The Random Rome I Love – Friday Night Fountains.

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It’s no secret that Rome has a LOT of fountains. Making time to view some of the fountains is pretty much a prerequisite for any itinerary in Rome. I had plans to visit the Trevi fountain during our brief 48 hours in Rome but given the fact that I am the ultimate travel planner (not) we didn’t make it to any of the famous fountains that Rome had to offer. Which is fine with me because the one random fountain we stumbled upon was the one that made me fall a little more in love with Rome.

This fountain wasn’t famous, it wasn’t full of tourists snapping photos, it wasn’t full of amazing sculptures. Heck I’m not even sure there was water in it but it didn’t matter because it was perfect. The random thing I love about Rome isn’t that fact that they have a lot of fountains it’s what happens at the fountains. In the evening the people gather. They drink wine, eat ice cream cones, flirt, socialize, kiss and have fun with their friends & family. It’s fantastic! Instead of retreating to dark, lonely bars the fountains become the happening scene. They give people a place to go and hang out. The fountains become, if you will, an anchor of fun.

I didn’t know that after dark the fountains of Rome became gathering spots for it’s citizens but it was really fun stumbling into it. Honestly at first we wondered why people were just standing around hanging out – we thought maybe there was an event happening. Then after we stood around and hung out ourselves for a bit we realized nothing special was taking place – it was just a regular Friday night out on the streets of Rome. It just so happens that here people hang out at fountains at night, drinking & laughing. Which is a pretty special thing on it’s own if you ask me.

It was fun, mellow and something that should be a staple in any city.  Cops didn’t care & people didn’t act up. Everyone just had fun enjoying a beautiful Roman evening with their friends. American cities – you could really learn a thing or two from Rome. It made me wonder why this type of activity is so frowned upon in the U.S. Looking back – the evening left me with very fond memories of our travels in Italy and has left me lusting for a return trip to Rome.

If you’re going to Rome be sure to find a fountain to hang out at after dark. Just remember it’s BYOB.

*Please remember all photos on this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted and property of Beers & Beans Travel Website, Nariko’ s Nest Weddings & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

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(18) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Bluegreen Kirk -

    at 6:10 am

    Great shot! Its amazing that so many people would gather around a fountain that was empty. Love that you kept it in black & white.

  • crazy sexy fun traveler -

    at 12:52 pm

    Oh yeah, Rome fountains are just a must! So romantic!

  • Eurotrip Tips -

    at 3:58 pm

    Superb 🙂 I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your photo posts.

    Indeed, Rome fountains at night take a whole new appearance. Maybe it’s the babbling, the gestures, the soft light… I don’t know. But there’s something completely irresistible about it!

  • Scott -

    at 4:10 pm

    Love your picture! It probably could have been taken 20, 50, or 100 years ago as well. Between fountains and plazas, it really makes you wish there more areas like that here in North America.

    • Bethany -

      at 4:22 pm

      Thanks Scott. I agree – there really should be more places like this in North America! @Scott,

  • Dean -

    at 4:15 pm

    I noticed this while in Rome as well. Everyone gathers around the fountains. Some of the more popular fountains, especially the Trevi fountain are absolutely beautiful, but are packed with tourists and you don’t get these gatherings of locals around them.

    • Bethany -

      at 4:22 pm

      I was wondering about that – if the Trevi would be like this at night or not. Thanks for filling me in! @Dean,

      • Dean -

        at 4:30 pm

        @Bethany, Yes, but definitely still go and see it. It’s so beautiful, you just have to ignore the tourists 😉

  • Erin -

    at 12:37 pm

    mmm love me some Italy 🙂
    That is a great shot, glad you stumbled on to at least one fountain.

    • Bethany -

      at 8:04 am

      Italy is fantastic that’s for sure! I need to go back and find more fountains now. 🙂 @Erin,

  • Angela -

    at 12:36 am

    Great capture, how many memories Rome’s fountains bring back… 🙂

    • Bethany -

      at 8:05 am

      Thanks Angela – just seeing your comment is making me think about the memories I want to create at those fountains! I bet you have some great ones! @Angela,

  • Sarah Wu -

    at 5:36 pm

    Did you throw a coin and make a wish by the Trevi fountain? We did a free tour there and the guide told us if we throw the coin we’ll back in Rome again. Sounds nice so why not throw in a coin I said. It was very crowed but very lively. There’s a gelato place nearby and it made it even better for the night. Beautiful post girl.

    • Bethany -

      at 7:04 pm

      No, I never even made it to the Trevi! I have to go back. 🙂 @Sarah Wu,

      • Sarah Wu -

        at 10:05 pm

        when you go back throw the r coin in 🙂