give you one entry for each of these actions that you complete.
1. You can post a comment in this blog post telling us the first place you’d take the tablet if you won.
2. You can enter on our Facebook page. Just follow this LINK and then place your vote in our reader’s poll.
3. You can enter through twitter. Follow @BeersandBeans, and then tweet out this message:
“I just entered to win a Samsung Tablet from @beersandbeans! #inteltablets #tabletcrew”
That’s it! If you have any questions, just let us know!
Good Luck!
Beth & Randy
The Rules:
The winner must be U.S. based, and agree that they are receiving a Samsung ATIV Smart PC 500T with no service or customer support attached. If they have problems with their tablet, they must contact Samsung directly. SocialChorus will ship the tablet within four weeks from the date that we notify them of the winner.
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*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first. Thanks!
(48) awesome folk have had something to say...
Stef -
at 5:58 am
I’d take it with me to Istanbul!
Marta Hagler -
at 6:09 am
The first place I would take it would be the car!
Mike -
at 6:09 am
I would take mine to the Bahamas!
Kirsten -
at 6:21 am
I would take mine to Baku, Azerbaijan, my next trip!!
Angela Yeremenko -
at 6:27 am
I would take my tablet on my roadtrip to Canada.
Meghan -
at 6:38 am
I’m heading to Brussels this summer and the tablet would help me stay organized and in touch
Megan Sullivan -
at 6:56 am
I would take mine to London…
Wil @ Where’s Wil -
at 7:04 am
I would take this to the beach in Cambodia.
leeloo -
at 7:34 am
I would take it to Siberia!
RJ -
at 9:06 am
First place I’d take this tablet is to work instead of lugging this laptop around everywhere.
Lauren, Ephemerratic -
at 9:20 am
The first place I’d take it is to the park near my house in San Francisco. It always feels so obvious and risky to have a laptop out at the park — my New York paranoia is still strong after 15 years in San Francisco. But sometimes I just want to read things I have on my computer but sit in the sunshine while doing it!
Ann -
at 12:55 pm
I’d take it to the beach!
Sanja -
at 1:19 pm
Hi. I would take the tablet with me to my next trip to Brasil in May. After that I would use it to broadcast my wedding in June to my family in Europe :).I do not own a tablet yet, but would really like to.
Daryle -
at 1:59 pm
I would take it with me to Mexico! I have the first generation iPad and am ready for something new.
Lindsay Fultz (@LindsayFultz) -
at 3:23 pm
I would take my tablet to the bar! Happy Hour x2:)
Alethea Smartt LaRowe -
at 3:42 pm
I used a netbook when we traveled around the world but sold it last year. I’ve never had a tablet and would love to take the Samsung ATIV Smart PC on our upcoming 2-week trip to Alaska!
Siouxsi -
at 5:29 pm
I think I’d drive over to the coast and enjoy it in the sunshine, while listening to the ocean. I’d also love to have it at Yellowstone next year….keeping my fingers crossed!
Ruth -
at 5:36 pm
I will take my tablet to my nearest cafe or bookstore!
Karen Koval -
at 5:50 pm
I would take mine to the Jersey Shore.
Alicia -
at 5:56 pm
I would take it with me to Hawaii, what a great way to document my trip and stay connected to family at home while we are there!!!!
Chad -
at 6:14 pm
I’d take it to brazil.
Katrina -
at 6:57 pm
This is nice timing- I have been looking for the right tool to use while traveling and starting up/maintaining my wine blog. I would bring this tablet with me on my upcoming year and a half long budget journey through South France, Croatia and Australia! And boy, it would get a lot of action.
Nat -
at 9:50 pm
Can’t take it anywhere ; I am not US based
Tara -
at 4:15 am
Um, I would take the tablet along with me as I ride the transsiberian railroad. Definitely would need some entertainment for some of the stretches
Tammy S -
at 6:35 am
The first place I would take it would be the bookstore.
Victoria -
at 8:07 am
I would take it with me to visit family and friends in Seattle!
Tam -
at 8:13 am
I would take it to the Caribbean. My home base is in America but I am just not currently there, is it still ok to enter the comp? I would go back to the States to pick it up, visit family and then back to the Caribbean to play with my brand new toy
– I know positive thinking here.
Michelle -
at 10:50 am
I would take it to Paris on my honeymoon! I’m constantly looking for tech tools that can keep me up to date while on the go!
Michael -
at 11:17 am
Holy smokes that’s an awesome giveaway!!
I’m doing a lot of trips to Europe this year so it’d be awesome to use this for that. Plus all the upcoming conferences.
Annie of TravelShus -
at 11:28 am
I would take it to Costa Rica! I’m hoping to explore sustainability and local experiences and this tablet would be a great way to capture these memories and travel ideas to share with everyone!
Cassie -
at 4:56 pm
Paris next month!
Kate -
at 7:00 am
Cool giveaway – I’d take it to the not so exotic Chicago (my next trip!)
Erica -
at 9:57 am
I’m a Mac, he is a PC. We would be taking this to TBEX Toronto! <3
Kenin Bassart -
at 3:01 pm
We’re both macs, but ONE of us will be taking this to TBEX and then INDIA!!
Samantha -
at 9:41 pm
Well since traveling isn’t really in my finances right now, the first place I would take it would be through NYC, my home.
Emily Jeffers -
at 5:33 am
I would take the tablet to London England with me on my study tour next year:)
kelly shields -
at 7:37 am
If I won this tablet I would take it with me to Buenos Aires this summer. I am traveling South America volunteering after I graduate nursing school in May. Buenos Aires is my first stop! This tablet would be a great addition to my carry-on!
Cammie Tran -
at 6:36 pm
I would give it to my husband and take it to Chicago on our next trip! It would really help him find this for us to do nearby as a family!
Joey M -
at 8:32 pm
I would take it to my parent’s house to show it off!
Neiddy -
at 4:18 am
I would take it on my trip to San Antonio, TX
Elisabeth -
at 12:41 pm
I’d love to take it with me on a trip to London!
Yeny F. -
at 9:01 pm
If I won, I would take the table eveywhere!
Larissa -
at 7:36 pm
I would take it on my road trip throughout the US this summer, searching out the best Barbecue joints!
Heather S -
at 9:37 pm
The first place I’d take it would be a meeting with coworkers, then Hawaii!
Corey -
at 10:27 am
I’d take it to live with me in Australia as I move out there in a few weeks to work and volunteer…then to the USA…then New Zealand…Fiji….EVERYWHERE!
Guide to Finland blog -
at 3:30 pm
Great post and I would take my tablet on a walking tour around Finlad and Norway
Skyfon -
at 3:21 am
I would my tablet on the Sunny Beach
Mike -
at 2:27 am
I would take it to the local coffee shop to plan my next trip!