Don’t Go Chasing Tinkerbells – Iceland Waterfall Photos.

On the way to Hofn the Icelandic landscape got more unique with each mile we put on the car. We passed small towns, big shopping malls, little roadside stands selling hamburgers with egg on top, injured birds warily eying each car as they whizzed by (I moved a lot of these little guys off the road), towers of carefully constructed rock gardens, galloping horses, moon-like ground cover and this cool waterfall.
The waterfall is called Seljalandsfoss and if you’re driving the southern side of the island you can’t miss it. With nowhere in particular to be (the best part of long term travel!), we hopped out and trekked around a bit. It may not be the biggest or the most magnificient of Iceland’s waterfalls but you can walk behind it! Yah! So over craggy hills and muddy tracks we slipped and slid our way to the back of the falls.
It was perfect, everything was covered in a constant dew and a dense, spongy moss blanketed even the tiniest nooks. Remembering that 90% of Iceland’s residents believe in elves, I looked for fairies under every rock and water-laden leaf.
“I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!” I chanted. But still Tinkerbell decided not to say hi. Maybe next time she will.
Want to view more photos of Iceland or read more about it? Check out more of our Icelandic stories.
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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of, & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!
(43) awesome folk have had something to say...
Ayngelina -
at 9:03 am
As always I’m in awe of your work. If I’m ever lucky enough to meet up with you I’m bringing my netbook for you to show me how to post process.
Bethany -
at 11:13 am
Thanks Ayngelina – that sounds like a plan! @Ayngelina,
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures -
at 2:04 pm
These pictures are insane!!! I’ve been to these waterfalls and you’ve captured their beauty perfectly.
Bethany -
at 5:51 pm
Thanks Andi!! I wish I had been there longer and seen more of them. @Andi of My Beautiful Adventures,
Alouise -
at 4:43 pm
Love these. Such gorgeous photos.
Bethany -
at 5:52 pm
Thanks Alouise! @Alouise,
Erica -
at 6:00 pm
I think I may have *squeed* a bit when I saw the picture of you guys. I’m not going to lie there. The pictures are beautiful Bethany! I think you just made Shaun add Iceland to his personal bucket list.
Bethany -
at 6:20 pm
Hahaha! I am trying to add more photos of us on here. I never really photograph well so it’s hard for me to put them up! Everytime I look at a picture of myself i’m like “really I look like that?” hahaha… You guys should totally go to Iceland. You would love it, it’s definitely dreamy and fairy-like. @Erica,
Kerrin -
at 6:12 pm
Wow – I cannot wait to go to Iceland! I’m headed there in June – any recommendations on best places to check out?
Bethany -
at 6:25 pm
Oh cool! That will be fun! My biggest recommendation is to budget in a rental car. There is NO public transportation outside the capital city and if you don’t rent a car you will end up paying for tour buses. That was the one thing I wish I knew before we went there. I want to go again and rent a car for a couple weeks and just drive the entire island. Another thing I would check out would be some of the thermal pools in Reykjavik. They cost about $3 for the entire day and you get access to amazing hot pots, waterslides, etc. Check out our Iceland Category
and you can find out a lot more that might help you – cheapest way to rent a car (they’re not cheap), 5 things to do for under $5 in Reykjavik, etc. We loved it though – contact me directly if you need more info! Have fun! @Kerrin,
Fresh From Twitter -
at 8:25 pm
[…] #photo Post** Don’t Go Chasing Tinkerbells – Iceland Waterfall Photos @beersandbeans MEXIKO: 4* Bellevue Beach Paradise mit 82% Empf. – Cancun – 2 Wo. DZ/AI ab 1449,- u20ac […]
Brooke vs. the World -
at 9:28 pm
uhm… gorgeous! breath-taking! perfect photos
Bethany -
at 10:10 am
Thanks Brooke
@Brooke vs. the World,
Zablon Mukuba -
at 10:22 pm
the photos you took are very good.
Bethany -
at 10:10 am
Thanks for commenting Zablon – I’m so glad you liked them! @Zablon Mukuba,
Connie -
at 11:30 pm
Whoa…I’m a bit speechless. I traveled in Iceland in 2007 and thought the landscape was one of the most beautiful that I’ve ever been lucky to witness. Your photos just completely blow my mind! They’re incredible and capture the essence of Iceland so well! Amazing.
Bethany -
at 10:11 am
Thanks Connie – coming from you it means a lot! @Connie,
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler -
at 9:10 am
It’s so beautiful! I really need to make it to Iceland.
Bethany -
at 10:11 am
It was a pretty cool spot – we both want to go back! @Christy @ Ordinary Traveler,
Bocas Man -
at 11:34 pm
Incredible photos! Never thought Iceland could be this beautiful. How do I get to Seljalandsfoss?
Bethany -
at 8:03 am
Thanks! You just take the popular Ring Road (Rt 1). You can’t miss it – it’s right on the side of the road. Are you going anytime soon? Loved your site BTW, signed up for your feed.
@Bocas Man,
Bocas -
at 4:18 pm
@Bethany, Maybe this summer
I was so captivated by your photos. Thanks Bethany. I will visit your site more often and get travel ideas too.
Bethany -
at 11:33 am
Oh I bet the summer would be an ideal time to visit. Have fun and thanks for the compliment
Camels & Chocolate -
at 11:35 am
I’ve been to all of these falls! But I really love your take on it. And yes, the gnome, elf and fairy tales in Iceland crack me up…kind of fits in well with the mythical feel of the country, though, if you ask me!
Bethany -
at 12:33 pm
You’re right! That’s totally true – it does feel very mystical there. Thanks for commentig
@Camels & Chocolate,
Charu -
at 12:19 pm
These pictures are INCREDS!!! They really make me want to visit…Well done you two!
Bethany -
at 12:34 pm
Thanks Charu – we loved it there – you should go one day if you can. @Charu,
Annie -
at 3:55 am
Fabulous shots, as always!
It’s nice to see such a great shot of you two in the mix! Brilliant colors!
Bethany -
at 10:55 am
Thanks Annie. you always leave the sweetest comments. @Annie,
England Vacations | Trip tips for the Lake District in Cumbria | Amsterdam Cheap Flight -
at 7:07 am
[…] for budget travel tips, then visit to find the best advice on Iceland waterfalls and traveling to Reykjavik. Category: Travel Tags: biking, Cumbria County, England […]
Andrea -
at 6:56 pm
You’ve certainly captured the magic here. So sweet about the little injured birds…I’m wondering what kind of birds they are and why so many were on the road…
Bethany -
at 11:33 pm
Hi Andrea, I’m not sure what type of birds they were but they were pretty big but not as large as a seagull. There are a lot of these birds in Iceland and I think the issue is that they were always getting hit by cars. A lot of times I would see them sitting in the middle of the road or right on the side. We would stop the car and I would go over to scare them away that’s when I realized they were stunned because they wouldn’t move. So I picked them up and brought them off the side of the road. No one seemed to bother with them and it was kind of sad because they were just sitting ducks in the middle of the road w/ cars whizzing past. We moved a lot of them – it was a pretty common occurence. Poor little guys…@Andrea,
Leigh -
at 10:30 am
Your work just seems to get better and better. Absolutely stunning shots.
Bethany -
at 11:39 am
Thank you Leigh! How are you doing these days? @Leigh,
Daily Travel Budget for Iceland. | -
at 11:16 pm
[…] $10) – a great deal, I highly recommend this for anyone going to Iceland. We hiked around the Seljalandsfoss Waterfall – free. We hung out with some Icelandic Horses – free. We walked around Reykjavik talking to […]
jade -
at 3:08 pm
I don’t know how I missed this, but yay- we went to that waterfall too and it was stunning! I loved being behind it and watching the water spray down. Such great pictures- really give me a feeling of being there.
Bethany -
at 11:52 am
Thanks Jade. I’m glad the photos brought you back. Whenever I see them they make me miss Iceland too.
GotPassport Family -
at 3:10 pm
Wow.. just wow. Of course these make my itchy feet that much itchier!
Bethany -
at 6:53 pm
I’m sure your whole family would love Iceland! @GotPassport Family,
Caz Makepeace -
at 3:01 am
Wow! Pretty amazing photos. You guys are talented. Tinkerbell comes to visit us every day- she’s Kalyra’s best friend.
Bethany -
at 6:55 am
Thanks Caz – awww… that is so cute! Your daughter is very lucky to have such a great friend!
@Caz Makepeace,
Denise -
at 10:34 pm
The third photo has such rich contrast in black and white that it gives me goosebumps!
Bethany -
at 6:55 pm
Thanks Denise