
Castle Hopping in Northumbria, England.

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Everyone loves a little castle exploration on holiday and England has some of the best castles around!

Northumberland is a top holiday destination in England and for good reason. It has miles of pristine beaches, plenty of sport activities from fishing to rock climbing and the Northumbria coast and country is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

While staying in this beautiful beach area is an excellent way to relax and unwind you might be looking for something a little different on your next holiday to the area. Good news! Northumbria is home to some really unique castles that you can add to your itinerary the next time you’re in northern England.

Here are two that you won’t want to miss.

  • Bamburgh Castle

Bamburgh Castle

Photo by alexbrn via Flickr.

With several tourism awards under its belt, including a nod from Time Out Great Britian which says: “Bamburgh -the finest castle anywhere in this country” this castle tops this list. Perched on 9 acres of land this fortress is one of the most exciting to visit and even boasts three resident ghosts – The Pink Lady, Green Jane (and her baby) & Dr. John Sharp. With 16 areas to explore and archeological digs still going strong you can guarantee a visit to this castle will keep you occupied all day. While you’re there be sure to check out the legend of The Theft of Oswald’s Head and myth of The Laidly Worm & The Toad In The Keep. If you recently engaged and you’ve always wanted a fairytale wedding this might be the spot for you – it’s a premier destination for tying the knot.

You might want to bring your metal detector as well. Several stashes of old coins have been found all around the grounds!

Particulars – Hours: Open from Nov 1, 2011 – Feb 10, 2012 on weekends only from 11am to 4:30pm. Open daily the rest of the year from 10am – 5pm. Prices: Adults – £8.50, Kids – £4, Seniors – £7.50, Families – £21

  • Alnwick Castle

Alnwick Castle

Photo by Dalekwidow via Flickr.

Alnwick Castle is a ‘living’ castle. Yep, that means people still live here – the Percy family has owned and called this castle home for the past 700 years. Not a bad asset to have in the family will! Sure you might be staying in one of the numerous Northumbrian cottages but just remember – at least you don’t have to dust a castle! If visiting a living castle isn’t unique enough what really makes this place stand out is the cast of characters that have waltzed through it doors – including none other than the famous Harry Potter!

Alnwick castle was used for many of the scenes in the Harry Potter movies making it is a sure fire hit for kids (and adults) of all ages. In fact along with the gardens, art collections and museums you can actually take Potter inspired tours and learn broomstick control! You can actually become a broomstick master in the very same location where Harry learned how to control his own broomstick! This fact alone is sure to make you the most popular parent on the block. The cost is included in the ticket but be sure to ask about it upon entry as the high demand requires specific times to be booked. It’s advised to book early so you don’t miss out.

Not into the Potter saga? Don’t worry, there are plenty of other medieval games, crafts and tours to take part in each day.

Particulars – Hours: The castle is closed for the winter season but they still host holiday parties so be sure to check them out if you’re in the area. It reopens on March 31, 2012. Prices: Adult – £13.00, Child – £6 (under 5 yrs free), Families – £34 Buy your tickets online and save 15%!

*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers and Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you do want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

(2) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • People still live in Alnwick Castle AND Harry Potter was filmed there?? So jealous – I’ve wanted to live in a castle since I was a kid. 🙂

  • Aussie on the Road -

    at 6:58 pm

    The nerd in me – and it’s still there no matter how I try and suppress it – would be ecstatic about the prospect of exploring a few castles. Jealous!